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1、17B Unit 8 PetsPeriod5 (Task & Self-assessment)一、词组翻译1. 对某人友好_ 2. 你最喜欢的宠物_3. 白色的爪子_ 4. 给它干净的水_5. 玩耍球_ 6. 喜欢温牛奶_二、单词拼写1. My cat has white_ (爪子).2. Ben_ (隐藏) in the bushes, so it took us a long time to find him.3. -Do you like the_(变化诗歌) of Li Bai or the ones -of Du Fu?-I like both.4. Its wrong to_ (打

2、架) with your classmates.5. My little brother likes_ (喂) his rabbit very much.6. My cat likes my_ (温柔的) touch in the afternoon.7. -Did you see my key? I cant find it_. -Maybe your father took it.8. -We should be kind to the old. -I_ with you. I often help the old,9. -What does your mother do?-She is

3、a teacher. She_ history in a secondary school.三、单项填空( )1. _ does the cat weigh?A. How many B. How much C. How heavy D. What( )2. We know him_ .He enjoys music_. A. very much; very much B. very well; very wellC. very well; very much D. very much; very well( )3. Look! Amy is teaching her parrot_ a son

4、g.A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings( )4. Miss Green usually_ her dog out for a walk after supper.A. walks B. takes C. bring D. asks( )5. Jim would like_ a doctor when he grows up.A. be B. to be C. being D. to being( ) 1._ amazing news she brought to us!A. What B. What an C. How an D. How( ) 2.

5、This kind of pet isnt_ at all. They dont make much noise.A. dangerous B. trouble C. kind D. empty( ) 3. Dont_ your classmates in the classroom building. Its dangerous.A. run after B. look after C. join in D. wake up( ) 4. My mother tells me_ to take care of the goldfish when she is free.A. how B wha

6、t C. which D. where( ) 5. Tina is ill. Can you_ her for me today?A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look like( ) 6. Im looking for my English book, but I cant find it_.A. anywhere B. everything C. nobody D anything( ) 7. -_ do you clean the cage? - Once a week.A. How about B. How long C. How so

7、on D. How often( ) 8. - Is there_ in the fridge? -_ . We must get some.2A. everything; Anything B something; NothingC. anything; Nothing D. anything; Something四、完形填空People like dolphins(海豚 ) because they are both lovely andclever. They have a(n) 1 IQ(智商).Dolphins can talk. Scientists (科学家) try to ta

8、lk withdolphins, and the results (结果) make them 2 . They finddolphins 3 understand them so well.4 animals enjoy playing, but dolphins like to make theirgames different. On a beautiful day in 1997, scientists on a beach5 a little dog going into the sea. They were surprised to see the dolphins come up

9、 to the dog and then start throwing(扔) it into the air. The dog 6 the game and kept playing with the dolphins for over an hour.Dolphins live in a very different world from 7 , but they are very good at our IQ tests(测试). For example, a dolphin jumps 8 the water when he hears a whistle noise(哨声), He d

10、oes this because he will get a fish 9 an award.There is 10 to learn about these lovely friends.( ) 1. A. interesting B. important C. usual D. amazing( ) 2. A. surprised B. afraid C. sad D. interesting( ) 3. A. must B. may C. can D. should( ) 4. A. Very few B. No C. Most D. Little( ) 5. A. looked B.

11、saw C. learnt D. knew( ) 6. A. disliked B. hated C. missed D. enjoyed( ) 7. A. theirs B. ours C. his D. mine( ) 8. A. into B. out of C. onto D. across( ) 9. A. with B. as C. for D. without( )10. A. much B. little C. many D. few五、阅读理解Last winter, Daisy went to stay with a school friend. One afternoon

12、 she was alone in thehouse. There was nothing interesting on TV and it was cold and rainy outside. So instead of(代替)reading her book, she looked around for some jobs.There was a bag of old clothes by the front door. Ah! That must be the rubbish.” So she put it in the dustbin outside. Then she went t

13、o clean the dresser(梳妆台).She saw a small box. She emptied(倒空)the water in it and put it away.There were a few dirty cups on the kitchen table. Aha, she thought, Ill wash those. She found a bowl with some grey water in it. She emptied(清空) it and washed up the cups. She was very happy with her afterno

14、ons jobs.That evening, there were surprised cries. Wheres the bag of baby clothes for my friend? It was by the front door.”Who emptied the water in the box? My contact lenses(隐形眼镜)were in it and theyre lost(丢失) !”There was some chicken soup in the bowl. Did anyone drink it?Oh dear! Daisy had to tell the family about her afternoons good job. They werent very happy with her.But now they often laugh about her mistakes(错误) .When are you going to come and stay again, Daisy? they ask.( ) 1. One co



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