高中英语 Unit 3 Period Three Using Language同步学案 新人教版必修.doc

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1、Period ThreeUsing Language1 拓展归纳speak in a whisper低声说whisper to sb.向某人低声说give sb.the whisper对某人耳语;给某人以暗示whisper sth.in ones ear在某人耳旁小声说in a whisper(in whispersin a low voice)耳语地,低声地It is/was whispered that.据秘密传闻 完成句子(1)“一定要安静!孩子正在睡觉呢。”露西对我耳语道。“Do be quiet!The baby is sleeping,”Lucy whispered_in my e

2、ar.(2)他们正在课堂上低声讨论这件事。They were discussing it in_whispers in class.(3)她悄悄地告诉了我她的秘密。She told me her secret in_a_whisper.(4)据传闻市长生病住院了。It is_whispered that the mayor is ill in hospital.2 拓展归纳amused adj.觉得好笑的amusing adj.好笑的amusement n愉悦;娱乐keep sb. amused使某人快乐to ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是an amusing story一个逗

3、人乐的故事完成句子(1)我的滑稽图画把孩子们逗乐了。My funny drawings amused_the_kids.(2)我们都为他那愚蠢的行为感到好笑。We were_all_amused_at his foolish behaviour.(3)孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏取乐。The children amused_themselves_by playing hideandseek games.3 拓展归纳request sb. to do sth.要求某人去干某事request for.对的请求by request经要求in request受欢迎on request一经要求注意request,

4、require和demand后的宾语从句以及相应的主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中从句的谓语动词用(should)do结构。完成句子(1)我要求他们别再制造这样的噪音。I requested_them_to_stop making such a noise.(2)我要求他离开。I requested_of_him that he should leave.(3)他们已经紧急请求了国际援助。They have_made_an_urgent_request for international aid.(4)他再三要求我跟他一起玩。He repeated_his_request that I sho

5、uld play with him.4 拓展归纳particular adj.特别的;特殊的;独特的;讲究的;苛求的;详细的;n.细节;详情in particular特别地,详细地be particular about/over.对过分讲究particularly adv.特别,尤其注意particular作“特别的,特殊的”讲时,没有比较级和最高级。当particular作名词表示“细节;详情”时是可数名词,常用复数形式。For particulars,apply to the information desk.详情请向问讯台询问。She is so particular about her

6、 housework that servants will not work for her.她对家务活太挑剔了,这样佣人们不愿给她干活。I enjoyed in particular the song.我特别欣赏这首歌。There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。Be particularly careful when driving at night.晚上开车要特别小心。完成句子(1)These documents are_of_particular_interest(让人很感兴趣)(2)S

7、he is_very_particular_about_clothes(对衣着特别挑剔)(3)Peter was lying on the sofa doing_nothing_in_particular(无所事事)(4)Traffic is bad,particularly_in_the_city_centre (尤其是在市中心)5 拓展归纳react to sth.对作出反应react on/upon对有影响;作用于react against反抗react with与发生化学反应reaction n反应action and reaction作用和反作用chain reaction连锁反应用

8、恰当的介词填空(1)The market reacted by falling a further two points.(2)People can react badly to certain food additives.(3)He reacted strongly against the air pollution.(4)A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the companys recent losses.6 拓展归纳not think much of看轻think better of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人

9、think highly of看重;器重think well of重视think little of看轻;看不起think poorly of不放在眼里;轻视think nothing of轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起think better of sth./doing sth.对有更高的评价;重新考虑后决定不做think about,think of,think over(1)三者都有“考虑”之意,但前两个短语为“动词介词”短语,宾语是代词宾格时须放在介词的后面。 如:think about/of it。(2)think over是“动词副词”短语,宾语是代词宾格时应放在over之前。

10、(3)think about一般表示动作的过程,译作“考虑”“思考”,又可表示动作的结果,有“想起,想出”之意。(4)think over意为“仔细考虑”。完成句子(1)我们正在考虑到法国去度假。We are_thinking_of_going to France to spend our holiday.(2)你是怎样看待政府最近对工会提出帮助的?What do_you_think_about the governments latest offer to the union?(3)你的提议不错,但在告诉你我的决定之前我要好好想一想。Your offer is attractive but

11、I need to think_it_over before I can let you know my decision.7 Pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you say and try to bring out the humor.(P22)拓展归纳bring about带来;造成bring back带回来;使恢复(记忆、健康)bring in收(庄稼);提出;引进bring out使显现;阐明;出版bring to使恢复知觉bring up教育;培养;使成长;呕吐用bring短语的适当形式填空(1)T

12、he photographs brought_back many pleasant memories.(2)We need to bring_in a lot more new business.(3)That dress really brings_out the colour of your eyes.1 The answer to the question contains a word which,when spoken,can have two meanings.问题的答案中包含有一个单词,这个单词在说的时候可以有两层意思。用法点拨when spoken是省略句,省略了it is,完

13、整的状语从句应该是when it is spoken;在状语从句中如果从句的主语和句子的主语一致,谓语中出现了be的形式,可以把从句中的主语和be的形式省略。主要有以下几种情形:(1)在由when,whenever,while,as,till和until所引导的时间状语从句中的省略。They are building a new factory while expanding the old one.(They are building a new factory while they are expanding the old one.)他们一面扩建旧厂,一面建设新厂。(2)在由if,onc

14、e,unless所引导的条件状语从句中的省略。Once seen,it can never be forgotten.(Once it is seen,it can never be forgotten.)一旦看到,就再也不会忘记它。(3)在由where,wherever所引导的地点状语从句中的省略。Fill in the blanks with proper words where necessary.(Fill in the blanks with proper words where they are necessary.)在必要的地方用适当的词填空。(4)在由because所引导的原因

15、状语从句中的省略。Some stars can not be seen only because too far away.(Some stars can not be seen only because they are too far away.)许多星星看不到仅仅是因为它们离得太远了。(5)在由though,although,no matter.所引导的让步状语从句中的省略。Although in his seventies,he is still in good health.(Although he is in his seventies,he is still in good health.)虽然他七十多岁了,但身体仍然很好。(6)在由as,as if,as though所引导的状语从句中的省略。


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