【安徽专版】《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修6-5

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1、选修6 Unit5课时作业(三十)The power of nature大自然的力量.单项填空1Disappointed,I was about to leave_something occurred,which_my attention.Awhile;paidBand;gotCbefore;drew Dwhen;attracted2We should make every_to protect the wild animals and let them live freely in the wild.Aaffect BaffordCeffect Deffort3The crowd fled

2、in all directions_when they saw the monster.Ain hurry Bin panicCwithout doubt Dbeyond wonder4The little boy,_two attempts to climb over the fence of the garden,decided to have another try.Ahaving made BmakingCmade Dhas made5It is all agreed that a good education doesnt_a good job.Aguarantee BresultC

3、depend Dswear6The research project has only been under way for three months,so its too early to_its success.Aconclude BevaluateCindicate Dreveal7(2020年徐州二模)Hillary Clinton arrived in Beijing yesterday,_the start of her short visit to China.Amarked Bhaving markedCmarking Dto mark8If you want to_in th

4、e world,you must learn to work hard while you are still young.Amake much of yourself Bmake the way outCmake you out Dmake your way9Before the final examination,many students have shown_of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.Asigns BmarksCanxiety Dremarks10Fath

5、er together with his good friends was_to go out for a camp_it began to rain.Ahardly;than Baround;asCabout;when Dnearly;while11Hes been_as judge in the State Supreme Court in California.Adetermined BappointedCadmitted Dassumed12_by the rising price of gas,many car owners use their cars less frequentl

6、y.ADriven BBeing drivenCTo drive DHaving driven13I wonder if she will show up at the concert.She will.She is only too_to watch the famous conductor.Aanxious BproudCinterested Dsatisfied14To our great_,Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.Aanxiety BreliefCview Djudgment15As

7、I waited for Mike to arrive,I_the clock and saw that he was late.Aglanced at Bstared atCwatched Dnoticed.完形填空(2020届英语周报模拟四)For 52 years my father got up every morning at 530 am.,except Sunday,and went to work.I_1_saw my father home from work ill.He had no hobbies,_2_taking care of his family.For 22

8、years,_3_I left home for college,my father_4_me every Sunday at 900 am.He was always interested in my_5_,or how my family was doing,and I never once heard him_6_about his lot (生活状况) in life.The calls even came when he and my mother were in other states.Nine years ago when I_7_my first house,my fathe

9、r,67 years old,spent three days_8_my house.He would not_9_me to pay someone to have it done.All he _10_was a cup of tea,a paint brush and to talk to him.But I was too_11_.I had a law practice to run,and I could not take_12_to hold the brush,or talk to my father._13_things happened several times late

10、r.The morning on Sunday.January 16,1996,my father telephoned me_14_,this time from my sisters home in Florida.But the_15_came again at 440 pm.that day.My father was in the_16_in Florida with an aneurysm (动脉瘤)I got on an airplane_17_,and on the way,I_18_of all the times I had not taken the time to ta

11、lk to my father.I determined that when I arrived,I would_19_for the lost time,and have a nice long talk with him.I arrived in Florida at 1130 pm.,my father had_20_at 912 pm.This time it was he who did not have time to talk,or to wait for me.1.A.ever BneverCalways Doften2A.other than Brather thanCmor

12、e than Dor rather3 A.because BbeforeCalthough Dsince4A.visited BpraisedCtelephoned Dmet5A.work BlifeCstudy Dplan6A.worry BcareCtalk Dlook7A.built BfoundCpurchased Dsold8A.repairing BpaintingCcleaning Ddecorating9A.teach BadviseCforce Dallow10A.asked BkeptCordered Dserved11.A.smartBupsetCbusy Dtired1

13、2A.practice BtaskCtea Dtime13A.Different BSimilarCFunny DStrange14A.as usual Bin painCcasually Dfinally15A.call BmomentCsituation Dscene16A.church BschoolChome Dhospital17A.immediately BhappilyCgradually Dcarefully18A.heard BspokeCthought Ddemanded19A.take up Bmake upCturn up Dput up20A.started out Bgiven inCpassed away Dcome back.阅读理解(2020年东北三校第一次联考,E)Madame de Stael says that only the people who can play with children are able



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