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1、功夫熊猫中英对照剧本好多台阶Stairs.我不行了.I dont think I can.各位 别等我了You guys, just start without me.我等会就来Ill catch up!真棒Sweet.心如止水Inner peace.心如止水Inner peace.鼻子好痒Itchy nose.终于可以 心如止水Finally, inner peace.又怎么了Now what?天煞 老朋友Kai, old friend.乌龟大师Master Oogway.我们的较量五百年前就结束了Our battle ended years ago!我准备好再战一场了Well, now I

2、m ready for a rematch.你耽搁挺久啊Took you long enough!你变强了Youve grown stronger.在灵界里待上五百年 years in the Spirit Realm,总能学到点东西you pick up a thing or two.我把这里每位大师的气都拿到手了I have taken the chi of every master here.不可能 没错 No! Yes.很快 我也将拥有你的力量And soon I will have your Power, too.你什么时候才能明白When will you realize?得之越多

3、 失之越多The more you take, the less you have.有了你的气With your chi,我终于能够回到凡界I will finally be able to return to the mortal world.这一次 你就没法在那里阻止我了And this time, you wont be there to stop me.阻止你从来不是我的使命It was never my destiny to stop you.我早已另托他人I have set another on that path.那我就会找到他Then I will find him.把他的气

4、也夺走and take his chi, too.正义即将降临Justice is about to be served!an功夫熊猫请给我们来两份正义拼盘Well have two justice platters, please.来三份 三份 Um. three. Three.再来几个豆腐包And a few tofu buns.给悍娇虎再来碗红汤面条Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress.你要多加酱料吗Did you want extra sauce with that?她喜欢酱料分开装She wants it on the side.分开装 分开装

5、On the side. On the side.加油 神龙大侠 你一定行 Go, Dragon Warrior! You can do it!加油 神龙大侠Go, Dragon Warrior!守卫山谷Defend the valley!神龙大侠Dragon Warrior!加油 神龙大侠Go, Dragon Warrior!守卫山谷Defend the valley!你们没有摆那霸气威武的造型吧You guys arent doing the dramatic Pose, are you?我们非得每次落地都要摆造型吗Do we have to strike a Pose every tim

6、e we land?各位 永远不要低估了You guys, never underestimate闪亮登场的重要性the Power of a dramatic entrance.我听说有些大师单凭踹开大门Ive heard about some masters who can win a fight就能赢得较量just by throwing open a door.闪亮登场Dramatic entrance?师父Master Shifu.神龙大侠说得对The Dragon Warrior is correct.真的吗 我刚刚只是瞎.Really? I was just making.对 没

7、错 我是对的Uh, yeah. I mean, yeah. I am.攻人先攻心Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.因此 需要闪亮登场Hence, the dramatic entrance.真够闪亮的 今天是什么日子Nice dramatic entrance. Whats the occasion?今天是我教的最后一课Today will be my final class.最后一课 等等Your final.? Wait.我都不知道你生病了I didnt even know you were sick!尽管

8、你看上去确实.Although you have been looking a little.我没生病Im not sick.健康 有点健康 非常健康.healthy. A little healthy. A lot, actually.这是最后一课 因为从今天开始My final class, because from now on.你们的训练将会交给your training will be in the hands神龙大侠of the Dragon Warrior.什么What?我来授课 怎么不是悍娇虎Me, teach? Why not Tigress?她一直指挥大家做事情Shes a

9、lways telling everyone what to do.闭嘴 阿宝Be quiet, Po.看到了没You see what I mean?悍娇虎不是神龙大侠Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior.你才是You are.拜托 他们是盖世五侠Come on, theyre the Five.我能教他们什么What could I teach them?学海无涯 即使你是大师There is always something more to learn, even for a master.比如说For instance.让我再教你一招let me show

10、 you another move.闪亮退场the dramatic exit.那是什么Whats that?开什么玩笑Are you kidding me?他去哪了Whered he go?师父Master.他都走了 各位 没事的Hes gone, guys. Its cool.请您指教 师父We await your instruction, master.教得不好 顶多砸了招牌All you have to lose is our respect.说真的 还能有多糟I mean, seriously, how bad can it be?非常糟 非常非常糟糕Very bad! Very,

11、 very bad!好了 好了 大家交换一下Okay, okay. Lets switch it up.金猴 不动如山Monkey! Immovable mountain stance!是 师父Yes, master!悍娇虎 旋风后空翻Tigress, tornado back flip!是 师父Yes, master.不好 火Oh, no! Fire!点火 停下来 Fire! Stop!对不起 我错了Sorry! My fault.仙鹤 飞高点Crane, go high.我是说低点 低点I mean low! Low!我的小爪子Ah, my claw thingy!灵蛇和悍娇虎 做那个Uh

12、, Viper and Tigress, do,虎踞蛇盘五毒大法uh, like, a totem pole poison technique!你们两个 万蚁蚀象You two, do a swarming insect bite.神龙摆尾 金钟罩 铁砂掌with a yellow tail, yellow jacket, spicy tuna.对不起Im sorry.你真行 阿宝Good job, Po.你们学到什么了吗Did you at least learn a little something?学到了Yes.你确实不会教That you cant teach.还有 原来悍娇虎是可燃的

13、And Tigress is flammable, it turns out.那完全是场灾难Yeah, that was a complete disaster.真庆幸我们不是阿宝Uh, Im glad were not Po right now.他太差劲了What a loser!师父到底怎么想的What was Shifu thinking?乌龟到底怎么想的What was Oogway thinking?我觉得他听到了I think he heard us.我什么都没听到I didnt hear anything.他说你很差劲Uh, he said youre a loser.对不起 乌

14、龟Im sorry, Oogway.你能不能别再这样了Would you stop doing that?第一天授课感觉如何How was your first day teaching?特别丢脸Humiliating.我听说了I heard.谁告诉你的 悍娇虎吗Who told you? Did Tigress tell you?我听金猴 仙鹤 螳螂I heard from Monkey, and Crane, and Mantis.你爸爸 礼品店的曹太太and your dad, and Mrs. Chao from the gift shop.刚刚路过你的那群鸭子and those du

15、cks you just passed.当然悍娇虎也说了and Tigress told me.她有没有告诉你不会有第二次了Did she also tell you that itll never happen again?因为我不干了Because Im done.你是指授课 还是丢脸Teaching or being humiliated?两者都是 我不知道你为什么觉得Both! I dont know why you ever thought我可以教他们I could teach that class.我知道你不行Oh, I knew you couldnt.什么 你故意让我失败 为什么What? You set me up to fail? Why?如果你只做力所能及的事If you only do what you can do,就永远无法更进一步yo


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