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1、八年级下 Unit6 拔高训练试题 基础练习 共15题 每题 1分 满分 15分 1 I read story about Shennong Do you know who he was Tony He was emperor in ancient 古代的 China A a B a an C an a D an 2 Why do you like the music Because it reminds me my best friend A with B for C to D of 3 Don t give up Things will be fine soon Yes We should

2、 learn to be when we are in trouble A brave B quiet C sad D angry 4 I m a little these days I think you should eat more healthy food and do more exercise A silly B weak C careful D smart 5 Have a cup of tea you like a cold drink A since B if C unless D because 6 The medicine is dangerous You must it

3、 from the children A buy B hide C bring D carry 7 Does that sweater her Sure She is really beautiful in it A hit B keep C fix D fit 8 I really want to get into that school But I think is not right You should work hard A cheating B telling C providing D giving 9 Must I give up Doctor For your health

4、you have to A smoke B smoking C smokes D to smoke 10 Tan Jing s is so sweet Yes Her songs very beautiful A sound taste B voice smell C voice sound D noise sound 11 Do you know they found their way to the village By following the bird A what B why C where D how 12 This is difficult problem that few s

5、tudents can work it out A so B so a C such D such a 13 Wow How cool your cup is Really I it when it was on sale yesterday A buy B will buy C bought D am buying 14 When will we start As soon as your uncle A arrives B will arrive C was arriving D to arrive 15 What do you think of this book A It s ten

6、yuan B It s my brother s C It s interestingD It s a gift for me 语法练习 共 15 题 每题1 分 满分15 分 16 We didn t catch the train we got up late A so B because C until D before 17 The poor man ate a big breakfast he said he was not hungry A since B because C though D for 18 Mary was ill she got the disease that

7、 her mum had to stop working to look after her A such if B so if C such when D so when 19 This dress is in last year s style I think it still looks perfect it has gone out this year A so that B even though C as if D ever since 20 John fell asleep he was listening to the music A after B before C whil

8、e D as soon as 21 The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours he realized it A unless B if C after D before 22 You will be able to get good marks A while you are doing your homework by yourself B if you do some revision every day C before you begin to study hard D until you follo

9、w your teachers advice 23 It looks to wash the clothes A as if the water is dirty enough B as if the water is not clean enough C that the water is not dirty enough D that the water is clean enough 24 He back until the work done A isn t will be B isn t is C won t be will be D won t be is 25 I m sure

10、he ll come to see me before he Beijing A will leave B is leaving C leave D leaves 26 May I sit nearer I can see more clearly A as if B so that C even if D so 27 There are many league members in class 2 in Class 4 A both and B so that C either or D as as 28 You are sure to pass the exam you study har

11、d A if B though C that D since 29 she is very old she can still work eight hours a day A Because so B Though but C As yet D Though yet 30 Please answer the question in a loud enough voice all the class may hear A so that B or C in order that D and 词汇练习 共 30 题 每题1 分 满分30 分 31 Michael Jordan has faile

12、d over and over again in his life And that s he succeeds A whatB whenC whyD where 32 There are many people downstairs What do you think A to happen B happening C is happenedD has happened 33 Paper is made wood A by B from C of D in 34 his kind of machine is made America but it can also be made Chine

13、se A in by B by in C in of D by for 35 Tom looked at Jenny tears filling his eyes and shouted out the words in his heart for years A To hide B hides C hidden D hiding 36 Pirates 海盗 used to hide gold there A and they always do B and they still do C and they still do sometimes D that s what would do 3

14、7 Hey Tom Let s go swimming Just a moment I a message A send B sent C am sending D have sent 38 Lily has a silk Listen she is singing in the next room How nice A look B noise C voice D sound 39 Mr Li regards Korea as his second because he has been here for over twenty years A family B house C room D

15、 home 40 I had a hard time with math and I was not to get the bad report from my math teacher A sureB surprisedC excited D brave 41 I m going to a job interview I feel a little Take it easy Listening to music can help you relax A comfortable B nervous C excited D worried 42 What do you think of TV p

16、lay you watch last night It s so that I want to watch it again A excitingB boringC tiring D magic 43 It s very silly us not to make a plan before a new term Yes You must try to make it carefully A of B for C toD about 44 Jim dislikes people talk much but never do anything A whoB whomC they D he 45 What do you think of this skirt It s beautiful and it fits we well I like it very much A sinceB soC butD and 46 Usually we don t know how important something is we lose it A or B until C as soon asD un



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