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1、SubjunctiveMood虚拟语气 1 英语动词有三种语气 陈述语气 祈使语气和虚拟语气 见课本P170页 2 定义 用来表示说的话不是事实 或者是不可能发生的情况 而是一种愿望 建议 假设的语气叫虚拟语气 一 虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的用法 条件从句 If从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式 现在 过去 未来 did were haddone would could should might V 原 would could should might have p p 1 did were2 shoulddo3 weretodo would could should might V 原 1 If

2、IhadHIV IwouldknowbecauseIwouldfeelsick 2 IfIwereyou IwouldgiveAIDSpatientahug 3 IfIhadtakenyouradvice Iwouldn thavemadeamistake 4 Ifhehadbeenthere itwouldn thavehappened 与现在事实相反 与过去事实相反 5 Ifitshouldraintomorrow theywouldn tgoforanouting 6 Ithinkwecoulddoit ifweplaneditproperlyandcouldborrowthetools

3、 7 Ifweweretohavethreedaysoff wewouldenjoyaveryhappylife 与未来事实相反 二 虚拟语气特殊句型 wish 宾语从句 现在 过去 未来 过去时 did were 过去完成时 haddone would could might V should IwishIwereabird 现在 IwishIhadn tmadesuchamistake 过去 Wewishourparentswouldn tpunishus 未来 2 wouldratherthat 现在 过去 未来 Iwouldratheryoupaidmenow 现在 Iwouldrat

4、heryouhadgone too 过去 Don tcome Iwouldratheryoucametomorrow 未来 过去时 过去时 过去完成时 3 asif though 从句 现在 过去 过去时 过去完成时 Helooksasifheweredrunk Theytalkedasiftheyhadbeenfriendsforyears Shelovesthebabyasifitwereherownson Itseemsasifitwerespring Irememberthewholethingasifithadhappenedyesterday 4 It s about high t

5、ime that should V 过去时 你该走了 我们该睡觉了 It shightimethatyouwent It shightimethatyouweregoing It shightimethatyoushouldgo It stimethatwewenttobed It stimethatweshouldgotobed 5 表示要求 命令 建议的虚拟语气 宾语从句 常见动词 一个坚持 insist两个命令 order command三个建议 advise suggest propose四个要求 demand require request desire 这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用

6、虚拟语气用法 即从句中的动词使用should 动词原形 或者将should省略 我们建议Tom去休息一下 他坚决要求我到场 国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑 他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作 WesuggestedthatTom should havearest HeinsistedthatI should bepresent Thekingorderedthattheprisoners should bekilledthenextday Theyrequestedthatwe should sendthemtoworkthere 以上动词相应的名词构成的名词性从句 包括主语从句 表语从句和同位语 也要

7、使用虚拟语气 从句中的动词形式一样 order advice suggestion proposal demand request desire It ssuggestedthattheplanbecarriedout Mydemandisthatsheshouldcometoseemeonceaweek Allofusarefortheadvicethatthechemicalfactoryshouldbecloseddown 6 without和butfor构成虚拟 butfor要不是 Withoutsunlight people slifewouldbedifferentfromtoda

8、y Butforyourhelp Iwouldn thavefinishedthework Withoutyourhelp Iwouldhavefailed Butforwater itwouldbeimpossibletoliveinthedesert 7 Ifonly 要是 就好了 IfonlyIknewhisname Ifonlywehadfollowedyouradvice IfonlyIcouldseehimagain 要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了 要是我没错过火车就好了 Ifonlyourparentscouldlivewithus IfonlyIhadn tmissedt

9、hetrain 8 It snecessary strange natural important that 从句中的动词要用虚拟 即 should 动词原形 Itisimportantthatwe should masteraforeignlanguage Itisstrangethatsherefusetocometotheparty It snecessarythatweshouldstudyhard 三 虚拟语气假设条件句型注意点 1 假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致 叫做错综条件虚拟语气 主句和从句的谓语动词要依照假设的时间而定 Iftheweatherha

10、dbeenfiner thecropswouldbegrowingstillbetter Ifyouhadfollowedtheteacher sadvice youwouldn tbeinthehospital 2 假设条件虚拟倒装 条件从句中有should were had三个助动词可以把if省略 并将这三个词提至句首 IfIwereyou Iwouldgiveitup WereIyou Iwouldgiveitup Ifitwerenotforyouradvice wecouldn thavegotoverthedifficulties Wereitnotforyouradvice wecouldn thavegotoverthedifficulties IfIhadhadtime Iwouldhaverunroundthatlakeagain HadIhadtime Iwouldhaverunroundthatlakeagain Ifthereshouldbeaflood whatshouldwedo Shouldtherebeaflood whatshouldwedo


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