高中英语同步单元复习 Unit3 Travel journal学案(学生版)新人教版必修1

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1、必修一 Unit 3 Travel journal 复习学案一. 课标词汇(括号内数字为词汇级别,数字越大越是高频词汇)1. _( n. 大学毕业生;vi 毕业5) 2. _(vt. 说服;劝说5)3. _(n. 旅行;旅程5) 4. _(n. 态度;看法5) to/towards5. _(vt. 决定;确定;下定决心4) _(adj. 坚决的;有决心的4)6. _(vt. 组织;成立4) 7. _(vi. 流动;流出;n. 流动;流量4)8. _(n. 进度表vt.安排时间4) 9. _(n. 不利条件;不便3)10. _(n. 日记;杂志;定期周刊3) 11. _(n/vt. 预测;预报3

2、)12. _(adj. 可信赖的;可靠的3) 13. _(n. 保险3)14. _(n. 一步;步调vi.踱步3) 15. _(n. 枕头;枕垫2)16. _(n. 火焰;光芒;热情2) 17. _(n. 庙宇;寺庙2)18. _(adj. 顽固的;固执的1) 19. _(n. 瀑布1)20. _(n. 海拔高度;高处1)二. 实用短语1. _ 从那以后2. _ 喜爱;喜欢3. _关心;忧虑;惦念;在意 4. _ 改变主意5. _ 下决心;决定 6. _ 投降;屈服;让步7. _ 照常;像往日一样 8. _ 在午夜9. _ 梦想;梦见 10. _ 醒着 11. _ 齐头并进,并驾齐驱 12.

3、_ 使某人对感兴趣 13. _ 劝说某人做某事 14. _ 迫不及待地去干某事三. 重点句型When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. 划线部分是“主语+be+adj.+不定式”结构。此结构中往往用不定式主动形式表被动。常用的形容词有:difficult, hard, easy, heavy, light, soft, comfortable, interesting, exciting等。拓

4、展不定式主动表被动的其他情况1) 当不定式与所修饰的名词、代词是动宾关系,且与主语是主谓关系时。eg: Ill give you a book to read. Would you bring me a bench to sit on?(不及物动词须加相应介词)2) with复合结构中不定式主动表被动 eg: With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the manager will have a hard time. With a baby _(照顾),the mother had to quit her job. 3) there be 句型中

5、修饰主语时,主、被动均可;但不定式有逻辑主语时,只用主动语态 eg: There is nothing to fear/to be feared. There are six letters to write/to be written today. There is nothing for me to fear. There is nothing for him to do today. 4) to let(出租),to blame等一般只用主动语态 eg: The house is to let. The drive was to blame. 四. 精讲词汇1. prefer (5) v

6、t. 更喜欢;宁愿(要) (=like better/more) 此词不与比较级连用prefer sth 更喜欢某事/物 宁愿/更喜欢做某事prefer sb (not) to do sth 宁愿某人(不)做某事prefer A to B /prefer doingto doing 喜欢A胜过B/宁愿做而不愿做 宁愿做而不愿做prefer +that clause (虚拟语气should do, should可省) 宁愿2. persuade(5) vt. 说服;劝服; 使(某人)相信 vi 被说服说服某人(不)做某事 _ _ persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事 persua

7、de sb + that clause 使某人相信 _=advise sb 劝说某人(不一定成功)3. imagine(5) vt. 想像;设想;料想;猜想 imagine+n/pron/Ving/that clause 想像. imagine sb as/to be 想像某人是 _想像某人做某事4. determine(4) vt. 决定;确定;下定决心 determined(4)adj. 坚定的;有决心的 _ 决心做某事(表动作) _ 决心做某事(表心理状态) determine sb to do sth 使某人决心做某事 determine on (doing) sth 决定(干)某事五

8、. 短语辨析 1. care about sth (=feel that sth is important and worth worrying about) 关注;在意;担忧 care about sb (=like or love sb and worry about what happens to them) 关心;关怀 care for sb 1. (=to look after sb. who is sick, very old, very young, etc.) 照顾;照料(正式用语) 2.(=to like or love sb. very much) 喜欢某人 2. give

9、 in(to sb/sth) 1. (=admit that you have been defeated by sb/sth) 认输,投降 2. (=agree to do sth that you dont want to do;give way to sb/sth) 让步 give up(sth/doing sth) (=stop having or doing sth) 放弃六. 课后思考:1. 表示“劝说/说服某人干某事”的其他短语还有什么? 2. 总结相关give短语,并能根据语境判断使用。七. 巩固练习I. 用本单元的短语补全下列句子1. _ middle school, I h

10、ave _(梦想) taking a long journey to London. 2. Paul _ his wife not to _ (屈服) her fate. 3. He is a determined man. Once he has _, nothing can change it. In other words, he will never _(改变主意) no matter what trouble he is in. 4. The mother didnt _(在意) her sons rude manners because she was extremely_(喜欢)

11、 him. 5. _ the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. I couldnt go to sleep and had to _ till the next morning. 6. When the last class is over, the students _ rush to the dinning hall _. 7. Our English teacher has a special way to _ us _ in the subject. 8. He was so unfit that he couldnt _

12、us. 9. If you yourself, you will be able to work efficiently. 10. Tom was very lazy. He _ watch TV at home rather than go out for a walk. II. 单选1. The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination. (2020全国卷I 31) A. that B. which C. whose D. what2. It is difficult to imagine his the decision without any consideration. (06 陕西) A. to accept B. accept C. accepting D. accepted3. Dont let yourself be into buying


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