外研社(三起)六年级下册英语课件-Module3 Unit 2 the cows are drinking water

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外研社(三起)六年级下册英语课件-Module3 Unit 2 the cows are drinking water_第1页
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《外研社(三起)六年级下册英语课件-Module3 Unit 2 the cows are drinking water》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社(三起)六年级下册英语课件-Module3 Unit 2 the cows are drinking water(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 Thecowsaredrinkingwater 学习目标 1复习新单词 2会熟练应用现在进行时描述图片并会做检测题 write writing come coming run running swim swimming send sending eat eating 现在进行时 表示现在正在做某事结构 S be am is are V ing 1 直接 ing 2 去e ing 3 双写 ing havebreakfasthavingbreakfastplayfootballplayingfootballhaveapicnichavingapicnicflyakiteflyinga

2、kitewatchafilmwatchingafilmWhatareyoudoing I m We re V ing Guessinggame A Whataretheydoingnow B Arethey B Aretheydancing A Yes theyare No theyaren t A Whatishedoingnow B Ishe B Ishedrinking A Yes heis No heisn t A Whatisshedoingnow B Isshe Yes sheis No sheisn t B Isshesleeping A Sheiseatinganicecrea

3、m Lookatthepicturesandtalkaboutthepictures SheTV is watch ing Theymorningexercises are do ing Hehisbike is rid ing e Theyflyakite are ing DearLingling Inthisphoto weareinthemountains Thesunisshiningandthewindisblowing Thecowsaredrinkingwater Thebirdsaresinging Theducksareswimming Therabbitsarejumpin

4、g SimonandIareplayinghide and seek Wearehavingalovelytime Love Daming ThisisaletterfromDamingtoLingling Ittoldwhatwashappeninginthephoto Answerthequestions Whowrotethisletter WhereareSimonandDaming What stheweatherlike Whatarethecowsdoing Damingwrotethisletter They reinthemountains Thesunisshiningan

5、dthewindisblowing They redrinkingwater 先学后教自学指导 请同学们认真看这篇课文 找出含有 ing 的句子并划下来 重点读你划的句子 2分钟后 比一比谁能读得最流利 WhatareSimonandDamingplaying Whatarethecowsdrinking Whatarethebirdsdoing Whataretheducksdoing Whataretherabbitsdoing Aretheyhavingalovelytime They replayinghide and seek They redrinkingwater They re

6、singing They reswimming They rejumping Yes theyare DearLingling Inthisphoto weareinthe Thesun andthewindis The aredrinkingwater Thebirdsare Theducksare Therabbitsare SimonandI hide and seek Weare a time Love Daming mountains isshining blowing cows singing swimming jumping areplaying having lovely Ex

7、ercise1 1 thisphoto it sraining In On At 2 Theducksare inthewater swim swimming 3 Thepoliceman wearingabighat is am are 4 Myfather drawingapicture is am are 5 Thesunis shine shining In swimming is is shining Exercise2 1 Here thisphoto A amB isC are 2 Look Theducks onthewater A swimsB isswimmingC are

8、swimming 4 Ihadaveryfunnyday Sunday A onB atC in 5 Pleaselook this A inB atC on B C A B 用Be动词的适当形式填空 am is are 1 It goingtobewarmtomorrow 2 I havingapicnicwithmyfriendsinthepark 3 Sam runninginthepark 4 We goingdownthehills 5 Theboy lookingoutofthewindow am is is is are Exercise3 Exercise4 1 Whatare

9、theducksdoing They ourpicnic A areeatingB eatingC eats 2 Where s She sunderthetalltree A yourdadB yourmumC yourbrother 3 Whatareyoudoing I m A intheparkB hungryC writingtoSam 4 Areyousingingintheroom A Yes Iam B Yes Ido C No Idon t 5 OnSundaywe apicnicintheparkandwe alovelydaythatday A have haveB had hadC have had A B C A B Writeastorywiththefollowingwordsandexpressions Thentelltheclassaboutit buyfoodhaveapicnicsingdanceflyakiteplayfootballrainducksswim Agirlisbuyingfoodinthesupermarket Sheisgoingtohaveapicnic Homework Thankyou



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