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1、MissLi Therebe句型专题 Howmanyapplesarethereonthetree Therearetwentyapplesonthetree Howmanyapplesarethereonthetreenow Therearethirteenapplesonthetreenow 单数is复数are不可数的用is 看名词 There adollinthetoybox A isB are There somebreadontheplate A isB are There alotofgreentreesinthePark A isB are Thereisacatunderthe

2、tree Therearetwodogsunderthetree Thereisacatandtwodogsunderthetree Therearetwodogsandacatunderthetree there there是个近视眼 There adeskandfifty fivechairsintheclassroom A areB is There fifty fivechairsandadeskintheclassroom A areB is 就近原则 在此添加文本 只要看到be动词后面的词是复数名词 就用are 否则就用is 当然还要注意时态哦 There somewaterint

3、hebottle A isB areC haveD be Thereis A apencilB twobooksC fiveapplesD awater There apencil caseandmanypencilsinTom sschoolbag A isB areC haveD be Therearealotof inthefridge A meatB chickenC eggsD milk Thereisaradioonthedesk Therebe 的一般疑问句 Istherearadioonthedesk Yes thereis No thereisn t Therearesome

4、shoesunderthebed Arethereanyshoesunderthebed Yes thereare No therearen t 规则 is are要提前 some变any 其他都不变 Therebe有特点 主语放在be后面 单数主语用is 复数主语要用are 变否定很简单 be后要把not添 变疑问也不难 把be提到there前 否定疑问any换 就近原则多多练 Therebe口诀 Thereisanappleonthechair 请使用Therebe 描述下图 Thereisaballinthebasket Therearetwoapplesonthechair There

5、isapencilinthepencil box Therearethreebooksonthedesk 用be动词is are填空 1 Thereapencilinthepencilbox 2 Theresomeflowersonthedesk 3 Therefourpeopleinmyfamily 4 Thereapictureandtwomapsonthewall 5 A thereacatunderthetree B Yes there is are are is Is is 1 There aclockonthetable A isB are2 therearadioonyourde

6、sk A AreB Is3 thereamaponthewall Yes there A are isB is areC Is isD are are4 There somestudentsintheclassroom A areB is5 There apencil abookandtwopensonthetable A isB are 语法大练兵 A C A A B 6 There twoapples oneorangeandonebananaonthetable A isB are7 Arethere picturesonthewall No therearen t A any anyB

7、 some anyC some someD any some8 Thereisn tabookinhishand Thereis bookinhishand A noB not9 Thereisatree theplayground A atB near10 Arethere shopsnearhere No thereare shopsnearhere A some notB some anyC any notD any no 语法大练兵 B A B A C 教室里有很多桌子和凳子 Therearesomedesksandchairsintheclassroom 书架上有很多书 Therea

8、resomebooksontheshelf 椅子下有个足球 Thereisafootballunderthechair 树上有两个风筝和一只鸟 Therearetwokitesandabirdonthetree Thereisabirdandtwokitesonthetree 房子附近有三棵树 Therearethreetreesnearthehouse 语法大练兵 1 Thereisamouseintheroom 改写为一般疑问句 并作肯定否定回答 Isthereamouseintheroom Yes thereis No thereisnot 2 Thereisafishinthebowl

9、 改写成否定句 Thereisnotafishinthebowl 3 Therearesomedolphinsintheocean 改写为一般疑问句 Arethereanydolphinsintheocean 4 Therearesomebooksinhisbag 改写为否定句 Therearenotanybooksinhisbag 语法大练兵 翻译 在桌子上有3支钢笔 Therearethreepensonthetable 在树上有一些苹果 Therearesomeapplesonthetree 在椅子上有一只兔子 Thereisarabbitonthechair 在铅笔盒里有一块橡皮 Th

10、ereisaneraserinthepencil box Homework Therearethreepensonthetable Therearenotthreepensonthetable Aretherethreepensonthetable Yes thereare No therearen t Therearesomeapplesonthetree Therearenotanyapplesonthetree Arethereanyapplesonthetree Yes thereare No therearen t Thereisaneraserinthepencil box Thereisnotaneraserinthepencil box IsThereaneraserinthepencil box Yes thereis No thereisn t 变否定句和疑问句 并做回答 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除 感谢你的观看



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