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1、2020 2020 届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising I Spelling A 广告 are an important part of our lives I did some research on advertisements and have some very important information to s with you An advertisement provides information and uses p language and exciting images to encourage people

2、 to buy a product or service or believe in an idea A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to p a product or service PSAs are often placed for free and are i to educate people about health safety or any other i which affects public welfare China has strong laws to protect people

3、 from advertisements that lie or try to make people believe u claims about products or services The adv ertisers want you to read the word fights and think that the toothpaste c bad breath but it does not say that PSAs use some of the same methods like attractive and original images and c language b

4、ut they are made to serve the public China began a nationwide public service advertising c in 1996 and since then numerous PSAs have appeared around the country One of the PSAs to teach us how to live healthy lives is Smoking is 自杀 slowly I have c 完成 my article about ads and I m quite 满意 with it Bef

5、ore our talk I did not think very much about how an advertiser might be trying to t customers into buying a product or a service The publisher also said that the readers wouldn t believe the writer s u way of thinking and rich i 想象力 This term s main reading category for senior high students is adven

6、tures so Travel to the Misty Country would be a good c That is why we are considering r 重新包装 our chocolate bar as well Our new packaging will be colorful and 引人注目 Have you ever 后悔 not having snapped those 难忘的 moments It s fashion 方便的 and function It is 极其 important to know your audience so you can c

7、reate the right message for the right people You must decide what a you want to use II Structures We 如此习惯于 them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day 1Wood can 被用来造纸 2We 过去常购物 on Sundays but now we have no time PSAs are often placed for free and are intended to educate

8、be intended meant to do sth be intended meant for sb sth 1 This software the computers 是为了保护 不受到 攻击而设计 by a kind of virus called worm 2The toy 是给儿童玩的 aged three and up However we still must 知道 the methods used in ads to try and sell us things 老 师 说 的 话 made me 意识到英语的重要性 Are you aware 你已伤害了 her feeli

9、ngs We must not 上 的当 this kind of trick He is too smart to fall for that trick 很聪明不会中那个诡计的 These ads deal with large issues He is 容易相处 尽管她病了 she continued 处理 problems of all kinds There are even PSAs to teach us how to 过健康的生活 I will encourage 鼓励朋友们注意 them as well I recommend that 我们买 10 copies for t

10、he library I recommend 10 copies for the library He recommended me 呆 for another week III Fill in the blanks with the correct forms put together be popular with be of high quality remind sb not to do sth be bored with have sth in mind appeal to get sth across up to There re lots of ways to your mess

11、age when you re an ad campaign It is important to always try to the way the audience will react My daughter me forget to take my medicine The company must ensure that their product If you math you should turn to doing some English exercises When you start a successful ad campaign you must a clear go

12、al and target audience IV Translate the sentences 为了上大学 他决心努力学英语 He to study English hard in order to go to college He to study English hard in order to go to college In order to go to college he to study English hard 你得确切地知道你想让他们做什么 这很重要 It s important exactly what you are trying to It s important

13、that you know what you are trying to 是你决定想让受众知道或想到什么的时候了 It s time what you want the audience to know or think about It s time what you want the audience to know or think about 38 周杰伦特别受年轻人欢迎 Jay especially young people Jay young people 39 不知道他们对我的提议会有什么反应 I how they re going to my proposal 40 我们有多种

14、方式解决这个问题 We have several this problem There are several we can settle this problem 我不喜欢她的衣着打扮 I do not like she is dress 42 这种疾病有 90 的患者能被治愈 Ninety percent of the patients can this disease 43 这个房间并不打算当起居室用的 This room is serve a living room 我会让我叔叔帮我检查拼写 I ll get my uncle the spelling for me 45 他的成功鼓励

15、我坚持我的理想 His me to my ideal Put the following sentences into reported speech She said Advertisements are an important part of our lives Matt asked Ann Are you the happiest person in the world 48 Where did you find the ads for jobs abroad Bill asked The salesman said to me Read what some of our satisf

16、ied customers say Don t worry Mary The doctor said Multiple choices Tom said he was not sure the news was true and he would find out about truth himself A that that that B if if if C that if that D if that if 52 is reported in the newspapers talks between the two countries are making progress A It B As C That D What 53 in a white uniform he looks more like a cook than a doctor A Dressed B To dress C Dressing D Having dressed 54 It took me about an hour to my intention her A get across B put acro



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