人教版新起点英语五年级上册My classmates练习题

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1、小学英语精品试卷设计人教版新起点英语五年级上册My classmates练习题一、把下列动词分类。I, you, my, he, she, him, her, its, them, mine, theirs, his, myself, your, yours, hers, it, yourself, our, themselves, ours, me1形容词性物主代词:_2名词性物主代词:_3人称代词主格:_4人称代词宾格:_二、选择正确答案。( ) 1. There is a dog._is running after a cat.A. He B. It C. Its D. They( )

2、2. The apple is mine. The banana is _.A. he B. my C. them D. yours( ) 3. The cats are mine. _are very beautiful.A. It B. Its C. itself D. They( ) 4. I like playing with _.A. they B. his C. them D. she( ) 5Excuse _. Where is Amy?-_is there.A. I, her B. me, Her C. I, she D. me, She( ) 6. Whose apple is it?-Its_.A. mine B. its C. itself D. they( ) 7. _is a driver. _work is driving.A. She, Her B. His, He C. He, Him D. Her, Hers( ) 8. Thats_coat.A. me B. he C. she D. my小学英语精品试卷设计


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