高中英语Unit 13 Healthy eating--Period 2旧人教版第一册下

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1、Unit 13 Healthy eatingPeriod 2一、 聚焦重点、难点(一) 重点A.词汇用法energy bar diet keep up with pace make a choice chemical balance fit functionB.句型结构The same goes for “ crash diets” that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.The best way to do.isOnly in that way will we.C.难点Only in that way will we./ g

2、o for.二、 剖析重点词汇、词组、句型1.Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.选择吃什么不像以前那么简单了。no longer=not.any longer不再,强调时间上的延续:She could no longer go to school.她不能再上学了。I found that he was no longer working there.我发现他不再在那儿上班了。I cant wait any longer.我不能再等了。no more=notany more强调次数或程度He still smoked

3、, but drank no more.他仍然抽烟,但不再喝酒了。We saw him no more.我们不再看到他了。You must not think about it any more.你不要再想这件事了。2.Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.as has our way of life中as为“就像”,相当于and our way of life has changed, too.3.traditional diets传统饮食diet某类饮食This is a diet high in protein, l

4、ow in carbohydrates.这是一种蛋白质含量高而碳水化合物含量低的饮食。A balanced diet is necessary for good health.平衡饮食对健康的身体很有必要。Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.合理饮食和运动对于身体健康很重要。The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes.爱尔兰人以前以吃土豆这种饮食为生。The doctor ordered him a diet without sugar.医生要他不吃含糖的饮食。He put

5、me on a vegetable diet.他要吃蔬菜类。be / go on diet节食She is on diet because she wants to lose weight.她在节食因为她要减肥。4.barn.(1)条,杆,棒a bar of soap / chocolate一块肥皂/巧克力double bars双杠high-and-low bars高低杠(2)妨碍,障碍物Poor health may be a bar to success in life.身体不好阻碍他成功。Poverty is not always a bar to happiness.贫穷并不总是幸福的

6、障碍物。(1) 酒吧,(饮食)柜台He opened a snack bar.他开了一个饮食店。Vt.上闩He barred all the windows and doors of his house.他把所有的门窗上了闩。把.关在屋里/外He barred himself in.他把自己关在屋内。She barred him out of her room.她把他关在她的房间外。挡住(去路)A high wall bars the way into the garden.一垛高高的墙挡住了去花园的路。5.keep up with the high pace of modern life跟上

7、现代生活的快节奏(1) keep up with跟上,不落在后面She had to run to keep up with him.她得跑步才能跟上她。We must keep up with the times.我们必须跟上时代的步伐。了解(最新的发展等)Do you find it hard to keep up with medical developments?你发现了解最新的医学上的发展很难吗?The international situation changes so quickly nowadays that you can not keep up with it.当今国际形势

8、变化如此快以致于你了解不了最新情况。Julie is one of those women who always keep up with the latest fashions.朱莉是属于那些紧跟时尚的妇女。维持联系Do you still keep up with your old workmates?你跟你的老同事还保持联系吗?(2) pace n.步子(CN)Take one pace ( step) forward.往前一步。If you advance one pace, Ill shoot you.如果你再往前一步,我就毙了你。速度,进度I cant walk at that p

9、ace.我不能以那个速度走。The work progressed at a slow pace.这工作进展很慢。I cant keep up with the high pace of city life.我跟不上城市生活的快节奏。keep pace with跟上Youre walking much too fast for me. I cant keep pace with you.你走得太快了我跟不上你。1. make a choice作出选择We each had to make a choice.我们每人得作出选择。choice n.选择It was a wise choice.这是

10、个明智的选择。Did she regret the choice she had made?她后悔作出的选择吗?Be careful in your choice.谨慎作出选择。He left his job of his own choice.他自愿离开他的工作。(供)选择的人或东西Our only choice was to go.我们的选择就是走。This shop has a large choice of hats.这个店里有很多帽子可选择。have no choice but to do.没办法只好I had no choice but to leave my job.我没办法只好

11、离开我的工作。There was no choice but to wait.没有办法只好等。adj.精选的,高级的(食品)The shop was selling choice apples.这个商店里卖精选苹果。2. Stores offer all kinds of food.商店供应各种食物offerVt.(1)拿.出售,出(价)offer sth. for money以多少钱出售某物; offer money for sth.出价多少买某物The next morning we offered our boat for sale for 6 dollars.第二上午我们以6美元出售了

12、我们的船。I offered the house for $ 5000.我以5000美元出售了那房子。(2)主动提出(要做)offer to doHe offered to lend me some books.他主动提出借给我一些书。He offered to drive us to the airport.他主动提出开车送我们去机场。(3)(主动)拿给,给予(同give)He offered me a sandwich, but I refused politely.他主动给我一块三明治,但我拒绝了。I was offered a job in his company.有人提供我在他公司上

13、班。May I offer you a cigar?可以给你抽支雪夹吗?(4)提出,表示He offered a suggestion.他提出了一个建议。Have you any comments to offer?有没有意见要提的?She had no excuses to offer.她提不出借口。n. 表示(愿做某事或给予某物)(后接of / to do)/提出价格Thank you for your kind offer of help / your offer to help me.谢谢你提供的帮助。Ive had an offer of $ 8888 for that house.

14、他们开价8888美元要摸买这房子。3. Some nutrients help build our body and make it stronger.有些营养品有助于增强体质,使身体强壮.help (to) do有助于Taking exercise every day helps to keep healthy.每天锻炼有助于身体健康。Reading more helps to enlarge your vocabulary.多多阅读有助于增加词汇。build (up) ones body / health/ strength增强体质/体力Exercise builds up the mus

15、cles.锻炼能增强肌肉。Good food builds up the body.好的食物能增强体质。He went on an ocean voyage and soon built up his health.他去海上旅行增强了体质。4. keep our body functioning well使身体功能运转很好keep.doing使.一直处于某状态Dont keep him standing in the rain all the time.别让他老站在雨里。function(1)n.作用,功能,职责Her function was to help others.她的职责就是帮助别人。Whats the true function of education?教育的作用是什么?(2)Vi.起.作用(与as连用)Mary functioned as teacher.玛丽起了老师的作用。This arm chair also functions as a day bed.这张扶手椅白天充当床。运转,活动The machine doesn


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