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1、Unit 1Festivals around the world.单词拼写1You must be _ (饿了)! Come and have lunch.2I am now _ (收集) convincing information for my paper.3My father told me he hadnt much _ (信任) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.4It is hard to know the _ (起源) of the human race, that is, how the human race came out

2、.来源:学,科,网5No one is to see the document without the _ (许可) of the writer of the report.6Its _ (很显然) that you need more time to think it over.7To get the job done, one should be _ (精力充沛的) and hardworking.8He was _ (钦佩) as a true scientist and hard worker.9Youd better _ (道歉) to Mary for having kept he

3、r waiting for hours outside.10I could understand her being angry, but Ill still never _ (原谅) her the way she treated me afterwards.答案:1.starving2.gathering3.belief4.origin5.permission6.obvious/evident7.energetic8.admired9.apologize10.forgive.完成句子1He is an easygoing person while his brother is_ _ _ _

4、 _(很难相处)(hard)2That school was founded_ _ _(为了纪念)the famous scientist.(memory)3He never worked hard._ _ _ _(难怪)that he didnt pass the exam.(wonder)4It_ _ _(看起来好像)its going to rain soon.(look)5The news_ _ _ _(引起抢购)on gasoline.(set)答案:1.hard to get along with2.in memory of3.It is no wonder4.looks as t

5、hough/if5.set off a rush.单项填空1The Moonstone was_in a real story which_in England in the 1790s.Aset; taking placeBsetting; take placeCset; had taken place Dset; took place答案:D本题考查动词短语的用法。句意:月光石是以发生在英国18世纪90年代的真实故事为背景的。be set in“以为背景”;take place“发生”,根据时间状语in the 1790s判断,应用一般过去时。2The openair_has been p

6、ut off because of the bad weather.Aoccasion BcongratulationC celebration Dchallenge答案:Ccelebration“庆祝,庆典”。句意:由于天气不好,露天的庆祝活动已经被延期。occasion“场合”;congratulation“祝贺”;challenge“挑战”。3Tom_a lot of experience and the friendship of the local residents, working there for 3 years.Aearned BwonCgained Dmade答案:C本题

7、考查动词辨析。本题很容易误选B。做本题时,可从搭配角度来考虑。“赢得友谊”可说win/gain friendship,但“获得经验”应说gain experience,因此排除B而选C。4Have you noticed the problem_he is now in low spirit?_come?Awhere; What Bthat; HowCin which; For Dwhat; As答案:B考查同位语从句及固定用法。因为同位语从句中不缺少任何成分,故第一空白处用that引导同位语从句,说明名词the problem的具体内容;第二空白处用How, How come?是固定搭配,意

8、为:怎么回事?5Where are the students? How could they keep us waiting for so long?They started an hour ago and they_be here in fifteen minutes, I think.Amight BwouldCshould Dmust答案:C考查情态动词用法。本题应用should表示按常规或者事情发展进程应该发生某事。6Although my grandfather is in his eighties, he is still as_as a young man and hates s

9、itting around doing nothing all day.Aenthusiastic BintelligentCenergetic Dsensitive答案:C本题考查形容词辨析。句意:尽管我爷爷80多岁了,但他仍然像年轻人那样精力充沛,讨厌整天无所事事闲坐着。energetic“精力旺盛的”,符合句意。enthusiastic“热心的”;intelligent“聪明的”;sensitive“敏感的”,均不符合题意。来源:Z#xx#k.Com来源:学科网ZXXK7As most boys do, John looks forward_equally.Ato treat Bto b

10、e treatedCto treating Dto being treated答案:D句意:像大多数男孩那样,约翰也盼望着得到公平对待。look forward to后跟动名词,且treat与John之间是动宾关系,故用动名词的被动形式。8I have a very important meeting tomorrow afternoon. Remember to_me to attend it on time in case I forget.Aallow BpromiseCremind Dadvise答案:C句意:明天下午我有个重要的会议,记得提醒我按时参加,以防我忘了。remind sb

11、. to do sth.“提醒某人做某事”。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”;promise sb. to do sth.“答应某人做某事”;advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”。9(2013安徽毫州摸底)_ is clear _ the Diaoyu islands have been Chinas inherent territory (固有领土)both from historical and legal aspects since ancient times.来源:Zxxk.ComAThat;that BThis;thisCIt;tha

12、t DWhat;what答案:C考查句式。It is clear that.“是很清楚的”。句意:很明显,无论是从历史的角度还是法理角度来说,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来一直是中国的固有领土。10How happy we are! The holiday we have been looking forward_at last.Ato has come Bto have comeCto having come Dhas come答案:Alook forward to意为“盼望”,其中的to是介词,所以后接动词时要用动名词形式,许多同学据此便选择了C。但句中介词to的宾语不是have come,而

13、是the holiday。分析句子可知:the holiday为句子主语,we have been looking forward to是修饰主语的定语从句(介词to的宾语是引导该定语从句的关系代词,被省略),has come是句子的谓语。11Last Sunday a few of us arranged to meet in town, but Jenny didnt_.Aturn up Bgive upCmake up Dtake up来源:学+科+网答案:A考查动词短语。句意:上星期天,我们几人约好在城里见面,但是詹妮没有来。turn up“出现,露面”,符合句意。12Its so l

14、ate. Our son_be back!Dont worry. I dare say he_have some extra work to do.Acan; must Bwill; might Cmust; may Dshould; must答案:D考查情态动词。第一空should表示预期,意思是“可能,应该会”;第二空must表示肯定推测。13Reportedly, yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was_, three of whom were killed.Aset about Bset offCset up Dset out答案:B考查动词短语辨析。set about“着手干某事”;set off“引爆炸弹”或“引起情绪的爆发”;set up“建立机构”;set out“出发”。1


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