(新课标陕西专版)《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Computers随堂检测 必修2

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《(新课标陕西专版)《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Computers随堂检测 必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新课标陕西专版)《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Computers随堂检测 必修2(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修2 Unit3课时作业(八) Computers 计算机.单项填空1While there are some differences in the educational systems in many countries in the world,education is_.AregularBuniversalCordinary Dnormal2Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves,and_,she gets well paid for it.Asooner or later Bwhats moreCas a result D

2、more or less3(2020年辽宁大连模拟)I can judge that he is very_from the_look on his face.Aexcited;excited Bexciting;excitedCexcited;exciting Dexciting;exciting4Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did.As a matter of fact,I had such fun that time seemed to_so quickly.Ago by Bgo awayCgo out Dgo

3、over5Perhaps Im not quite fit for the job,but_,please let me have a try.Ain fact BanyhowCso Dotherwise6In_,he began to learn Russian,when he was in_.A1970;the 50s Bthe 1970;his 50sCthe 1970s;his fifties D1970s;his fifties7The new story is written in_easy English_even beginners can understand it.Asuc

4、h;that Bso;thatCsuch;as Dtoo;that8People may have different opinions about Kaven,but I admire her._she is a great musician.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DAs usual9He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_was seen at its best when he worked with others.Aadvantage BappearanceC

5、qualification Dcharacter10Nowadays,no single country can successfully_the global problems alone.Amake use of Bdeal withCcome up with Dgo through11Being able to speak another language fluently is a great_when you are looking for a job.Aassistance BchanceCadvantage Dimportance12_,you will get used to

6、the life here and have your understanding of life.AAs time going by BWith time passing outCAs time goes by DWith time goes by13_the help of the teacher,the student who wasnt good at math_the difficult problem quickly.AUnder;worked out BWith;worked onCUnder solved DWith;solved14The policeman_the chil

7、dren to cross the road when the traffic lights turned green.Alet BmadeCsignaled Dcalled15(2020届银川实验中学第一次月考)Remember the first time we met,Jim?Of course I do.You_in the library.Awere reading Bhad readChave read Dread.完形填空(2020年日照二模)I was on my lunch break in the city,enjoying a salad at an outdoor ca

8、fe,when a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me.She was yelling and _1_ everyone who walked past her for spare _2_ and she looked like a mess.My _3_reaction was fear.to close off and hope she didnt come near me,but she did.I was on the phone and when she _4_yelling,I said,“Im on the phone,” i

9、n the nicest way I could,assuring myself what she needed was a lesson in _5_.She walked away,mumbling (自言自语),“Im _6_you.Im sorry,Im sorry.Ill leave.” And she turned the corner._7_,I would feel relieved or satisfied,but something in me couldnt _8_.Without another thought,I looked in my _9_for the spa

10、re change I had.Even I started searching through my entire purse,the pockets,everythingfor all of the change I could _10_find to give.I got up and walked towards this lady and gave her all I _11_.She held my hand and said,“Thank you!” Her hand was _12_and dirty,but I didnt mind _13_her hand.I wanted

11、 to be there for her for some reason,when normally I would _14_the other way.She looked at me and said,“Will you touch my face?” And for some reason,I did.I put my hand on her cheek and she started to _15_.I could _16_it was as if she had not been touched by a loving,soft hand in ages,_17_,and so I

12、held it there,trying to _18_her with my heart open.It was powerful.She thanked me and walked away quietly.And I walked away with an open heart,trying to_19_sense of what had just happened.It changed something in me and has made me want to be a _20_person to the people I meet during my day.1.A.greeti

13、ng BpraisingCapplying Dbegging2A.change BroomCclothes Dfood3A.usual BinstantClast Dgeneral4A.came across Bcame outCcame over Dcame through5A.attitude BtroubleCpractice Dmanners6A.calling BhurtingCannoying Dabusing7.A.Fortunately BNormallyCLuckily DUnfortunately8A.rest BappearCenjoy Dexist9A.car BtableCwallet Dseat10A.necessarily BpossiblyCdeliberately Dcertainly11A.earned BsearchedCfound Dmade12A.soft BroughClarge Dneat13A.washing BwavingCwiping Dholding14A.lead BsetCturn Dshow15A.



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