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1、Unit 3 My school calendar第三课时 一、课时内容教科书Unit 3 My school calendar 第27页:B. Lets try Lets talk What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day?二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级下册的第三单元第三课时,围绕“My school calendar”这个话题展开内容。包括B. Lets try Lets talk What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day?两个板块。 Lets try是听力活

2、动,旨在引出本单元的一个话题-生日。学生通过观察图片,了解图片和文字信息,然后听录音,再根据录音内容完成勾选正确答案的任务。 Lets talk板块是通过Oliver 和陈杰讨论秋游的情景,介绍秋游的时间以及秋游将要去的地方,让学生感知核心句型:When is the trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.的语义及语用情景。 Lets try一般放在 Lets talk的教学之前,情景上自然过渡到对话教学部分,还可以检测学生对即将要学的核心句型的理解程度。三、课时目标1.能够根据图文提示预测听力内容,听录音完成练习。

3、2.能够在图片和老师的帮助下理解对话大意。3.能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。4.能够在情境中运用句型When is the trip this year? Its in October.Well go to the Great Wall.询问并回答有关学校活动举行的月份的内容。5.能够在语境中理解新词汇 the great Wall的意思,并能正确的发音。四、课时重难点1.重点(1)能够在情境中运用句型When is the trip this year? Its in October.Well go to the Great Wall.询问并回答有关学校活动举行的月

4、份的内容。(2)能够根据图文提示预测听力内容,听录音完成练习。2.难点(1)能够在情境中运用句型When is the trip this year? Its in October.Well go to the Great Wall.询问并回答有关学校活动举行的月份的内容。(2)区别o 在单词October中的不同发音。五、教学准备教师准备资源网络共享课件,自制PPT课件,词卡,学生自制头饰, 录音机及磁带六、教学过程1.课前热身 师生问候T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr/Ms.T: Nice to see you aga

5、in. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: Its time for English. Are you ready? Ss: Yes, we are ready.设计意图:充分调动学生的积极性,为学习Lets talk做准备。2.导入 活动:抢读单词 老师课件展示part A中的关于月份的单词及有关活动事件的词组,由同学们抢读,然后由学生用“When is ? Its in ”说句子。设计意图:此环节不仅复习了旧知还为接下来学句型做了铺垫。3. 新课呈现 (1)教学Lets try 教师示范读问题:What will Oliver have? (讲解这是一个一般将来时的句

6、子,它表示将要去做的事情,will 是将要的意思,)引导学生理解问题的意思。再与学生一起观察右边的图片及两个选项,让学生猜一猜听力的内容。教师将学生的猜测结果板书在黑板上。 播放对话录音,根据录音内容勾出正确的答案。 附:Lets try听力材料 What will Oliver have? Listen and tick. Oliver: Today is my birthday. Chen Jie : Really? Oliver: Thanks. Chen Jie : What will you do today? Oliver: I will have a party . Please

7、 come. Chen Jie : I will. 请学生再听一遍录音并校对。 T:What will Oliver have? Ss:(学生根据录音内容回答)A birthday party 设计意图:Lets try一般放在Lets talk教学之前,可以检测学生对即将要学的核心句型的理解程度。教师通过师生观察PPT课件Lets try图画后猜测回答,激活学生已有的知识经验,激发学生听力能力。(2)教学Lets talk 教学单词 colours (课件展示多彩的秋天)老师边展示边说: Autumn is my favourite season. Because I really like

8、 the colours.(老师展示各种多彩的图片如鲜花,彩纸等等,边展示边说单词 :colours 引导学生明白colours的意思,然后领读单词。 设计意图:通过各种实物图片来展示词卡,是枯燥的单词学习变得生动有趣,更利于学生掌握理解。 教学句型 When is the trip this year? Its in October. T: (教师课件呈现自己参加学校旅游的情景问:)Look at the picture.What do I do? Ss:You have a school trip. T:( 教师继续追问:) But do you know when is the trip

9、 this year ?Can you guess? Ss: Its in May. T:(学生猜了几次后)教师引导说:Maybe you can ask me? Ss: When is the trip this year? T: Its October. 板书该句型,拼读并教学单词October 区别o 在单词October中的不同发音. 教学句型:Well go to the Great Wall. T:( 教师课件出示自己旅游的图片,说到:) Look at these picture. Do you know where I went last year? Ss: 引导学生观察图片,

10、猜测地点并回答。 T: ( 然后老师课件呈现万里长城的图片,引导说:)This year well go to the Great Wall.并补充板书,用彩笔书写well 。教师带读句子,强调well 的发音。接着追问:Where is the Great Wall? Ss:Its in Beijing. 教师播放Lets talk录音,学生听录音,思考: Which season does Oliver like? When is the school trip? 根据课文对话校对答案,检验学生对对话的理解。设计意图:此环节是对Lets talk 部分的学习,让学生熟练掌握句型When i

11、s .的用法及一般将来时的句型的运用。 教师课件出示Lets talk 部分,学生分角色朗读。 a .老师扮演Oliver,学生扮演陈杰; b.老师扮演陈杰,学生扮演Oliver; c.女生扮演Oliver,男生扮演陈杰; d.女生扮演陈杰,男生扮演Oliver。 教学句型:What will you do for your mother on the Mothers Day? 创设情境,质疑学生与学生展开对话:T: When is the Mothers Day?Ss:Its in may.T: 母亲节快到了,What will you do for your mother on the M

12、others Day?Ss: I will设计意图:此环节是对Lets talk 部分的巩固,让学生更好地、灵活地运用所学语言。4.操练 活动:校园生活齐齐看活动方案: 教师呈现一张四月和十月校园生活的图表。请学生根据表格内容,进行同桌对话练习。 T:We have other things in October. What are they? Ss: The school trip , the writing contest, and Chinas National Day. T: Yes,look at the table ,and talk about these two months

13、with your deskmate.April(Apr.)sports meetEaster partyOctober(Oct.)school tripChinas National Daywring contest. 如: S1: Which season do you like? S2: I like spring. S1: Why? S2:Because I like sports meet. S1: When is the sports meet? S2: Its in April. S1: What will you do on the sports meet? S2: I wil

14、l play football. 设计意图:此环节是继续对Lets talk部分的巩固,让学生更好地将所学新单词灵活地运用于所学句型中。5.课堂小结 T:Boys and girls, Lets look back this class. Which English phrases do you remember?Ss: Colours, and October.T: Excellent! Which new sentences do you learn today?Ss:When is the trip this year? Its in October.Well go to the Great Wall.设计意图:帮助学生整理知识点,便于学生的理解和记忆。七、课堂作业 .连连看。 1. make a card A. 给她唱歌 2. write her a letter B. 给她讲故事 3. sing to her C.制作卡片 4.play the


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