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1、Lesson48 Didyouwanttotellmesomething 你想对我说什么吗 What sthemostpainfulthing 4 spank 打屁股 slap 打手 5 lashwithpalmprint 抽打 6 stomachache7 beatwithsticks 8 bleedingwound9 Sufferingofflesh 皮肉之苦 10 bedisable11 visceralpain 内脏痛 12 givebirthtoababy What sthethirteenthpain Howaboutpullatooth Listentothetape Whyca

2、n tthemansayanything Comprehensionquestions 1Whendodentistsalwaysaskquestions Whenit simpossibleforustoanswer 2Haveyoujusthadatoothout Yes Ihave 3Whopulleditoutforyou Mydentistdid 4Whatdidhetellyoutodoafterwards Torestforawhile 5Didyoutrytosaysomething Yes Idid 6Youcouldn t couldyou No Icouldn t 7Wh

3、ycouldn tyou Mymouthwasfullofcottonwool 8Whatwasyourtonguebusydoing Searchingouttheholewherethetoothhadbeen 9Howdidyoufeelsuddenly Veryworried Newwordsandexpressions生词和短语pullv 拔cottonwooln 药棉collectv 搜集collectionn 收藏品 收集品nodv 点头meanwhileadv 同时 pull vt vi 拉 拖 牵 扯 反义词pushvt 推 我感觉有人拉着我的胳膊 Ifeltsomeonep

4、ullingmyarm Youarepullingmyleg pullone sleg开某人玩笑不要再开我玩笑Don tpullmyleganymore Youarekidding Youarejoking vt vi 拔 抽他把一个地址本从他口袋里掏出来了 Hepulledanaddressbookfromhispocket collectv 搜集collectsalarycollectstampscollectmoneycollectchildren 领工资 集邮 筹集资金 收养孩子 nodv 点头 vt vi 点头 点头示意 招呼当我们在办公室见面的时候 他总是向我点头Whenwemee

5、teachotherintheoffice healwaysnodsatme vi 打盹 打瞌睡 常与off连用 他过去在英语课上常打瞌睡HeusedtonodoffduringtheEnglishclass shake shook shaken vt vi 摇 摇动 抖动S摇了摇她的头 Sshookherhead 他的手一直在发抖 Hishandsareshaking vt 同 握手丹和他握了握手 Danshookhandswithhim Danshookhimbythehand Danshookhishand meanwhileadv 同时meanwhile atthesametime i

6、nthesametime夏娃在剪草 亚当种玫瑰 Evewascuttingthegrass andmeanwhileAdamwasplantingroses 玛丽在和我讲她的新衣服 与此同时我却在想着其他事情 Marywastalkingtomeabouthernewdress MeanwhileIwasthinkingaboutsomethingelse Keysentences Dentistsalwaysaskquestionswhenitisimpossibleforyoutoanswer 这里it是形式主语 真正的主语是toanswer impossible通常不以人作主语 而以不定

7、式或从句作主语Itis adj for ofsb todosthItis adj that 句子 2 Mydentisthadjustpulledoutoneofmyteethandhadtoldmetorestforawhile pull表示 拖 拉 拔 的意思 push表示 推 课文这里pullout表示 拔出 的意思 补充 pullone sleg是表示 开玩笑 引体向上就是 pullup forawhile 一会儿 片刻 3 Itriedtosaysomething butmymouthwasfullofcottonwool cottonwool本意是指 原棉 的意思 也就是棉花最初的

8、状态 在英国英语中 多用来指代 药棉 Trytodo尽力做某事未必会成功Managetodo尽力做某事一定会成功befullof befilldedwith我的钱包里装满了钱ThewalletisfullofmoneyThewalletisfilledwithmoney restn 剩余的部分 休息 支撑物 休止符therestofTherestofrice be bad whileconj 当 的时候 虽然 尽管 然而WhileIwaswatchingTV thebellrang 我看电视时 铃响了 Whileitwaslate hewentonworking 虽然很晚了 但他还在继续工作

9、is HeknewIcollectedmatchboxesandaskedmewhethermycollectionwasgrowing HethenaskedmehowmybrotherwasandwhetherIlikedmynewjobinLondon Whether和if区别 whether和ornot连用 后面 todo 介词之后 discuss之后 Iaminterestedin hewillacceptmyinvitation Idon tknow tocryortolaugh Theyarediscussing theyshouldcarryouttheplanTomiswan

10、dering heshouldchoosethisjobornot 6 InanswertothesequestionsIeithernoddedormadestrangenoises inanswerto 表示 作为对 的回答 响应 的请求 Inanswertomyrequest hewrotealettertoGeorge 应我的请求 他给乔治写了封信 早餐我想吃面包或蛋糕 Either orNeither norNotonly butalso Both and 或者 或者既不 也不不但 而且两者都 Iwouldliketohaveeitherbreadorcakeforbreakfast

11、 早餐我不想吃面包也不想吃蛋糕 Iwouldliketohaveneitherbreadnorcakeforbreakfast 1 Wecan see touchtheair A notonly butalsoB both andC either orD neither nor2 Youcan stayathome gotomyhometownwithme A not onlyB eitherandC bothorD eitheror3 John Iarepolicemen A Neither norB Either orC Both andD Notonly butalso4 I mlook

12、ingforababysitter 保姆 Shemustbe tooold tooyoung A neither norB both andC either orD notonly butalso D D C A 7 Meanwhile mytonguewasbusysearchingouttheholewherethetoothhadbeen searchout搜寻 theholewherethetoothhadbeen 刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口 用的是过去完成时 因为在描述这件事的时候那颗牙已经不在了 牙齿尚在的时间是 过去的过去 Bebusydoing bebusywithsth 我的朋友们

13、正忙于准备我的生日宴会 MyfriendsarebusypreparingmybirthdaypartyMyfriendsarebusywithmybirthdayparty searchout找出 搜寻你已经搜出我需要的书吗HaveyousearchedoutthebooksIneeded 警察正在搜寻那个小偷 ThepolicearesearchingthethiefThepolicearesearchingforthethief Meanwhile mytonguewasbusysearchingouttheholewherethetoothhadbeen where 介词 which这

14、是我住的房子Thatisthehousewhich thatIlivedinThatisthehouseinwhichIlived ThatisthehousewhereIlived 1 Itwasfiveo clockintheafternoon theyarrivedatthehotel A sinceB beforeC whenD that 2 WheredidyoulastseeMr Smith Itwasinthehotel Ilived A thatB whichC whereD when 3 Thehouse weoncelivedinisbeingrepairedbythewo

15、rkers A whichB whereC whoD whom 4 Thehouse weoncelivedisbeingrepairedbytheworkers A whichB whereC whoD whom Tellthestory1Dentists ask impossible toanswer2Mydentist pulledout toldme rest3triedtosay mouthfull cottonwool4asked collectionof eggs growing5then mybrother newjob London6Inanswer nodded stran

16、genoises7tongue searching toothhadbeen8suddenly worried couldn tsay9When dentistatlast frommymouth abletotell wrongtooth Specialdifficulties 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Refuse deny denyvt 否认 否定拒绝相信 拒绝接受 拒绝给予refusevt 拒绝 辞退 推辞denyastatement否认声明denyone ssignature不承认自己的签名 good Billyhadusedto reading butonthisdayhefoundagooddogstory andreadittoRocky 2011年肇庆 A denyB enjoyC refuseD practice Passed past pass的过去式 passedpass的过去分词 passed或pastPast adj 过去的 thepastyears n 过去 往昔 如inthepast prep 过了 超过 Ipasthim adv 过 如lethimp


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