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1、1 5 UNIT 1 单元测验 单项选择 1 My little sister now but she some English songs A can t swim can sing B can t to swim can sings C can swims can t sings D can t swimming can singing 2 club do you want to Sports club A What have B What s join C What join D What s have 3I like playing guitar but I don t like pl

2、aying chess A the B the C the the D 4 Can you English well Sorry I can t A say B speak C talk D tell 5 Don t worry I can help you your homework A to B with C for D on 6 I can swim well so I want the swimming club A join B joining C to join D joined 7 you can it in English A say B speak C talk D tell

3、 8 I can sing and I can dance A also B too C either D at 9 Can you help me my English Lingling A for B to C with D at 10 Please call Alan 022 7738 A at B for C to D with 11 We need someone for our band Can you play piano very well A a B an C the D 12 Can you Chinese very well We need a man to teach

4、the boys Chinese A speaking B speak C say D talk 13 My sister to join the music club A don t want B don t wants C doesn t want D doesn t wants 14 Bill can stories and the children want friends with me A speak make B tell make C say making D tell to make 15 My sister can very well so she wants to joi

5、n club A swim swimming B swims swimming C swim swims D swims swim 完形填空 Mike and Gina 1 sister and brother They like music very much Gina can play the piano very well but she 2 play the violin Mike can t play the piano 2 5 but he 3 play the violin very well Today they 4 to carry 搬运 a piano to 5 bedro

6、om 6 piano is heavy They can t 7 it 8 parents aren t at home They can t help them to carry the piano But they 9 a cousin brother Dave He is here today So they ask Dave to 10 them 1 A is B am C are D be 2 A can B can t C doesn t D does 3 A can B can t C doesn t D does 4 A like B want C can D take 5 A

7、 Gina B her C Gina s D hers 6 A The B A C D An 7 A take B carry C help D bring 8 A Gina s and Mike B Gina and Mike s C Gina s and Mike s D They s 9 A have B like C want D there are 10 A come B go C join D join in III 阅读理解 A Mrs Brown goes to see her son in London Her son works in a music club there

8、Mrs Brown doesn t know London very well And she can t find her way She sees a man at a bus stop She wants to ask the man the way Excuse me But can you help me please Which bus goes to Miller s shop Mrs Brown asks The man is very friendly He smiles But he can t speak English He can speak French He is

9、 new in London He puts his hands in his coat and takes out a small book He opens it and reads something on it I am sorry I can t speak English 1 Mrs Brown goes to in London A work in a club B find the way C see her son D ask the man 2 Mrs Brown s son works in A a big school B Miller s shop C a music

10、 club D a bus stop 3 What s the bus stop in Chinese A 车库B 加油站C 交通灯D 车站 4 Mrs Brown can t find her way because A she is old B She is new in London C she doesn t know London very well D she can t see 5 Which of the following is right A The man at the bus stop is an Englishman B The man can t help Mrs

11、Brown C Mrs Brown can t speak English D Mrs Brown borrows 借 the book from the man 3 5 B One day an old man was selling a big elephant A young man ca me up to the elephant and began to look at it slowly The old man went up to him and said in his ear Don t say anythig about the elephant befo re I sell

12、 it Then I will give you some meat All right said the youn g man After the old man sold the elephant he gave the young man so me met and said Now can you tell me how you see the bad ears of the elephant Ididn t find the bad ears said the young man Then why do you look at it slowly asked the old man

13、The young man said I never see an elephant before and I want to know what it looks like 1 the elephant A The young man bought B The old man sold C The two men sold D The young man sold 2 The young man looked at the elephant He wanted to fin A its bad ears B some meat C a good elephant D what it look

14、s li ke 3 The young man A knew the elephant wasn t good B found the bad ears but didn t t ell it C looked after the elephant D got some meat 4 We know that A the two men were not honest B the young man wasn t a bad man C the old man was a good man D the elephant was a very good one 5 The young man l

15、ooked at the elephant slowly because he A liked elephant B wanted to buy it C didn t see any elephant before D wanted to help the old man C What do you do to relax Do you watch TV Do you read a book Or do you listen to music How many of us actually play a musical instrument How many of us go to conc

16、erts How important is music in our life What kind of music do we like A survey shows the musical habits of a few of our readers Interestingly fourteen people out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument while only six people don t Out of these ten people practice their musical instrument between 0 3 hours a week and the other four between three and six hours a week The best instrument to play is the guitar eight people say it is their favorite instrument to play Another four p


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