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1、中小学教育() 教案学案课件试题全册打包试卷总评:2013年湖南英语试题总体难度适中,没有偏题、怪题。命题中,注意考查学生的英语素质,注意保证知识覆盖面,增加综合性和语境化的因素。听力部分:语音纯正,语速一般,试题难度适中。单项选择:15个,2135主要以考查动词及动词短语为主(包括动词的时态,语态,非谓语动词),同时也考查其它词性和从句。这一部分较简单,时态只考了较简单的一般现在的某种时态,比如一般现在时:24题和30题,一般过去时:32题和34题以及一般将来时。非谓语动词考得较完备:现在分词,动名词,不定式,过去分词都考到了,同时也考几个连词,比如21题的定语从句的引导词who,23题的引

2、导时间状语从句的before和被动语态21题,主谓一致33题和倒装35题。完形填空:分类两部分:3647这12个题是有选项的完形填空,记叙文,记叙了一个不懂事想离家出走的“我”想离家出走所遭遇的事,故事情节清晰,逻辑性强,易于理解。4855这8个完形填空是没有选项的完形填空,是一篇说明文:介绍了The One World Futbol这种足球。阅读理解总体难度适中,A篇是一篇说明文,说明介绍了几条关于如何减少旅行花费的建议。题较易。B篇是一篇记叙文,记叙了作者在实施Early Children Development“早期儿童教育”中,教师Dorothy给他留下了深刻的印象。C篇 是一篇说明文

3、,说明文,介绍了Little Free Library这家图书馆的由来,发展。这三篇音读理解,没有过难的文章,适合于大部分学生做。信息匹配题,能很好地考查文章信息匹配和词形变化。总之,本试题能很好考查学生英语知识水平和英语素质的英语试题。Part Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are seve

4、ral questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. Where is the man going? A. Kennedy.B. London.C. New York.2. When should the man arrive at the airp

5、ort? A. By 8:15.B. By 9:00.C. By 9:25.Conversation 23. What is the woman doing? A. Taking a taxi.B. Doing shopping.C. Waiting for the man.4. Where are the two speakers going to meet? A. At home.B. In a shop.C. In a restaurant.Conversation 35. What is the woman looking for? A. A pan.B. Carrots.C. Tom

6、atoes.6. What will the speakers probably have tonight? A. French fries.B. Noodles.C. Fried chicken.Conversation 47. What will the project focus on? A. A dog.B. A fish.C. A cat.8. What can we know about John? A. He has conducted the survey.B. He is making cards now.C. He will do the introduction.9. W

7、ho can handle the summarizing? A. Carol.B. Tom.C. Mary.Conversation 510. What can we know about the womans vacation? A. She will stay on the beaches. B. She will go camping in the jungle. C. She will spend 3 weeks in South Africa.11. Which does the woman need to bring? A. A map.B. A tent.C. Some clo

8、thes.12. Who will prepare the meals? A. The man.B. The guide.C. The woman.Conversation 613. What are the two speakers doing? A. Discussing a lecture.B. Visiting a museum.C. Attending a party.14. Which job has Jane applied for? A. Salesgirl.B. Waitress.C. Volunteer.15. What is the probable relationsh

9、ip between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student.B. Father and daughter.C. Classmates.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN TH

10、REE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21. Happiness and success often come to tho

11、se _ are good at recognizing their own strengths. A. whomB. whoC. whatD. which22. “What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh, I _ president,” said the boy, with a smile.A. have beenB. amC. wasD. will be23. You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason _ you reach any decision. A. a

12、lthoughB. beforeC. becauseD. unless24. Around two oclock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat _ us. A. bothersB. had botheredC. would botherD. bothered25. The sun began to rise in the sky, _ the mountain in golden light. A. bathedB. bathingC. to have bathedD. have bathed26.

13、If nothing _, the oceans will turn into fish deserts. A. doesB. had been doneC. will doD. is done27. Have you heard about the recent election? Sure, it _ the only thing on the news for the last three days. A. would beB. isC. has beenD. will be28. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can n

14、ever tell _ close you may be to victory. A. howB. thatC. whichD. where29. You cannot accept an opinion _ to you unless it is based on facts. A. offeringB. to offerC. having offeredD. offered30. Every day _ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. A. readB. readingC. to readD. reads31. _ warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it. A. StayingB. StayedC. To stayD. Stay32. He _ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hunt for an idea until he ha


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