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1、学号:20081254天 津 商 业 大 学 毕 业 设 计(论 文)天津滨海新区引进外商直接投资的现状分析Analysis of the Current Situation of Inward FDI in Binhai New Area,Tianjin 学 院: 经济学院 教 学 系: 国际经济与贸易系 专业班级: 国际经济与贸易2008-1班 学生姓名: 龙来红 指导教师: 刘辉群 副教授2012 年 6 月 6 日目 录内容摘要IAbstractII1 导言11.1 选题背景.11.2 研究意义.11.3 文献综述.11.4 研究方法.32 国内外的研究现状32.1 国外关于FDI的研

2、究现状.32.2 国内关于FDI的研究现状.43 滨海新区利用外资的现状分析43.1 滨海新区引进外商直接投资的总量分析.53.2 滨海新区引进外商直接投资的产业分析73.3 滨海新区引进外商直接投资的投资国家别分析.93.4 滨海新区引进外商直接投资的行政区分布分析.104 滨海新区利用外商直接投资的特点124.1 规模扩大总量迅速增加124.2 利用外资产业结构变化134.3 制造业依然占据主要地位134.4 投资国别发生变化但香港仍占主体134.5 投资区域集中在经济技术开发区和天津港保税区145 对滨海新区引进外商直接投资的对策建议155.1 提升整体招商功能155.2 制造业重点产业

3、选资155.3 服务业产业分类引导战略.165.4 重点吸引欧美等西方发达国家的外资投资165.5 建立高素质人才激励体制.165.6 提高政府工作职能. 176 结论17参考文献.19附录:开题报告 .21致谢25内容摘要:2008年3月13日,国务院印发关于天津滨海新区综合配套改革试验总体方案的批复,天津滨海新区发展改革、开发开放将出现新的局面。用5至10年时间,在滨海新区率先基本建成完善的社会主义市场经济体制,推动新区不断提高综合实力、创新能力、服务能力和国际竞争力,使新区在带动天津发展、推进京津冀和环渤海区域经济振兴、促进东中西互动和全国经济协调发展中发挥更大的作用,为全国发展改革提供

4、经验和示范。本文通过对天津滨海新区利用外资的规模总量、产业分布、投资来源以及外资在新区的行政区域分布等现状的研究分析。发现新区利用外资呈现总量迅速扩大、制造业仍占据投资行业主体等特点,同时也反映了资源在新区分布不均、投资区域分布不平衡导致的各行政区域出现争资抢资的问题。针对新区目前利用外资的现状和特点,提出新区在利用外资时应提升整体招商功能,服务业产业分类引导等系列对策。希望这些对策对作为以外向型经济为主要发展方向的滨海新区来讲,能够起到一定的积极引导与促进作用。关键词:外商直接投资;滨海新区;外资现状;外资特点;对策Abstract: The state council issued “Th

5、e Reply to Scheme of Overall Synthetically Reform Test in Binhai new area of TanJin” on 13 March 2008, principally the state council agree to the scheme, development and reform, development and opening Binhai new area will appear a new vista. In order to promote comprehensive strength, innovation ab

6、ility and service capacity and international competitiveness of the new area, It need take 5 to 10 years to build a perfect socialist market economic system in Binhai new area, which will definitely turn the district an powerful engine to promote the development of Tianjin and to drive the economic

7、rejuvenation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Bohai sea region, and then play an important role in promoting the national economy interactive features and the coordinated development and provide experience for other areas of the country. Through the analysis of the volume of using foreign investm

8、ent, industry distribution, source investment countries, and distribution of foreign investment, this thesis found that the amount of foreign investment is roaring up and the manufacturing industry still takes the main part of using foreign investment, besides, the crazy phenomenon for foreign inves

9、tment of the administrative areas maldistribution of resources and investment in the new area. According to the present situation and the characteristics of using foreign investment, this thesis puts forward that the whole investment promotion function and the guidance for the service industry class

10、ification of the new area should be emphasized in the process of using foreign investment. The author hopes that these strategies can play an increasingly guiding role in promoting the development of Binhai new area as an export-oriented economy.Key Words: FDI Binhai new area Current situation of foreign investment Characteristic of foreign investment Strategies II1 导言1.1 选题背景 随着改革开放的不断深入,我国高速、稳步发


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