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1、备战2019年小升初专题复习(语法专练)介词和固定搭配一、单选题(共40题;共80分)1.This gift is _ everyone. A.inB.atC.for2.We sing songs _ Christmas. A.byB.atC./3.He is a merry man _ red clothes. A.inB.forC.of4.He brings gifts _ us. A.forB.inC.on5.I want to buy a book _ my brother. A.toB.atC.for6.What would you like _ Christmas? A.forB.

2、/C.by7.Mr. Li knows about the party _ Jack doesnt. A.andB.butC.or8. How do you go to school every day? A.By busB.By the busC.By a bus9.Clever Tom is from the farm. He can an ice cream his Mum. A.make, forB.tell, toC.show, for10.She wants _ a kite in the park. A.flyB.to flyC.flying11.I love _ in the

3、sea. A.swimB.to swimC.swims12.Do you want _ to skate? A.learnB.learningC.to learn13.Li Hong likes playing basketball. A.不填B.anC.the14.Its fun _ on the snow. A.to walkB.walksC.walk15.The plane _Yunnan will leave soon. A.onB.forC.at16.Its time _me to go to school. A.toB.atC.for17. Where is your home?

4、Its A.near to museumB.next museumC.next to the museum18.You should turn left 来源:学#科#网A.at the crossingB.on the crossingC.in the crossing19.She is six_old. A.yearsB.yearC./D.a year20.He went to Beijing by_. A.a planeB.planeC.the planeD.planes21.He drinks_milk. A.a lotB.a lot ofC.a lotsD.lot of22.Im _

5、 the hospital, but I cant _ it. A.finding; findB.looking for; findC.finding; look for23.I think Danny needs _ more vegetables. A.eatB.to eatC.eats24.Do you like this pencil _ that pencil? A.AndB.orC.but25.Thats bad _ your teeth. A.forB.toC.with26.Li Ming eats breakfast _ 7:30 in the morning. A.atB.inC.on27.Does Li Ming know _ the party?No, he doesnt. A.aboutB.forC.with28.We will feel happy _you again. A.to seeB.seeC.sees29.Its time _ lunch. A.forB.toC.at30.I want you _ China. A.rememberB.rememberingC.to remember31.Its time _ games. A.for


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