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1、希尔顿酒店设计和施工标准第26 节 电梯/扶梯26-1.00 GENERAL26-1.00 总则26-1.01 An elevator study must be submitted that supports a 42 second maximum wait time interval. Criteria shall be: A.) 85% occupancy; B.) 2.4 occupants per room; C.) two hour window and D.) a minimum of one passenger elevator for each 125 guestrooms

2、or portion thereof.必须提交一份支持42 秒最大等待时间间隔的电梯研究报告。标准应为:A.)85% 入住率;B.) 每个房间2.4 人;C.) 两小时耐火窗口以及 D.) 每125 间客房至少一部客梯或者其他规定。26-1.02 All hotels must have a minimum of three (3) public elevators with a minimum 3,000 pound (1350 kg) capacity. If major ballroom and meeting space is located above the lobby / str

3、eet level, additional shuttle elevators may be required, as directed by Hilton Hotels Corporation.所有酒店必须至少有三(3)部最低承载能力为3,000 磅(1350 千克)的公共电梯。根据希尔顿酒店集团的要求,如果主宴会厅和会议室位于大堂/街道水平面的上方,则可能需要额外的短程电梯。26-1.03 Public elevators must be visibly located near the front desk/lobby area.公共电梯必须位于前台/大堂区附近的显着位置。26-1.04

4、 Public elevators control panel must have a card reader for access to executive levels, when provided.如可行,公共电梯控制面板必须配有通达行政楼层的读卡器。26-1.05 Escalators should be provided when major ballroom and meeting rooms are located on different level from the street / lobby level. Escalators must have a minimum wi

5、dth of 48 (1.2m) and a maximum speed of 90 FPM (.46M/sec. Provide glass railing / Balustrades when freestanding.如果主宴会厅和会议室不在大堂楼层/街道平面,则应提供电动扶梯。电动扶梯的宽度至少应为 1.2 米,并且最高速度应为90 英尺/分(0.46 米/秒)。如为独立式,则应提供玻璃扶手/ 栏杆。26-1.06 All hotels must have a minimum of two banked service elevators with a 4,000 pound (181

6、5 kg) capacity with a minimum clear inside height of 9- 6 (2.8m) .The desired proportion of the cab is greater depth than width. Additional service elevators should be added for each 250 guestrooms or fraction thereof. The evaluation must be approved by Hilton Hotels Corporation.所有酒店必须至少有两部承载能力为4,00

7、0 磅、内部净高至少为2.8 米的服务电梯。轿厢的深度最好大于宽度。每250 间客房应增加一部服务电梯。评估必须由希尔顿酒店集团批准26-1.07 Service elevator control buttons must have vandal-proof.服务电梯控制按钮必须为防破坏型。26-1.08 A freight elevator may be required at the direction of Hilton Hotels Corporation. The minimum size freight elevator is 5,000 pound (2265 kg) capac

8、ity with a minimum clear inside height of 9- 6 (2.8m).根据希尔顿酒店集团的要求,可能还需配备货梯。货梯的承载能力至少应为5,000 磅(2265 千克),内部净高至少应为2.8 米。26-1.09 All hotels are required to have at least one accessible elevator with a minimum platform area of 38.5 square feet (3.5m) and a 3,000 pound (1350 kg) capacity. See Appendix A

9、for accessibility requirements.要求所有酒店都有一部底盘面积至少为3.5 平方米、承载能力为3,000 磅(1350 公斤)的无障碍电梯。请参见附录A 的无障碍要求。26-1.10 Provide separate elevators to service the parking garage levels. Hotel public elevators must not provide direct access from parking garage levels to guestroom floors. The transfer should occur a

10、t the lobby level, within the view of the registration desk.提供单独的电梯为停车库层服务。在未使用客人钥匙的情况下,不得通过酒店公共电梯从停车库层直接进入客房楼层。人流应通过大堂层进出,并处在登记台的视线范围内。26-1.11 Two operating panels in each cab are required, one on each side of the door. See Appendix A for accessible controls, including height of raised letters, Bra

11、ille, floor numbers on doorjambs, etc. The design of the operating panels must clearly identify the major levels. I.e. lobby, ballroom, etc. and must be approved by Hilton Hotels Corporation.每个轿厢需要两个操作盘,电梯门的两侧各一个。有关无障碍控制,包括凸出字母的高度、盲文、门框两侧直木上的楼层号等,请参见附录A。 操作盘的设计必须清楚地标识主要楼层,例如大堂、宴会厅等,并且必须由希尔顿酒店集团批准。26

12、-1.12 All elevators must be equipped with a fireman recall feature per code.根据规范,所有电梯必须具有消防员呼叫功能。26-1.13 Passenger elevator walls shall have handrails mounted 32 (0.8m) above the floor on all three (3) side walls. Minimum clear inside cab height is 7-6 (2.2m).应在客梯所有三(3)面侧壁上高于地板0.8 米处安装扶手。轿厢的最小净高为2.2

13、 米。26-1.14 Hydraulic passenger elevators when provided must have the following minimum cab speeds:如使用液压客梯,则客梯必须至少具有以下轿厢速度:2-3 StoriesTypeUpDownMinimumHydraulic125 FPM.64m/s150 FPM.72m/sRecommendedHydraulic150 FPM.72m/s175 FPM.89m/s有齿轮 2-3 层类型下行最小液压液压0.64 米/秒0.72 米/秒推荐液压0.72 米/秒0.89 米/秒4 Stories anda

14、boveTypeUpDownMinimumHydraulic250 FPM1.27m/s225 FPM1.14m/s4 层及更高类型下行最小液压液压1.27 米/秒1.14 米/秒26-1.15 Service elevator must have the following minimum cab speed:服务电梯必须至少具有以下轿厢速度:# FloorsSpeedType2-5 Stories150 FPM (.76m/s)Hydraulic6-14 Stories350 FPM (1.78m/s)Geared12-20 Stories500 FPM (2.54m/s)Gearless

15、楼层号速度类型有齿轮 2-5 层0.76 米/秒液压有齿轮 6-14 层1.78 米/秒带齿轮有齿轮 12-20 层2.54 米/秒无齿轮26-2.00 DOORS, WINDOWS and HARDWARE26-2.00 门、窗和五金件26-2.01 Minimum width of passenger elevator door opening must be 3-6 (1m).Center opening doors are required on Passenger Elevators. Minimum width of service elevator door opening must be 4-0 (1.2m), with side opening door.客梯门打开宽度至少应为1 米。客梯需采用中开门。服务电梯门的打开宽度至少应为1.2 米,采用侧开门。26-2.02 Passenger elevators must provide card key access to executive floors.客梯必须提供可凭钥匙卡通往行政楼层的功能。26-3.00 FINISHES26-3.00 饰面26-3.01 PASSENGER


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