【立体设计】2013高考英语 Unit1 Friendship备选习题 新人教版必修2(全国课标卷).doc

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1、2013高考立体设计英语人教版全国课标卷 必修2 Unit1 Friendship备选习题1.(2010湖北) If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my_reaction will be to tell the police. A.physicalB.immediateC.sensitiveD.sudden 2.(2010江西) Parents_much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A

2、.attachB.payC.linkD.apply【解析】考查动词短语搭配。句意为:父母认为教育很重要,他们会尽全力给他们的孩子那份无价的礼物。attach much importance to.“认为很重要”;link.to.“把与联系起来”;apply(.)to“应用,运用”。【答案】A2.(2010上海) Wind power is an ancient source of energy_ we may return in the near future.A.on whichB.by whichC.to whichD.from which3.(2010江苏)The newly built

3、 cafe, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.A.thatB.itC.whatD.which 【解析】考查定语从句。句意为:这家新建的墙体被涂成浅绿色的咖啡厅对我们而言确实是个安静场所,尤其是在辛苦工作之后。先行词为the newly built cafe,带入定语从句为the walls of the newly built cafe are painted light green,因此关系代词在句中作介词的宾语且指物,故用

4、which。【答案】D4.(2009湖北)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make the request_a question.A.in search ofB.in the form ofC.in need ofD.in the direction of5.(2008福建)Whats the_of having a public open place where you cant eat, drink,or even simply hang out for a while?A.senseB.matterC.caseD.opinion【解析】考查名词词义

5、辨析。sense“感觉,思考,意义”,Whats the sense of.?意为“有什么意义?”;因此答案为A项。matter“事情”;case“案例”;opinion“意见,观点”。【答案】A6.(2008全国)Youre driving too fast.Can you drive _?A.more slowly a bitB.slowly a bit moreC.a bit more slowlyD.slowly more a bit8.(2008安徽)Dont be so discouraged.If you _such feelings,you will do better nex

6、t time.A.carry onB.get backC.break downD.put away【解析】考查动词短语意义辨析。carry on意思是“继续;经营;开展”;get back意思是“取回;返回;收回”;break down意思是“出毛病;分解;(身体)垮掉等”;put away在此处的意思是“将收起;打消,放弃,抛弃”;根据后半句“如果你打消这种泄气的想法,下次你能做得更好”,故应选择D项。【答案】D模拟质检1.To pick up as soon as possible, Tom was advised to exercise_a change in diet.A.in add

7、ition toB.in favor ofC.in response toD.in return for2.Although cats can not see in complete darkness, their eyes are much more_to light than human eyes.A.brilliantB.attractiveC.availableD.sensitive【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:猫虽然在完全黑暗的时候看不见,但是它们的眼睛对光比人类的敏感得多。brilliant“聪明的”;attractive“吸引人的”;available“可得到的”;sens

8、itive“敏感的”。根据语境可判断答案为D项。【答案】D4.This article may shock some sensitive readers, _I offer my apologies in advance.A.from whomB.for whomC.to whomD.towards whom【解析】考查介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。介词的选择要根据定语从句中动词的搭配,offer sth.to sb.意为“主动给予或提供”。句意为:这篇文章可能会让一些敏感的读者感到震惊,我提前在这里向他们道歉。【答案】C5.I will_a document to the letter.Please sign it and mail it back to me as soon as possible.A.sendB.attachC.fixD.follow【解析】考查固定短语。attach.to.“将固定到上,把附在上”。句意为:我将文件附在信上。请签字后速寄回给我。【答案】B4用心 爱心 专心


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