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1、2013年北京市春季普通高中会考英语模拟试卷二、单项填空(共15小题,15分)16. The music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two _ on the weekend.A. otherB. anotherC. elseD. more17. -Do you need any help, David?-Yes. The job is _ I could do myself.A. better thanB. more thanC. not better thanD. not more than18. -Do you k

2、now _ to get to Tampines Mall? -Sorry. I am new here.A. how B. whatC. whenD. where19. It isnt convenient for me to move around, so Id like to have my reference book _ my reach.A. withinB. underC. overD. beyond20. Its _ very simple restaurant but _ food is delicious and everything is home-made.A. the

3、; a B. a; theC. a; 不填D. the; 不填21. In the spring, the rolling hills around Mersey Valley _ white when the cherry and apple trees flower.A. seemB. goC. stayD. remain22. My iPhone isnt in my bag. Where _ I have put it?A. canB. mustC. shouldD. would23. -Will Susan go to Egypt with us next Monday?-She w

4、ont. She _ the long trip.A. hated B. will hateC. hatesD. has hated24. The museum which _ will be open to visitors soon. The work is almost finished.A. has rebuiltB. has been rebuilt C. is rebuildingD. is being built25. Tom sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information on e-shopping.A. hoped B. hop

5、ingC. to hopeD. hope26. -Do you regret _ up your well-paid job, Mrs. Lee?-No. Now I have more time to stay with my daughter.A. to giveB. givingC. givenD. to have given27. This book teaches us how to analyze _ is causing the stress in our life.A. whatB. whenC. whyD. how28. The man in front of me came

6、 to _ a sudden stop _ I almost ran into him.A. such; thatB. such; asC. so; thatD. so; as 29. You will be late for school _ you hurry up.A. if B. sinceC. unlessD. when30. _ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.A. WhichB. ThatC. WhatD. As 三、完形填空(共15小题15分)阅读下面短文

7、,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Under Water June was sitting by the swimming pool in her new swimsuit. Feeling really hot, she dived into the water. 31 else was in the pool. It was so good to have the whole pool to herself. The fresh water 32 her body immediately. She 33 on swimming around the pool

8、.Not having swum in the past several years and being a bit out of shape, June grew 34 easily. “Ah, no pain no gain,” she thought to herself. June continued to swim, realizing her head was hurting. Her breathing became 35 . Then she saw the lifeguard and some others around the pool. No sense in embar

9、rassing (使尴尬) herself or bothering anyone, she 36 on.Then June found herself in the middle of the pool. Deciding not to make a 37 , she continued on. 38 she made it to the other side of the pool. Tiredness and weakness made it difficult for June to get out of the pool. As she 39 , her body swayed (摇

10、摆) back and forth, losing her 40 .Realizing she needed help but unable to even say anything, she leaned against the pool side. Several minutes later she had enough 41 to pull her body up out of the pool. Sitting at the side of the pool, she felt that someone was 42 at her. It was the lifeguard. June

11、 was only able to wave her hand, telling him that she was okay.Have you ever found yourself in such a 43 and you dont ask for help? Maybe youre afraid youll be made a laughing stock (笑柄). Weve all been there. There is nothing wrong in asking for help. 44 has many ups and downs. When you find yoursel

12、f unable to “keep your head above water,” stop, look around and ask for help before you find yourself “ 45 ”. The journey of life will be happier and more satisfying.31. A. EveryoneB. SomeoneC. AnybodyD. Nobody32. A. cleaned B. cooled C. filledD. washed33. A. keptB. lived C. agreedD. came34. A. worr

13、iedB. tiredC. excitedD. bored35. A. deepB. difficultC. freeD. quiet36. A. walkedB. rodeC. racedD. swam37. A. markB. faceC. pointD. scene38. A. FinallyB. ClearlyC. SuddenlyD. Immediately39. A. landedB. stoodC. jumpedD. dressed40. A. sightB. wayC. courageD. balance41. A. energyB. supportC. patienceD.

14、effort42. A. aimingB. shoutingC. staring D. laughing43. A. conclusionB. decisionC. situationD. consideration44. A. EmotionB. ThemeC. LifeD. Time45. A. fallingB. drowningC. hesitatingD. screaming四、阅读理解(共12小题,24分)ATypes of MapsDifferent types of maps have different uses. Tourist maps, for example, have signs to show places of interest in an area. When tourists read these maps, it is easy for them to find where to go and what to see in a place and it is easy for them to go and find their ways to these



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