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1、笔记符号 名词n 可数名词c动词v 不可数名词u形容词adj a 复数名词pl 副词adv ad某人sb 介词prep某物某事sth 代词pron过去分词done现在分词和动名词doing GrammarRevision 1 分清楚be动词助动词do和情态动词 1 Be动词的时态 原形现在时过去时完成时将来时 am isare be waswere hasbeenhavebeen willbebegoingtobe Be动词后面所接的词 1 adj2 n Hewaslate Theapplesarered Sugarissweet Lesleyisdiligent I mastudentShe

2、isateacher Myfatherwasadoctor Hewillbeasoldier 3 prep4 adv Theballisonthetable Heislikehisfather Weareatthegateofschool Thelightisoff Heisaway 4 Be doing 表示进行时态 5 Be done 表示被动语态 Sheisreadingabook WearecleaningtheclassroomJeamswassurfingtheinternetat9lastnight Thisbookwaswrittenbyhim Theclockwasbroke

3、nbyLily Be动词后面千万不能接动词原形Iamgotoschool XSheisdance Xyouwerewroteamail X 2 Do助动词的时态 原形 do现在时 dodoes过去时 did助动词Do没有实际的意义 只能帮助其它动词构成否定句和疑问句 Do助动词后面只能接动词原型Hedoesn tgotoschooltoday Doeshegotoschooltoday Didyouhavesupper Ididn thavesupper 要分清楚do作助动词和作实意动词的情况e g Theyoftendon tdotheirhomework 情态动词 cancouldbeab

4、leto能够can tcouldn tmaymight也许may mightnotshallshould应该shan tshouldn twillwould将要won twouldn tmusthaveto必须一定mustn thaven ttoneed必要needn t 情态动词不能单独构成句子的谓语必须要接实意动词原形一起构成谓语 省略回答除外 情态动词提前构成疑问句 e g 1 Canyouswim yes Ican 2 Ishoulddoitlastnight 3 Youmustn tgoalone 4 ShallIgonow 5 Wouldyouliketosharethisbook

5、withme 6 Iwon tmakethismistakeagain 7 YoumaycallmeLily Practice Correcttheerrors Hedoesastudent Joedon tknowtheway Theyarestayhereuntilnextyear Iwastalktohimonthephoneat10lastnight Wecan tswimmingintheriver CouldhespeakingEnglish Stevedidn tdoinghomework is doesn t willstay wastalking can tswim spea

6、k didn tdo X X X X X X X Unit1GoodfriendsLesson1 Wordsandexpressions qualityhandsomehonestsmartbraveargueloyalsolutionwise Questions 1 Doyouhaveanyfriends 2 What shis hername 3 What syourfriendlike howdoyoulikeyourfriend 4 Whatdoeshe shelike like doingsth N 5 Whatshouldagoodfriendbelike Languagepoin

7、ts Whatissb like Whatdoessb like Whatdoessb looklike Howdoessb like like是介词prep 用于问某人如何既可以是内在也可以是外在的特点和品质 某人喜欢什么 like是动词V 某人看上去如何指外表 like是prep 某人认为 怎么样 SentencesRecitation 1 Whatqualityshouldagoodfriendhave 一个好朋友应该具有什么样的品质2 Qualityismoreimportantthanquantity 质量比数量更重要3 Thequalityofsugarissweetness 糖的

8、特点是甜 4 Heisloyaltoduty hiscountry theking 他忠于职守 5 Heisanhonestboy 6 Tobehonest heisnotwrong 坦白的说他没有错 funny adj 好笑的 滑稽的 古怪的7 Heoftentalksfunnythingsaroundhim fun U 玩笑 趣事好玩的事不可以加a用much alotof修饰8 Whatfunisittoswiminsummer It sgreatfuntoswiminsummer 夏天游泳很有趣9 Isaiditforfun 我是说着好玩的10 Tomisgoodfun wealllik

9、ehim 11 Don tmakefunofhim 不要取笑他 12 Sheisabeautifulwoman 美丽的事物最常用的词语气最强但是一般不用于形容男性13 Lilyisaprettygirl Lucyhasaprettylittletoy 美丽可爱的多用于小孩女性较小的东西14 Tomisahandsomeboy 仪表堂堂 英俊的用于形容男性15 ZhouEnlaiwasawiseleader 有智慧的博学的 英明的16 Dolphinisasmartanimal 机敏伶俐的17 Histhinkingissmart敏捷的18 Youlooksmart 帅气的时髦的 mirrorf

10、rygunhammerchallengebefondof solvetheproblemclassicalmusicaboxofmatchsurftheinternet Wordsandexpressions 12 Sheisabeautifulwoman 美丽的事物最常用的词语气最强但是一般不用于形容男性13 Lilyisaprettygirl Lucyhasaprettylittletoy 美丽可爱的多用于小孩女性较小的东西14 Tomisahandsomeboy 仪表堂堂 英俊的用于形容男性15 ZhouEnlaiwasawiseleader 有智慧的博学的 英明的16 Dolphini

11、sasmartanimal 机敏伶俐的17 Histhinkingissmart敏捷的18 Youlooksmart 帅气的时髦的 Lesson2 mirrorfrygunhammerchallengebefondof solvetheproblemclassicalmusicaboxofmatchsurftheinternet Wordsandexpressions 我喜欢 我喜欢唱歌 1 Ilikesinging 2 Ienjoysinging 3 I mfondofsinging 4 I mintosinging likesthenjoysb befondofbeinto 口语 doin

12、gsth likes 我不喜欢 我不喜欢徒步旅行 Idon tlikehiking Idon tenjoyhiking I mnotintohiking IhatehikingIdislikehiking dislikes hatesth sb dislikedoingsth 1 Ienjoy andIlike too2 I minto andI mfondof too 我喜欢 我也喜欢 我不喜欢 我也不喜欢 1 Idon tlike andIdon tenjoy either 2 Idislike andIhate either 3 Idon tenjoy nordoIlike 表示前面的事

13、情适合后面的情况否定时用Neither nor 情态动词 助动词 be动词 主语 时态和前句相同 Lucydoesn tlikedancing Stevecan tspeakChinese neither nordoI neither nordoesPeter neither norcanAnn 表示前面的事情适合后面的情况肯定时用So 情态动词 助动词 be动词 主语Mybrotherisastudent soismysister soamI 如果前面出现的是实意动词 后句要用助动词代替Youenjoysinging Hesurfedtheinternetlastnight sodoesyo

14、urson sodidI 1 Youdon tgotoschool I she 2 Joeishonest I Sarah 3 Petercanswim Mary 4 Youloveadventurestories I she 5 Idislikedcoffee she 6 Ifyougotoschooltomorrow Kate 7 Ifyoudon tgotothemeeting I 8 我不知道我也不关心 SawropecompassmoviecastsurvivedesertedhuntLieadventureSpeechscared landonsendmailsonaflightacrossthePacificoceanadesertedislandinordertosurviveallalonehuntforfoodmakefireeventhoughtreatsbasafriendforexamplesuchaslearnfromlearnabouthimselfmakefriendswithsb bequickinmindandactionsharehappinessandsorrowwithfriendsdevelopafriendshipwithsb


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