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1、七年级上册期末测试卷英 语时间:90分钟 满分:120分 一选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分;计15分)( ) 1. Toms father gives him _MP3. _MP3 is red.A. a; The B. an ; The C. the; The D. a; A ( ) 2.I like math. Its difficult_ interesting.Aand Bor Cbut D.so( ) 3. She is _girl. A. a 8-years-old B. an 8-years-old C. a 8 years old D. an 8-year-old ( ) 4

2、.How many_ does Mary want?A. salad B. tomato C. broccoli D. pears( ) 5.-_is your grandmother? -She is fine. AWhen BHow CWhat D.Where( )6.My sister is years old, tomorrow is her birthday. A. twelfthtwelve B. twelvetwelve C. twelve twelfth D. twelfthtwelfth( ) 7.The tall man with a big nose is _teache

3、r.A. Tom and Bill B. Toms and Bill C. Tom and Bills D. Toms and Bills ( ) 8.There _ some rice in the bowl. A. are B. is C. have D. has( ) 9-What color_your pants? -_black.Ais, Its Bis, Is Care, Their D. are, Theyre ( ) 10-Thank you for _me _my English.Ahelp, on Bhelping, at Chelping ,with D. help, i

4、n( ) 11. _pen is red and _ is red,too.A.You,my B.Your,mine C.Yours,my D.Your ,my ( )12.For girls, we have T-shirts _ red, green and white only 18 yuan. A. infor B. atfor C. forin D. ofabout( ) 13. -Please give me the notebook! -OK, . A. Give you B. Here you are C. Yes, thanks D. Here it is ( ) 14. T

5、he seventh month of the year is _A. June B. August C. February D. July( ) 15. _Thursday afternoon, I have a math class_ a long time.A. in; for B. on; at C. on; for D. at; at二、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) Dear Mary , How are you ? I am now in Beijing . My parents work (工作)in Beijing , so they 16 me here .

6、 Everything (一切)is 17 , but I like to be here . I am 18 Class 4 , Grade 7. My school isnt big , but its clean and 19 . There are 40 students in my class . 20 often play games at school . My classmates help me with Chinese and I help 21 with English . Now I can 22 some Chinese words like ZAI JIAN , N

7、I HAO and ZHONG GUO . But I cant write(写) . Its not 23 for me to write these words . And I 24 to learn (学习) more Chinese words . I am very happy every day . I 25 like here . Linda 16. ( ) A. take B. lose C. bring D. need 17. ( ) A. new B. boring C. bad D. OK 18. ( ) A. on B. in C. of D. at 19. ( ) A

8、. small B. short C. old D. tidy 20. ( ) A. Us B. You C. We D. Their 21. ( ) A. him B. they C. her D. them 22. ( ) A. look B. spell C. say D. see 23. ( ) A. difficult B. easy C. good D. great 24. ( ) A. want B.let C. help D. play 25. ( ) A. very B. really C. dont D. doesnt三,补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)A. How

9、 much is it?B. Can I help you?C. We have blue, yellow and white ones.D. What color do you like?E. Ill take this one. A: 26 B: Yes, please. I want to buy a shirt for my son.A: 27 What about this one?B: I dont like yellow. I want other colors.A: Other colors? 28 B: Can I have a look at the blue one?A:

10、 Yes, please.B: 29 A: 17 dollars.B: OK. 30 Here is the money(钱).A: Thank you.三、阅读。(40分)(共20小题,每小题2分;计40分) AClerk: Can I help you?Mr Green: Yes, please. I want a pair of running shoes.Clerk: Why do you need running shoes? Are you a runner?Mr Green: No, Im not. My son is a runner. He runs every mornin

11、g. Today is his birthday, so I want to buy a pair of running shoes for him.Clerk: Do you like this pair?Mr Green: No, Paul doesnt like white.Clerk: What color does he like?Mr Green: He likes black and red.Clerk: The red running shoes are $26. Oh, no, theyre $28. And the black running shoes are $16.M

12、r Green: Ill take this red pair. Thank you.Clerk: Today is Christmas Day(圣诞节). You can get a gift(礼物). Please take this pencil case to your son.Mr Green: Thank you.Clerk: Thats all right. 31. Pauls birthday is_.A. November 25th B.December24thC. October 1st D. December 25th32. Paul doesnt like_.A. black B. red C. white D. green33. Mr Green buys_ for his son.A. red running shoes B. white running shoesC. a pencil case D. black running shoes34.Paul _every morning.A. calls his father B. runsC. buys running shoes D. runs with his father35. -How much does Mr Green pay(付)? -_.A. $


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