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1、 31. It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer. I oppose having a new high school built in my neighborhood. Although I know theres a real need for a new facility, I

2、 have to say that I dont want one built so close to me. I think it would cause a lot of problems.First of all, there are very few teenagers in this neighborhood, or in our suburban subdivision, for that matter. Most of the residents here are either retired or are just starting out with young childre

3、n. This means that the kids coming to the new high school wouldnt be walking. They would come on buses or would be driving to the school. Either way, this would mean a lot more traffic on our streets.In addition to the traffic on school days, there also would be traffic whenever there was a sporting

4、 event, such as a basketball or football game, or activities at the school. Would there be enough parking in the school lot for everyone attending those events? Probably not. Consequently, those extra cars would end up our neighborhood.My neighbors and I would also be upset about the loss of the par

5、k, which is the site thats been selected for the high school. Mothers with young children gather there every morning for their kids to play together. People my age like to take a walk after dinner. On weekends, that park is a place for picnic and relaxation. Wed be sorry to lose our neighborhood par

6、k.I also have some concerns about all those young people being in our neighborhood. Would there be problems with drugs or fights? Could the school district guarantee us that security would be a priority? These are concerns that I dont think can be addressed sufficiently for me to support a new high

7、school in my neighborhood.32 Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: saying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific e

8、xamples to support your opinion. Even though I have lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood, in the same city my entire life. I know I would be happy living in a variety of place. Moving would expose me to new people, new weather, and new housing.Even if I were to move to another part of m

9、y city, I would encounter new people. Each neighborhood has a distinct personality. When I move to that neighborhood, I would meet the shopkeepers and residents that shape that personality. I may even adopt part of there manner as my own so I could be recognized as part of that community.If I want t

10、o encounter different weather patterns, I would have to move beyond my city. Where I live now, it is the same temperature all year, I would like to go to a place where there are four seasons so I can experience really cold temperatures. I would like to walk in the snow and perhaps go skiing. I could

11、 learn winter sports if I lived in the north.Now of course, I live with my parents in their home. It is a one story house built around a courtyard where our family spends a lot of time. If I were to move, I would like to live in an apartment on a very high floor so I could see all around me. I could

12、 also meet my neighbors in the elevator and we could get together for coffee in my apartment.The more I move the more I would experience change. I would meet new people in every place I lived; I could move to sample countries with four seasons or even a continent like Antarctica which only has two.

13、Wherever I lived, I would experience living in housing particular to that area. I would then be a citizen of the world, wouldnt I? Could you call me a foreigner if I called everyplace my home?33. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in th

14、e future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.“Save it for rainy day.” Thats my motto. When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank, I always put it in the bank.I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education, trav

15、el, and unforeseen emergencies. I need to have money set aside for these expenses.Education is expensive. I cant depend on my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, room and board, books, and incidental expenses to pay for. Ill try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs, but I know

16、I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses. If I spend my money now, I wont be able to pay for my education. I need to save money for my education.Travel is also very expensive. I dont mean vacation travel. I mean travel to get to and from school. Transpacific airfare costs a lot even special reduced fares. I first have to get to school and then, of course, I want to return to my family for important festivals and occasions. Going



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