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1、Chapter 1 International Trade Terms 国际贸易术语教学目的与要求通过本篇的学习,使学生了解贸易术语及国际贸易惯例的概念、性质,掌握各种贸易术语的具体内容及应用。通过学习,学生必须深刻领会各种贸易术语的含义以及使用各术语时应注意的问题。考核要点国际贸易术语的概念;13个贸易术语;教学内容案例引入:某进出口公司以CIF条件出口一批货物,卖方按时将货物装船,并且制备了所需的各项单据,不料船舶离港数小时后触礁沉没,第二天卖方凭符合规定的全套货运单据要求买方付款时,买方以货物已经灭失为理由,拒绝接受单据并拒绝付款。请说明买方的做法是否合理,并阐明理由。Unit1 Tra

2、de terms and International Trade Usages第一节 贸易术语和国际贸易惯例The definition of Trade Terms: The trade terms refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of t

3、he passing of the property in the goods.贸易术语(Trade Terms)是在国际贸易的长期实践中产生、用来规范国际贸易行为的。它用简略的文字或英文缩写来表示,用以表示商品的价格构成以及商品在交接过程中有关风险、责任和费用的划分。例如:Free On Board 或货运港船上交货,用英文缩写表示为:FOB价。买卖双方在洽谈过程中所采用的贸易术语不同,价格构成不同,买卖双方各自承担的风险、责任和费用也不相同。International Trade Usages There are three influential international trade

4、practices.1. Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 国际法协会制定的1932年华沙牛津规则It is mainly used to indicate the nature and characteristics of the CIF contract and also to stipulate the responsibilities of the two parties under CIF terms.2. Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 美国商会等商业团体制定的1941美国对外贸易修订本It defines si

5、x trade terms, i.e., Ex-point of origin, FOB, FAS, C&F, CIF AND Ex-Dock. Except Ex-point of origin and Ex-dock, the other four trade terms are explained quite differently from those in INCOTERMS. These trade terms are often adopted in the United States of America, Canada and some other countries in

6、America.3. International Rules For the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际商会制定的国际贸易术语解释通则The purpose of INCOTERMS is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Thus, the uncertainties of different interpretations of such term in dif

7、ferent countries can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree.INCOTERMS2000 are worked out on the basis of INCOTERMS1990 and came into effect on January1,2000. FCA、FAS and DEQ in INCOTERMS2000 are different from those in INCOTERMS19902000年国际贸易术语解释通则是由国际商会制定的,国际商会是世界上最重要的民间贸易组织,一直在国际贸易

8、法不断更新的进程中发挥着重要的作用。INCOTERMS便是其中最主要的成果之一。国际商会于1999年9月13日正式公布了贸易术语的千年版2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2000)。INCOTERMS 2000于2000年1月1日正式生效,并取代了自1990年以来实施的INCOERRMS 1990。Unit2 The Trade Terms of the group E、F、C in INCOTERM2000第二节 2000通则中E、F、C组中的贸易术语The trade terms of group E (E组中的贸易术语)EXW Ex Works (named place

9、) 工厂指定地点交货It means that the sellers only responsibility is to make the goods available for loading the goods onto the vehicle provided by the buyer, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears the full cost and risks involved in carrying the goods from there to the desired destination. EXW thus represe

10、nts the minimum obligation undertaken by the seller. “工厂交货(指定地点)”是指当卖方在其所在地或其他指定的地点(如工场、工厂或仓库)将货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货,卖方不办理出口清关手续或将货物装上任何运输工具。该术语是卖方承当责任最小的术语。买方必须承当在卖方所在地受领货物的全部费用和风险。但是,若双方希望在起运时卖方负责装载货物并承当装载货物的全部费用和风险时,则须在销售合同中明确写明。在买方不能直接或间接的办理出口手续时,不应使用该术语,而应使用FCA,如果卖方同意装载货物并承当费用和风险的话。 The trade terms o

11、f group F (F组贸易术语)FOB, Free on Board (Named port of Shipment) It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods when they have passed over the ships rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all expenses and risks of or damage to the goods from that

12、 point.FOB全称为Free On Board(named port of shipment)中文意思为:装运港船上交货(指定装运港)“船上交货(指定装运港)”是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。这意味着买方必须从该点起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。如当事各方无意越过船舷交货,则应使用FCA术语。FCA, Free carrier (Named place) It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has hand

13、ed over the goods, cleared for export, into the custody of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose within the place or range stipulated where the carrier shall take charge of the goods. When, according to commer

14、cial practices, the sellers assistance is required in making the contract with the carrier, the seller may act at the buyers risk and expenses.“货交承运人(指定地点)”是指卖方只要将货物在指定的地点交给买方指定的承运人,并办理了出口清关手续,即完成交货。需要说明的是,交货地点的选择对于在该地点装货和卸货的义务会产生影响。若卖方在其所在地交货,则卖方应负责装货,若卖方在任何其他地点交货,卖方不负责卸货。 该术语可用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。“承运人”

15、指任何人在运输合同中,承诺通过铁路、公路、空运、海运、内河运输或上述运输的联合方式履行运输或由他人履行运输。若买方指定承运人以外的人领取货物,则当卖方将货物交给此人时,即视为已履行了交货义务。FAS, Free alongside ship (Named port of shipment) 指定装运港船边交货It means that the sellers obligations are fulfilled when the goods have been placed alongside the vessel on the quay or in lighters. This means t

16、hat the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of, losses of or damage to the goods from that moment. It should be noted that, unlike FOB, the present terms require the buyer to clear the goods for export.“船边交货(指定装运港)”是指卖方在指定的装运港将货物交到船边,即完成交货。买方必须承担自那时起货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。FAS术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。这一点与以前版本的内容相反,以前版本要求买方安排办理出口手续。但是,如当事方希望买方办理出口手续,需要在销售合


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