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1、Unit1 C Story time浙江公开课教案教师姓名单位上课年级课题名称钱丽莉浙江省绍兴市嵊州市剡山小学六年级Unit1 How tall are youC Story time 教学目标1. 知识和能力目标:基础目标:1. 能观看图片和相关文字信息,学会从图片和文字信息中推测重点,做到有目的地听录音,听完后完成匹配任务。2. 学生通过头脑风暴,故事预测等方式来启发思维,理解故事,在此过程中发展想象力与思维能力。3. 能通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加语言输入。4. 通过本课学习,大部分学生能理解故事内容,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读故事;记忆力好的学生能表演故事,还能恰

2、当运用故事中的语言。2. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1. 能够通过看图捕捉主要信息,并根据提示做出听前预测。2. 能够通读文段,获取主旨大意和细节信息,并能进行推理判断。3. 通过故事,了解团队合作的重要性并能明白每个人都有各自的优势。教学重难点重点:理解故事内容,培养良好的听力习惯,学会从图片和文字信息中推测重点,做到有目的地听录音。难点:表演故事,并能按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读故事;通过故事预测等方式来启发思维。课前准备(1) 本课相关教学卡片、生词卡片。(2) 相关的PPT课件。(3) 学生每5人一张worksheet.教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-upa

3、ndRevisionFree talk:How tall are you?How heavy are you?Im _.Im _ than _.Why are you so tall and strong?(Guide the students to say something about football.) Which sports do you like? Do you like football?Introduction of football matchA. Watch the video.B. What do you see from the video?C. Show sth.

4、about goalkeeper.D. Play a game about “catching the ball”.Talk about height and weight.Talk about sports.Enjoy the video. Say sth. about the video.Say sth. about goalkeeper. Play the game about catching the ball.通过师生自由交谈了解,让学生进入学习的状态,营造一个轻松快乐的学习氛围。师生来聊一聊身高体重,在真实的情境中运用本单元核心句型:How tall are you? / How

5、heavy are you? / Im than ,并通过“Why is he so tall?”引发学生自由讨论,发表自己的观点,顺势引出本课故事的相关内容sports和football.用精彩的视频短片引起学生对足球的兴趣,并且引发他们关于足球赛的讨论,提高学生的学习兴趣,并且本视频紧扣本课学习主题,让学生更好的融入到本课的学习。用PPT和视频对足球赛的简单讲解,使学生对足球赛的规则和参赛人数和比赛类型有一定的了解,虽然中国足球并不尽人意,但是引导学生对中国足球有一个美好的展望,培养了文化品格。学生对一个优秀的守门员应有素质的描述,为下面课文的学习做好铺垫。Presentation and

6、 PracticeStep1: Pre-Reading 1. Listen and guess ListenListen and guide the students to know there is going to be a football match and Zoom and Zip need a goalkeeper. GuessGuess: Who would like to have a try?Who will come?2. Watch and answer Watch the video and answer:Do they all want to be the goalk

7、eeper? How do you know?Listen and followId like to have a try.I cant wait.Discuss in pairs:Who will be the goalkeeper?Step2 While-Reading1. Watch and answerQ: Who will be thegoalkeeper?2. Read and findQ: Why cant Mr. giraffe, Mr. Deer, Mr. Zebra, Mr. Dog be the goalkeeper?3. P2-4Have students choose

8、 one animal to say.P2:Look and answerQ: How tall is Mr.Deer?How heavy is Mr. Deer?Have the studentsknow Mr. Deer is nottall and strong enough to be a goalkeeper.P3:Look and answerQ: Why cant Mr.Zebra be thegoalkeeper?Guess and say:_ would like to have a try.Watch and answer:Id like to have a try.I c

9、ant wait.Listen and followPair work and answer:_ will be the goalkeeper because he is _.Watch the video and find out the answer: Mr. Hippo is the goalkeeper.Read the story, underline the key sentences.Find out and answer:Mr. Deer cant be the goalkeeper because _.Mr. Deer is 1.8 m tall.Mr. Deer is 86

10、 kg.Find out and answer:Mr. Zebra cant be the goalkeeper because _.读前看第一张图片,让学生读前预测、看图猜测,激活思维。第一次粗看课文图一动画,回答问题引出句子:Id like to have a try. I cant wait. 为后面的故事教学做好情境铺垫和感情渲染并进行句子朗读指导,关注语音、语调,培养学生良好的阅读和朗读习惯。读故事前,先让学生通过观察图片,猜测谁会是守门员,既是一个读前预测,为更好地阅读打基础,也再次激活学生原有的知识,复习比较级。通过观看视频和图片,能充分调动学生的整体感官,提高参与度。第一次整体

11、观看故事,了解故事内容,回答问题,让学生对故事有一个整体的感知。通过任务型教学,以问题为导向,培养学生捕捉简单信息的能力。通过任务设置,培养学生读图获取信息的能力。以生为本,让学生选择自己喜欢的动物和图片来描述。同时对学生进行学法指导,划出关键词句。 Look and chooseHow tall is Zebra?A. 1.9 m B. 1.7 mHow do you know?How long is 10centimetres?Have the studentsknow the length of 10 centimetres by body language.Listen and fol

12、lowMr. Zebra is 10centimetres taller than Mr. Deer.Have the students know: Mr. Zebra is taller and stronger, but he cant catch the ball, so he cant be the goalkeeper.Acting of P2-3Have the studentspractice and act out P2-3.P4: Look and answerQ: Why cant Mr. Giraffe be the goalkeeper?Have one student

13、 act like Mr. Giraffe and the other students try to reach the ball. Show the meaning of “reach ”Listen and follow Your neck is too long. The others cant reach you.Something about teamworkMr. Giraffes neck is too long. The others cant reach him. Because football needs teamwork.Show pictures of studen

14、ts when they were in Guimen and have them know teamwork means helping each other. Have the students say sth. about “_ needs teamwork.”Mr. dog Q: Why Mr. Dog cant be the goalkeeper?(1) Why Mr. Hippo is the goalkeeper?P5-P6Discuss in pairs.Q: Why hippo is the goalkeeper?Listen and checkRead and find. Have the student underline the key sentences.Make the students know the meaning of “almost


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