Serving the People The Secret to Successful CPC Leadership.docx

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1、Serving the People The Secret to Successful CPC LeadershipWhy did mention the word “people” so many times in his report made on behalf of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to the 19th CPC National Congress? Why did Xi declare in his report that “the original aspiration

2、 and mission of Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation”? Empowerment of the people is the foundation of the CPCs governance of China, and serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the CPC as a ruling party.Since it

3、s inception, the CPC has mobilized the people extensively, especially those at the grassroots level, to achieve the goals of socialism and communism. Seeking happiness for all people is one essential feature of these goals.The goal of the CPC during the New Democratic Revolution (1919-1949) was to h

4、elp the Chinese people under oppression of the “Three Mountains” (imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism) stand up. The goal of the CPC during the early period of reform and opening up was to enable Chinese plagued by comparatively backward production methods to become rich. As the coun

5、try ushers in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of , the goal of the CPC has shifted to strengthening the Chinese people who have made remarkable development achievements.The Party comes from the people and remains rooted in the people, so it has always stood s

6、ide by side with the people and stayed dedicated to benefiting the people. Chairman Mao Zedong ever greeted the people with“Long Live the People”; Deng Xiaoping ever called himself the “son of the people”; has clearly put the people first and sought happiness for them over the past five years since

7、he was elected as general secre- tary of the CPC Central Committee. In 2012 when meeting the media during the 18th CPC National Congress, emotionally proclaimed, “The peoples wish for a happy life is our mission.” His words moved countless people and placed high expectations on the new leadership.Ov

8、er the past five years, the Chinese people have witnessed the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with at the core focusing the Party on the principle of “people first” and firm commitment to affairs closely and directly concerning peoples livelihood such as education, employment, income distribution, social security and healthcare, solving issues one at a time, year in and year out. Unremitting efforts have ensured access to employment, housing, education, medical services, and senior care.



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