高三英语全程复习方略:TB1B Unit 19 Modern agriculture

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1、Unit 19 Modern agriculture例1 I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good . (2020全国,26)A.to be breathedB.to breatheC.breathingD.being breathed答案 B课文原文To make as much use of the land as possible,two or more crops are planted each year where possible.例2 It is one of the funniest t

2、hings on the Internet so far this year. (2020浙江,13)A.findingB.being foundC.to findD.found答案 D课文原文Around 540 AD,he wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu.例3 By the time he realizes he into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it.(2020山东,25)A.walksB.walkedC.has walkedD.had walked答案 C课文原文Farm

3、ers in China have long used techniques such as fertilisation and irrigation to make their land produce more.例4 It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it be rather cold sometimes. (2020福建,24)A.mustB.canC.shouldD.would答案 B课文原文They can grow without danger from diseases.介、副词填空1. The children are

4、 growing taller and taller year by year.2. I went shopping and bought a blouse,a sweater and so on/forth.3. Time should be used for learning English well.4. Dont make the same kind of tools year after year.5. There was a severe shortage of oil during the war.6. Lets have a talk over a cup of tea.7.

5、The problem is too difficult for me to work out.8. The UN plays an important role in international relations.句型转换1.Future agriculture should not only depend on traditional methods but also high technology.Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.2. You will

6、not succeed even though you try your best.You will not succeed no matter how hard you try.3. This country can not produce enough food for its people because it has not enough arable land.The shortage of arable land makes it impossible for this country to produce enough food for its people.4. He walk

7、s and talks in a strange way,which makes people laugh.The strange way that he walks and talks makes people laugh.5. In the years that followed,he had to move from country to country.In the following years,he had to move from one country to another.6. There are various flowers in the greenhouse.There

8、 are a variety of flowers in the greenhouse.7. In the relay race,we run as fast as we can.In the relay race,we run as fast as possible.8. The leader of the village decided what to grow on the farmland.It was the leader of the village who/that decided what to grow on the farmland.9. This kind of anim

9、al doesnt eat crops.They eat pests.This kind of animal eats not crops but pests.10. No matter how hard the problem is,well try to settle it.However hard the problem is,well try to settle it.近义词辨析1.raise,rise,lift(1)She rose and left.(2)His anger rose at the remark.(3)He raised his voice to make hims

10、elf heard clearly.(4)The rock is too heavy to mon,ordinary,general(1)Jackson is a common English name.(2)His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk.(3)This book is intended for the general reader,not for the specialist.3.in word,in a (one) word,in words,in other words(1)I cant express my gr

11、atitude in words.(2)He is faithful in word and deed.(3)I dont eat meat; in other words,Im a vegetarian.(4)In a (one) word,agricultural production must be paid more attention to.4.raise,support,feed(1)She supports her old mother.(2)She fed her dog with meat.(3)They raised chickens and ducks on the fa

12、rm.5.conditions,situation(1)The house is in a charming situation,on a wooded hillside.(2)What do you think of the current political situation?(3)The union has striven to improve the workers working conditions.单项填空1. They had a pleasant chat a cup of coffee.A.forB.withC.duringD.over答案 D2. Use the umb

13、rella to yourself from the rain.A.stopB.keepC.preventD.protect答案 D3. Youth is not entirely time of life;it is state of mind.A.a;aB.a;theC.the;aD.the;the答案 A4. You cant the rich man will join our club and help us.A.depend on thatB.depend on it thatC.depend onD.depend on it答案 B5. Father felt Tom borin

14、g because he always whatever he said.A.fought againstB.stood againstC.went againstD.leaned against答案 C6. Cheese,powdered milk,and yogurt are common milk .A.producesB.productsC.productionsD.productivities答案 B7. Weve got to be and buy only what we can afford.A.richB.dullC.generousD.practical答案 D8. He does the same job ,and he becomes interested in it .A.day by day;step by stepB.day after day;little by littleC.year by year;bit by bitD.year in year;one by one答案 B9. The fruit may soon rot und


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