【立体设计】2020高考英语 Unit3 Under the sea单元强化训练 新人教版选修7(全国课标卷)

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1、【立体设计】2020高考英语 Unit3 Under the sea单元强化训练 新人教版选修7(全国课标卷).单词拼写1.Please let us know your a _ requirements of oil.2.Lets p _ for a cup of coffee.3.The woman turned and walked off in the _(相反的)direction.4.The cat was _(拖,拉)its broken leg.5.Set yourself t_ that you can reasonably hope to achieve.单项填空2. Sh

2、e didnt speak to me yesterday. She was unhappy.Well,she seemed to_about it.Ahave been toldBbe toldChaving been toldDbeing told5.Tigers _ meat-eating animals _ meat.A.belong to;feed onB.belonging to;feed onC.are belonged to;feed onD.belonging to;feeding on6. Are we living in an age_everyone is encour

3、aged to have their ideas on blogs?A.whenB.whereC.whichD.what7.Mr.Smiths giving his lessons _ makes his lessons lively and interesting.A.lovinglyB.lovelyC.livelyD.vividly9.The lucky students you referred to _ looking forward to _ around Moscow.A.are;being shownB.being;being shownC.being;showingD.are;

4、be shown10.There is no grass to _ the soil in place in the desert.A.holdB.hold upC.hold backD.hold on13.Stressful environments _ unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits,which increase the risk of heart disease.A.stick toB.lead toC.refer toD.devote to14.I couldnt help but_the bruise(青肿)she had

5、 under ther eye.A.noticeB.to noticeC.noticingD.noticed15.Do you mind_alone at home?A.Tom leavingB.Tom having leftC.Toms being leftD.Tom to be left.完成句子4.我们要制止她把此事告诉别人。We must _ _ _ _ about it.5.经过努力学习,现在他的汉语比我的好多了。After hard work,he is _ _ me in Chinese now.完形填空After weeks and weeks in the hospital,

6、the little boy _(13).His legs were extremely scarred by the _(14) of the animal.And,on his arms,were deep _(15) where his mothers fingernails _(16) into his flesh in her effort to _(17) the son she loved.The newspaper reporter,who _(18) the boy,asked if he would show him his scars.The boy lifted his

7、 legs.And then,with obvious _(19),he said to the reporter,“_(20) look at my arms.I have great scars on my arms,too.I have them because my Mom wouldnt let go.”1.A.hidB.divedC.lookedD.came2.A.bottomB.surfaceC.bankD.middle3.A.looking outB.listening inC.breaking intoD.taking care of7.A.choseB.madeC.hadD


9、ideD.sorrow20.A.ButB.WhileC.IfD.Or.阅读理解Jones plans to spend $40 million in building a hotel where the most expensive rooms will be 50 feet under the sea off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas. Unlike the Jules Undersea Lodgethe only undersea hotel now, just off the coast of Key Largo, Fla. guests at th

10、e _Poseidon wont need to put on a wet suit to get to their rooms. They also wont need to worry about changing pressure levels since the rooms will be kept at above-surface pressure. Instead, they can move easily to their $1,500-a-night underwater rooms by escalator(电梯).“I think there are a large num

11、ber of people who would be interested,” said Jones, “including anyone who is looking for a different experience.”Each room will feature strong windows that look out onto coral(珊瑚) gardens. There will be controls in each room that guests can use to change the lighting of the underwater worlds outside

12、 their windows and to provide food for fish swimming by.“By now I envisioned (展望) wed have whole underwater cities,” Craig Cooper, the director for the Aquarius research station said. “Its about time some of these visions became reality.”2. We can learn from the second paragraph that the Jules Under

13、sea Lodge_.A.lies off Eleuthera Island in the BahamasB.is the first undersea hotel in the worldC.neednt provide wet suits for its guestsD.sends its guests to their rooms by lift3. What do we know about Bruce Jones undersea hotel from the passage?A.It will be much cheaper than the Jules Undersea Lodg

14、e.B.It has taken Jones $40 million to build it.C.Guests in it will open the windows to give food to the fish.D.Guests in it will see beautiful coral through the windows.厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_【答案全解】.单词拼写1.accommodations2.pause3.opposite4.dragging5.target.单项填空4.解析:句意为:你为什么非得在这么冷的夜晚硬拖我来听音乐会?此题考查drag的用法:d


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