2020高考英语 核心考点曝光 高考压轴题

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《2020高考英语 核心考点曝光 高考压轴题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语 核心考点曝光 高考压轴题(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020高考英语 核心考点曝光 高考压轴题 开场白:1、 问好同学们大家好!欢迎来到我的讲座2、 讲明所讲内容我今天要给大家讲的是:2020年高考英语题型变化分析及压轴题解读。我们将一起分析近年来英语高考题型的变化特点并选讲部分典型例题和压轴题。希望我的讲座能为同学们实现梦想助一臂之力。3、 引入正文首先,我想说明的是:虽然现在很多省区都自主出题,但因为所有省区的试卷都依照教育部颁发的英语课程标准制定自己的考试大纲,所以虽然各地试题的题型可能有不同,但是他们考查的基础知识点和能力方向都是一致的。他们相互影响,共同发展。因此研究各省市试题的共性和异同有助于我们把握高考的发展趋势,科学备战高考。题

2、型解读和解题思路点拨:输入能力检测性试题输出能力检测性试题输入 听力(任务型听力,实质就是听写 北京、湖南、重庆)阅读 (任务型阅读:信息匹配 广东;信息还原 北京,全国卷,辽宁卷、陕西; 信息提取填空:江苏、安徽、阅读回答问题:湖南、江西、山东、天津上海 短文填词:福建;阅读对话填空:四川、陕西;选择段落标题:浙江、上海)基础知识运用 单选辩音(语音知识)(陕西)单项选择 (语法知识)完形填空输出 短文改错(全国新课标卷(句)、全国卷、四川、重庆(行)、辽宁卷、(句)、陕西(句)、)完成句子翻译:湖北、陕西书面表达(写图、提纲作文)阅读表达(广东)一、 听力试题无听力考区:浙江、天津、陕西、

3、四川、广东1、 基本题型和变化特点基本题型:选择题+信息填空(北京、重庆、湖南)短对话+长对话或独白基本能力考查点不变1)听力考查五项微技能:(1)理解归纳话语的主旨要义; (2)获取事实性信息;(3)根据所获取的信息进行简单推断;(4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度;(5)记录或加工所获取的信息(新增题型)发展点:根据要求,记录或加工所获取的信息”。(2020 重庆)1.How old is the girl?(获取事实性信息)(2020 重庆)2 . Where does the conversation most probably take place ?(根据所获取的信息进行简单推断)(

4、2020 重庆)16.What kind of food might the woman have tonight? (根据所获取的信息进行简单推断)(2020 重庆)6. Which TV program does the women like best ?( 理解说话者的意图、观点和态度)(2020 重庆)8. What is the conversation mainly about ?( 理解归纳话语的主旨要义)Timetable of a Radio StationTimeProgramRadio Four7:30_18_Radio Three7:30ConcertRadio Two

5、8:00_19_ MatchRadio One10:00NewsRadio One_20_Travel(5)记录或加工所获取的信息(新增题型)压轴题的特点(压轴题就是一张试卷里面比较难的题目压轴题出题的目的就是区分优等生和一般生 达到选拔人才的目的。)1) 难度大:加大归纳信息,推断说话者的意图、观点和态度的比例和难度。2)加大提问和输入信息的复杂程度,从而达到考查考生用英语思维的能力。3)听力文本中增加8级词汇的比例。2020北京听力5. What is the woman doing?A. Offering help.B. Asking for information.C. Making

6、an introduction.M: Good morning, may I help you?W: Id like to rent a car, please.M: Okay. Full size, mid-size or small size, madam?W: Small size, please. Whats the rate?M: 78 dollars a day.13. What rule should you follow if you want to enter the sports complex?A. Wear appropriate shoes.B. Register o

7、n the notice board.C. Make an appointment with a coach.14. How much is the buffet?A. 4. B. 8. C. 10.15. What is the purpose of the announcement?A. To introduce a playing field.B. To introduce a holiday camp.C. To introduce a fruit market.Text 9M: Welcome to Sherwood Holiday Village. We hope you will

8、 enjoy your holiday with us. The sports complex is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., and is available for tennis, badminton and bowling. You can hire equipment for just four pounds. Coaching is available at ten pounds per hour, but you must book in advance. If you enjoy competition, there will be a variet

9、y of games throughout the week. Please write your name on the notice board if you are interested. And if you need something to drink after a game, you can purchase fruit juice, mineral water and other drinks from the bar. Just to remind you that appropriate shoes must be worn in the sports complex.

10、Next to the sports complex is a swimming pool. If you want to look your best in the pool, our sports shop has a wide range of designer swim wear. For good meals, you can go to the Sherwood Restaurant. If youd like to try the buffet, you can have a good meal for just eight pounds. If you prefer to ea

11、t in, you can purchase food from the mini-market. The bread, fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered to the mini-market daily. For all inquiries, please come to the reception desk and well be glad to assist.。第三节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第l6至第20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。

12、这段对话你将听两遍。Customer Complaint Form(客户投诉表) Customer Thompson Electronics Problem A 16 delivery:l Printers ordered:25 HW l7l Printers delivered:25 HW56 Cause A computer l8 problem Solution(解决方案)l Post the correct order l9 deliveryl Put a $300 20 on the customers account第三节Text 10W: Hello, Home & Office

13、 Supplies. Can I help you?M: Yes, its Thomas Electronics here. We have an account with you.W: Oh, yes. How can I help?M: We just have some printers delivered, but they are the wrong ones.W: Oh, dear. I do apologize for the mistake.M: I dont know how you could have got it wrong. We order from you all

14、 the time.W: I know. But unfortunately, weve been having a problem with our computer system.M: Well, how can we sort this out?W: Could you bear with me a moment please? Ah, yes, I have the order here. You want 25 HW3C56 printers. Is that correct?M: Yes, thats right. But you sent us 25 HW56 instead.W

15、: I see. Ill sort it out right away and well post the order special delivery.M: Thanks.W: Ill put a 300-dollar-credit on your account to make up the inconvenience as well. Is that all right?M: Oh, thats very nice. Thanks.听力压轴题答题技巧先看后听,心中有数。整体把握,胸有全局。集中精力,重点注意。利用语境,理解语用。运用常识,合理选题。看提问,画出关键词,明确做事的人,预测听力内容。(2020全国)8. What did the man think of the meal?A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory. C. A bit disappointing.(2020全国)13. What would Joe probably do duri


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