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1、九全U56重点短语句型和练习第一部分:一、阅读理解。It is a winter day and I am walking home from work. I cross my arms against my body, trying to make myself warmer. My head points down against the wind. I walked quickly, then I notice her. She is walking in front of me on the sidewalk. Well, she is not really walking, more

2、 likeshufflingalong in her house slippers. Her back ishunchedover. She is not wearing a coat and her short, gray hair ismessy. she is well into her 80s, maybe even early 90s. As I pass her, she turns and smiles. Her smile lights up her face. And she is holding some letters in her hands. I walk on an

3、d arrive at the traffic light. Waiting there, I see the mailbox across the street. The light turns green for me to cross the street. But Ipretendto check my phone and wait for her to catch up to me. In this neighborhood, even crossing with the green light is dangerous. Drivers often drive wildly thr

4、ough red lights and stop signs. When she reaches me on the sidewalk, we wait, side-by-side, for the light to change. I want to speak to her, but Im not sure. People are often untrusting of strangers in the city, and rightfully so. But I turn to her and gently touch her on the arm. “Excuse me maam. C

5、an I help you? She smiles and answers in a language I do not understand. But then she waves her hand as if to say, We dont need to talk, my dear. She seems like the kind of woman who would call me dear.She takes my hand in hers and holds it. Her small hand is soft and warm. So, now were waiting hand

6、-in-hand for the light to change. What might have feltawkward, feelscomfortable. The light changes and we walk together slowly across the street. I drop the letters in the mailbox and take her back across the street. When safely across, she says, thank you in beautifully accented English and waves g

7、ood-bye.As I walk home the rest of the way home I can still feel the warmth of her hand in my own. I touch my hand to my cheek. Even as I write this, thinking of her, I can still feel her soft, warm hand in mine.1. How is the weather while the writers walking home?A. cold but sunny. B. cold and wind

8、y.C. windy but warm. D. sunny and warm.2. The writerpretendsto check my phone and waits for the woman because . A. he wants to talk with her.B. the mailbox is across the street. C. he has nothing to do and ready to help anyone in need.D. drivers in the neighborhood often drive wildly through red lig

9、hts and stop signs.3. Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer dont know the woman but helped her cross the road.B. Both of the old lady and writer feel comfortable when hand-in-hand.C. People in this city are usually willing to trust and help strangers.D. The woman

10、may be not a native speaker as she speaks in accented English.4. What was the correct order in which these events happened?a. The woman walks slowly to mail letters. b. The writer touches her on the arm to cross the road.c. The writer walks on and arrives at the traffic light.d. the writer feels the

11、 warmth of the old womans hand.A. a-c -b- dB. a-b-c-dC. b-a-d-cD. c-b-a-d 5. Whats the best title of the passage? A. A cold winter dayB. An old woman with letters C. Special love for strangersD. The power of touch参考答案1. D2. C 3. A4. D5. D二、短文改错。下面短文中分别有10处语言错误。请在错误的地方作出记号,增加,删除或修改某个单词。写在横线上。 We are

12、all busy talking about and use the Internet which set up many years ago. At first ,the internet was only used by the government ,but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it as well as .However, computers were still expensive and the Internet was difficult to use

13、it .Thirty years later, computers become cheaper and easier. Today it is easy to get on line and it is told that millions people use the Internet every day . Send e-mail is more and more popular between students.It has become one of the most important parts of peoples life.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5 _ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9

14、_ 10 _参考答案1 use-using 2 was set 3 the government 去掉 the 4 1970s 5 as well 6 去掉 it 7 becomebecame 8 millions of 9 Sending 10 among三、重点短语回顾1. _由制造 2. _在地方制造3. _放出;发送 4. _梦想5. _阻止 6. _发生;出现7. _实现梦想 8. _寻求帮助9. _以闻名;为人知晓 10. _不论;无论11. _偶然;意外地 12. _毫无疑问;的确13. _突然;猛地 14. _错误地;无意中15. _把分开 16. _不仅而且17. _仰慕;钦佩 18. _有道理参考答案:1be made of/from2. be made in3. send out4. dream of5. stop.fro


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