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1、英语考试试题第一部分:单项选择题31.If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be _ B _ to leave it blank and go on with the test. a、valuableb、advisablec、considerabled、 probable32. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_C_ harm them.a、more thanb、other thanc、 rather tha

2、nd、better than33. _C_ lunch, the finance committee resumed the meeting.a、Having to eatb、 Have to eatc、Having eatenc、Having eat34.When he applied for a _D_ in the office of the local newspaper, he was told to see the manager.a、location b、 professionc、career d、 position35.Much of their success can be

3、_A_ to Wilson.a、creditedb、 cultivated c、 criticized d、created36. Mr. Johnson preferred _A_ heavier work to do.a、to be givenb、to be givingc、to have givend、having given37.She has devoted all her energies _ B _ the care of homeless people.a、intob、to c、ford、 on38.I was just congratulating her _ D _ havi

4、ng won her race.a、forb、offc、in d、 on39.Are there any matters _ A _ from the meeting held yesterday?a、arising b、arousingc、rising d、 raising40.She want to be a fashion model, but her parents didnt _ B _ her so doing.a、boast of b、 approve ofc、leave out d、 suck up41.Ill take down your name and address i

5、n case you _ A _ as a witness. a. are needed b. will be neededc. need d. were needed 42.Thank you for your cooperation. Im really sorry to _ D _ your valuable time. a. take b. be takingc. have had taken d. have taken 43.He listened to me _ D _ what Mr. Smith had said the day before. a. to repeat b.

6、to be repeated c. to repeatingd. repeat44. There are hundareds of missiles aimed _ A _the main city.a .atb.to c.ond. over45.Everyone in the town knew him so we _ A _ his house. a. had no trouble in findingb. had not trouble in finding c. had not trouble to findd. had some trouble to find46. _ B_ twi

7、ce, he didnt want to try again. a.To have failedb. Having failed c. Failedd. Having been failed47.The teachers lecture on Chinese history was three hours long, and Morris felt very _ B_. a、upsetb、boredc、disturbedd、 neglected48. There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of _A_ _ open mouth

8、the tea was supposed to come.a、whoseb、whichc、itsd、that49.Every dog that came _A_ sight was a terror to me.a、in b、 to c、 atd、on50.It is forbidden by law to mail through parcel post any merchandise that might prove _ A _ in transport.a、dangerousb、dangerouslyc、with dangerd、to the danger51 Would you lik

9、e to have dinner with us this evening? _B_. A. Ok, but I have to go to meeting now.B. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents.C. No, I cant.D. I dont know.52 I have left my sports shoes at home. _D_. Use mine, please. A. Here my shoes are. B. Here youre. C. Here it is.

10、 D. Here they are.53 Im sorry to take your umbrella by mistake. _A_. A. It doesnt matter. B. Youre welcome. C. Not at all. D. Thats all right.54 _C_? Ive got a pain in my head.A. How are you? B. How are things with you?C. Whats the matter? D. How about your body?55 May I sit here? _ A _. A. Please d

11、ont. B. My pleasure. C. Im afraid you can. D. Youre welcome.56、Has Jennys plane landed? No, but it_ B _here in a few minutes. A、may have been B、ought to be C、should have been D、has to be57、It is essential to be on friendly_ D _with neighbors. A、connection B、association C、terms D、relationsB 58、It is_

12、to make a long train journey to have a look at so beautiful a scene. A、worth B、worthwhile C、worthy D、deserveD 59、_in the earthquake, the theatre had to be renovated in 1956. A、Having damaged B、It was damaged C、Damaged D、Having been damagedC 60、On second day, he had his car thoroughly _ before embark

13、ing on the journey. A、to be examined B、being examined C、examined D、was examinedD61、This broadcast comes to us _ from the stadium. A、lively B、living C、alive D、liveA 62、The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly,_. A、her long hair flowing in the breeze B、her long hair was flowing in the breeze C、her

14、 long hair flowed in the breeze D、her long hair flow in the breezeB 63、The professor paused as if_his students to ask questions on the point he had just made. A、expecting B、to expect C、having expected D、to have expectedB64、We must make some investigations_we can draw any conclusion. A、since B、before C、until D、whenD65、The captain received an order that the r


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