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1、湖北省咸宁市2020高考英语阅读理解暑假练习(8)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。“Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?”The usual laughter followed, and people stirred to go. Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes t

2、hat I was.“I will answer your question.”Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter. And what he said went like this:“When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a re

3、mote village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place.I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. This one, and, by scratching it on a stone, I made it round.

4、I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shinein deep holes and crevices(裂缝)and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.I kept the little mirror,

5、and, as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a childs game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life. I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of

6、light. But lighttruth, understanding, knowledgeis there, and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.I am a fragment(碎片)of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this worldinto the black places in

7、 the hearts of menand change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life.”1. On hearing the authors question, Dr. Papaderos_at first.A. laughed at his foolishness B. wasnt sure of the answerC. doubted his seriousness D.

8、wasnt interested at all2. How did Dr. Papaderos get the small round mirror when he was a child?A. He found it on the road and made it round.B. A dying German soldier gave him as a present.C. He chanced to find it in the street while playing.D. He put the broken pieces together and made it.3. Why did

9、 Dr. Papaderos like the small round mirror so much as a child?A. Because he was too poor to afford other toys.B. Because it could shine the places where the sun couldnt reach.C. Because he believed it would bring good luck to him.D. Because it told him a lot about what life really meant to him.4. Th

10、e underlined “metaphor” in the 7th paragraph most probably means_ .A. symbol B. source C. light D. purpose5. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. A Special Game in the ChildhoodB. A Broken Piece of MirrorC. Dr. Papaderos ExperienceD. The Meaning of Life【参考答案】15、CABAD。【四川

11、省资阳市2020模拟】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Dear David,Im glad you would like to share your feelings with me. Its hardly surprising that your feelings of not being “grown up” have come on strongly at this point in your life, just before youre about to become a father. You are asking: w

12、ill I make a good father? How will I cope? Should I have brought another little person into the world? Can I provide for it? Heeelp! I think nearly every sensitive about-to-be-parent must have these occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy (不适) before the birth and it would be most unusual i

13、f you didnt share them.Its difficult, honestly, to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to. A hen-pecked (惧内的) boss may feel like a seven-year-old when hes at home. But as he walks through the office door, and knows hes going to be surrounded by staff looking to him for ad

14、vice, he grows into a fully mature man. And I think its a mistake to imagine that we all feel, as we age, a kind of progression of states, from the baby to the adult. Most people feel, on Tuesday, about three years old, and on a Wednesday, around 80. I remember feeling very grown-up at eight, a time

15、 when I was weighed down with responsibility. These days, much older, I can, in the company of people I feel at ease with, feel like a young girl.Theres a common remark that “all men are little boys”, but its not true. Its more true that men often behave like little boys. But nearly all people, at s

16、ome moments in their lives, are capable of great maturity.Once your baby arrives, youll soon feel less childlike, or rather, less often. When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug, the adult in you will rise up to prevent it. Youll see you have very little in common with a needy child, particularly if its looking to y


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