(江苏专版)2020高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有7天

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《(江苏专版)2020高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有7天》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)2020高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有7天(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、距离高考还有7天单项填空之高频词汇1absolute adj.完全的,全部的,绝对的2accessible adj.可到达的,可接受的3accustomed adj.习惯的,惯常的4actual adj.实际的,真实的5adequate adj.适当的;胜任的;充足的6admirable adj.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的7allergic adj.过敏的,厌恶的8ample adj.足够的,充足的9apparent adj.显而易见的;外表的10appropriate adj.合适的,恰当的情景交际之常考俚语1on the tip of my tongue话到舌尖,呼之欲出2one foot in

2、 the grave一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)3one step ahead of you领先你一步4pale in comparison相形失色5pieces come together拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果)6put all of ones eggs in one basket鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)7put ones foot in ones mouth把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了)8put the cart before the horse车在马前(本末倒置)9put up the white flag竖白旗(投降,放弃)10rain cats and dogs天

3、上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)完形填空之熟词新义1solid adj.可靠的;可信赖的(熟义:adj.固定的;坚硬的)The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.2stand v忍受 n货摊(熟义:v.站;站立;直立)The author could not stand living in a wooden house.I found the fish stand surrounded in a sea of customers.3subject n实验对象;被试adj.易受影响的(熟义

4、:n.科目;话题;主语)The subjects of this experiment were men aged 1850.The child is subject to colds.4treat v治疗;医治;款待;招待(熟义:v.以态度对待)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very good reputation.Lets go out for lunchmy treat today.5walk n行业(熟义:v

5、.行走;步行)This society welcomes people from all walks of life.6wear v表露;流露;面带(熟义:v.穿;佩戴)The girl always wears a happy smile.7weigh v权衡;斟酌(熟义:v.称的重量;重达)However,this must be weighed against the benefits for city children for whom we all have the greatest duty of care.8undertake v承诺;许诺;答应(熟义:v.承担;从事)I can

6、t undertake that you will make a profit.阅读理解之障碍词汇1awesome adj.引起敬畏的;可怕的2bacterium (pl.bacteria) n细菌3characteristic adj.典型的;独特的4coincidence n巧合;巧事5deadline n最后期限;截止日期6discrimination n歧视7distribute v分发;分配8fascinating adj.魅力无穷的9frontier n边境;国界;前沿;前线10guidance n指引;指导;领导11occasion n时刻;场合12particular adj.特殊的;挑剔的13pray v祈祷14relevant adj.相关的15state n状态;情形;国家;(美国的)州16statistics n统计数字;统计资料;统计学17unemployment n失业;失业状态18withdraw v撤回;撤离


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