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1、高三英语第一轮复习课件SeniorBookIUnit9 Unit10 I PutthefollowingintoChineseorEnglish 1 remindsb ofsth 提醒 做某事2 darenotto不敢做某事3 don tdareto不敢做某事4 succeedindoing成功地做某事5 add to 把 加到 里6 devote to 奉献 7 adaptto适应8 respondto对 作出反应9 agreatamountof大量的10 depandon依靠 相信11 incaseof万一12 stayintouchwith保持联系 13 人 很忙onthego14 分解

2、 坏掉 垮掉 中断breakdown15 提出comeupwith16 接管takeover17 彻底地 里面翻到外面insideout18 在危险中indanger 19 灭亡dieout20 处理dealwith21 释放setfree22 采取措施做某事takemeasurestodo23 大有作为 其作用makeadifference24 要求callfor II Wordsandphrases agreement一致 协定agreewithsb whatsb says one sidea one sopinion food climate agreewithsb agreewiths

3、b onsthagreetodosth 同意做某事agreetoaplan suggestion arrangementagreeon upon inagreementwith同意agree不可以用todo作宾补 类似还有demand refuse hope等 2 dependvi dependon relyon countondependonsb todosth Thatdepends Italldepends dependonitthat 可以指望我帮你 Youmaydependonmetohelpyou 你放心好了 他们会支持你的 Youmaydependonitthattheywill

4、supportyou 3 addv 增加 添加 补充说add to addupadduptoaddto2addedto2is4 add add to addup adduptoEverytimeI thesefigures Igotadifferentanswer Thefireisdyingout Wouldyouplease somewood it I msorry she Ididn thavetimetochange Yourcarelessness ourdifficulty Themoneyspentonbooks nomorethan 100 addedup addto adde

5、d addedto addedupto 4 remindv remindsb of aboutsth remindsb todosthremindsb 你刚才讲的故事使我想起了我曾有的经历 ThestoryyouhavejusttoldremindsmeofanexperienceIoncehad 她提醒我还没有浇花 SheremindedmethatIhadn twateredtheflowers 5 fitin装配好fitinto适合fitinwith适合 符合 一致fitup安装 安放befitfor适合befittodosth 适合于beunfitfor不适合keepfit keeph

6、ealthy点津 fit多指大小 形状合适suit多指合乎需要 口味 性格 条件 地位等 match多指大小 色彩 形状 性质等方面的搭配 6 latest 指时间 newest 与oldest相对 lateadj adv laterlate的比较级adv 后来latelyadv 相当于recentlylatteradj 后面的 两者中 后者的 late later last latest lately latterTwodays heleftforNanjing Isawhimas asyesterday Doyouknowthe newsaboutthewar Ofthetwothe is

7、farbetterthantheformer It sonly thatshehasbeenwellenoughtogoout The busleftat11o clock later late latest latter lately last latest 7 incaseofinnocaseinanycaseinthis thatcaseincase that asis often thecase点津 incase加从句 表将来 但不用将来时 但可用should might等情态动词 我想我不需要钱 但以防万一我还是带了些钱 Idon tthinkIneedanymoney butI l

8、lbringsomeincase 我决不可以放弃 Innocaseshouldyougiveup 明天请再提醒我一下 以防我忘掉 PleaseremindmetoagaintomorrowincaseIforget 8 indangerindangerofoutofdangerfullofdangeradangertosocietydangermoney危险工作津贴dangerzone 9 dieout灭绝 熄灭 风俗 习惯等 逐渐消失diea death死得 dieaway平息 逐渐消失dieinone sbed寿终正寝 老死diedown平息 变弱dieofdiefromdieoff相继死

9、亡dieyoung英年早逝 10 takemeasurestodosth make toone sownmeasuremeasureone stemperaturemeasureone swords斟词酌句measureone sstrength比力气 11 devoteoneself one senergy one sattention sometime somemoney tobedevotedtodoingsthgetusedto payattentionto listento lookforwardto beaddictedto stickto belongto getdownto l

10、eadto等短语中的to为介词 Mr Reedmadeuphismindtodevoteallhehadto someschoolsforpoorchildren A setupB settingupC havesetupD havingsetup thenextseveralminutestohelpingthestudentsmemorizethedialogue tohersickmother shelookedafterherfortwoyears twomonthstothework hedidneedagoodrest Thereneverwasacomrademore tothe

11、revolutionarycausethanhe Devote Havingdevoted devoted Devoted 12 setfreefreeofcharge免费freeandeasy无拘束的freefrom不受 的损坏 没有 的freeof摆脱 的forfree免费地 13 throwaway扔掉 抛弃throwabout到处扔throwonacoat匆匆穿上上衣throwoffone sclothesthrowdown扔下 扔掉throwback掷还 使 向后throwsthtosb throwsth atsb throwby扔在一边throwoneselfinto投身于 14

12、adapttobeadaptedtobesuitableforbesuitedto forHeissuitedtodo for doing thetask Agoodteacher hislessons theagesofhisstudents suitsto III keypoints 1 asmanystepsasyouwishas as之间应为adj adv 原级 若中间为n 则反把adj 放在前面 即 as adj a an n ascleveraboyasheisasmanytimesasyoulikeasmuchmoneyasyoucanget so too how however

13、 that 另外 as as也可用于对倍数的表达 但应把表达倍数的词或短语放在第一个as的前面 除此以外 倍数后还可跟 比较级 than 结构或 the n of 结构 这个教室是那个教室的两倍大 Ourclassroomistwiceaslargeasthatone Ourclassroomistwicethesizeofthatone Ourclassroomistwicelargerthanthatone as as的否定形式为notas as或notso as 2 Ishouldbehomeinabouttenminutes should在句中表示推测 指有一定主观色彩的判断 表示极有

14、可能 例如 Itis8 oonow Heshouldbehereatanymoment should还可表示意料之外 意为 竟然 会 Themandressedwellshouldbeathief Itisstrangethatheshoulddosuchathing shouldhavedone意为 本来应该 Theyshouldn thavecome should用于建议 命令 要求 决定 必要等的宾语从句或主语从句中 表示虚拟 还可以省略 3 keepsb fromdoingkeep stop preventsb fromdoing注意from的省略 keepdoingkeepondoi

15、ngkeepawayfromkeepoffkeepupkeepaneyeonkeepaclosewatchonkeepbackkeepinmindkeepcompanykeepoutkeep outof keepsilent silencekeepupwith 4 don tdaretodo p 59 dare既可用作实义动词又可可用作情态动词 作情态动词用时没有人称和数的变化 但有过去式dared 例如 Howdareyousaythat Idaren tgooutatnight Idon tdare to gooutatnight 注意 dare作情态动词 用于否定 疑问及条件状语从句中

16、Thereissomethingwrongwiththeradio Idaresay 我想 大概 5 nomatterwhere与wherever p 59 nomatter 疑问词 与 疑问词 ever 都可引起让步状语从句 可以通用 但 疑问词 ever 还可用于其他的从句 而 nomatter 疑问词 只能引起状语从句 HoweverbusyIam Iwillhelpyou NomatterhowbusyIam Iwillhelpyou Wheneverheisfree hewillplaycomputergames nomatterwhen Whereveryougo youshouldhaveinmindthatthisisalwaysyourhome IwilldowhateverIcantohelpyou anythingthat 不可用nomatterwhat Nomatterwhateverhesays don topenthedoor whatever Youcantakewhicheverbookyoulike anybookthat Idon tmindwhic



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