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1、帕丁顿熊2Paddington.2中英对照剧本Dialogue:最后一个雨季Our last rainy season.Dialogue: 想想看 帕斯图佐Just think, Pastuzo,Dialogue: 下个月这时候我们就在伦敦了this time next month well be in London.Dialogue: 流淌着果酱的河流Where the rivers run with marmaladeDialogue: 面包铺成的马路and the streets are paved with bread.Dialogue: 你读那本关于伦敦的书了吗Did you rea

2、d the book about London?Dialogue: 粗略看了一下I skimmed it.Dialogue: 哦 帕斯图佐你呀Oh, Pastuzo.Dialogue: 读书只会让我瞌睡Well, reading makes me sleepy.Dialogue: 我觉得能搞出一本自己的书的城市But any city that can come up with thisDialogue: 应该还不错is all right by me.Dialogue: 天呐 帕斯图佐 快看Ooh, Pastuzo, look!Dialogue: 是只小熊Its. Its a cub.Dia

3、logue: 露西Lucy!Dialogue: 放绳吊我下去Lower me down.Dialogue: 小心点Be careful.Dialogue: 低一点 帕斯图佐 再低一点Lower, Pastuzo. Lower.Dialogue: 露西Lucy?Dialogue: 露西Lucy!Dialogue: 恐怕我们去不了伦敦了Im afraid were not going to London after all.Dialogue: 为什么Why not?Dialogue: 我们有一只小熊要抚养了Weve got a cub to raise.Dialogue: - 他长什么样 - 很小

4、- Whats he like? - Rather small.Dialogue: 还很喜欢打喷嚏And rather sneezy.Dialogue: 但他喜欢这个果酱But he likes his marmalade.Dialogue: 不错Thats a good sign.Dialogue: 是的 帕斯图佐Oh, yes, Pastuzo.Dialogue: 如果我们收留他 我有预感他将来前途远大If we look after this bear, I have a feeling hell go far.Dialogue: 亲爱的露西婶婶Dear Aunt Lucy.Dialog

5、ue: 祝愿家里退休熊熊们一切安好I hope all is well in the Home for Retired Bears.Dialogue: 我这个夏天在伦敦的生活太棒了Life in London has been better than ever this summer.Dialogue: 我终于习惯了这里的生活方式Ive really got to grips with how things work.Dialogue: 好像每天都有新事物And it seems theres something new to do every day.Dialogue: 帕丁顿 你知道吗-

6、Guess what, Paddington? - Hmm?Dialogue: 蒸汽博览会今晚来伦敦The steam fair is coming to town.Dialogue: 我今天晚上Im going along tonight to write about itDialogue: 要在报纸上写关于这个的报道- in my newspaper. - Ooh.Dialogue: 谁会读那些啊Whos going to want to read about that?Dialogue: 大家都会读的 他们乘着老式蒸汽火车世界巡展Everyone. They travel the wor

7、ld in an old steam train.Dialogue: - 我还以为你喜欢蒸汽火车 - 我是喜欢- I thought youd love it. - I do.Dialogue: 别告诉其他人行吗 一点都不帅气Dont tell anyone, okay? Not cool.Dialogue: - 不如我们一起去 - 好主意- Why dont we all go? - Good idea.Dialogue: 你爸爸可擅长玩掷球击倒椰子游戏呢Your fathers a dab hand at the coconut shy.Dialogue: 以前大家都叫他神球手布朗呢Bul

8、lseye Brown they used to call him.Dialogue: 现在不了 打椰子是年轻人玩的Not anymore. Coconuts are a young mans game.Dialogue: 我觉得你是同龄人身材保持得很好的Well, I think youre in great shape for a man your age,Dialogue: - 布朗先生 - 谢谢你 帕丁顿- Mr. Brown. - Ah, thank you, Paddington.Dialogue: 等等 你以为我几岁Hang on, how old do you think I

9、am?Dialogue: 大概八十Oh, er, about .Dialogue: - 八十岁 - 最少八十- ? - At least.Dialogue: 等一下 小熊- Just a minute, young bear. - Hmm?Dialogue: 说过让你洗洗耳朵后面的Thought I told you to wash behind your ears.Dialogue: 我洗了 伯德女士 我Oh, but I did, Mrs. Bird. I.Dialogue: 这个怎么跑到那里去的I wonder how that got in there.Dialogue: 温莎花园就像

10、我的家I really feel at home in Windsor Gardens.Dialogue: 早上好 小姐Bonjour, Mademoiselle.Dialogue: 早上好 帕丁顿Good morning, Paddington.Dialogue: - 我给你带了早饭 - 谢谢- I brought you breakfast. - Thank you.Dialogue: 你的三明治总能带给我好心情Your sandwiches always put me in a good mood.Dialogue: 早上好 杰弗里医生Morning, Doctor Jafri.Dial

11、ogue: 你没忘带钥匙吧You havent forgotten your keys, have you?Dialogue: 钥匙 我的钥匙Keys? Keys!Dialogue: 真险Well caught.Dialogue: - 谢谢你 布丁顿 - 不客气- Thank you, Paddington. - Youre welcome.Dialogue: 今天天气真好 上校Glorious day, Colonel.Dialogue: 是啊 我兴奋的不得了呢Is it? How absolutely thrilling.Dialogue: 基茨小姐 约会进展如何了How was your

12、 date, Miss Kitts?Dialogue: 他不太合适 但你也懂的Well, he wasnt the one, but you know what they say.Dialogue: - 天涯何处无芳草 - 没错- Plenty more fish in the sea. - Exactly.Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you.Dialogue: - 早上好 帕丁顿 - 早上好 巴尔内斯先生- Morning, Paddington. - Morning, Mr. Barnes.Dialogue: - 拜拜 帕丁顿 - 拜拜 小姐- Bye, Paddington. -

13、 Au revoir, mademoiselle.Dialogue: 来 考考我Right, test me.Dialogue: 从贝克街到大本钟 走哪条路最快Whats the quickest way from Baker Street to Big Ben?Dialogue: 简单Ah, an easy one.Dialogue: 在波特曼广场右转Turn right onto Portman Square.Dialogue: 每个人对我都很好很热情Everyone has been so kind and welcomingDialogue: 即便有时候他们很忙even though

14、theyre very busy.Dialogue: 布朗太太计划游泳去法国Mrs. Brown is planning to swim to France.Dialogue: 选择哪一种交通工具似乎很费事It seems an awful lot of hard workDialogue: 因为坐船 坐飞机 甚至是坐火车when you can go by boatDialogue: 貌似都可以 但这些都不是重点or plane or even train. But thats not the point.Dialogue: 她花了一整个夏天Shes been cooped up all s

15、ummerDialogue: 为系列冒险故事做插画illustrating a series of adventure storiesDialogue: 最终决定亲身实践一个and has decided she wants one of her own.Dialogue: 朱迪失恋了 很难过Judy has been suffering from a broken heart.Dialogue: 你说我被甩了 你才是被甩的那个 托尼Im dumped? I think youll find youre dumped, Tony!Dialogue: 她一开始想出家做修女Her first reaction was to become a nun.Dialogue: 但她马上放弃了But she soon got over thatDialogue: 她有一项新爱好 她在学校里发现了and has thrown herself into a new hobby.Dialogue: 一架旧印刷机并办了一份报纸She found an old printing press at schoolDialogue: 禁止男生参与and is starting a newspaper with no boys.Dialogue: 现在我们就差


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