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1、Units3 4ThelanddownunderGreenworld 漫画欣赏 画面描述 寓意理解 你能否对此加以扩展 写一篇120词的小短文 Twokidsarelookingatthesunshiningfarawaybehindthemountains towhichawindingpathleads Obviouslythey reexpectingapromisingfuture butthere salongwaytogo Wewillmeetwithdifficultiesandchallengesonourwaytoourdreams Thekeytosuccessisgrea

2、tdeterminationandastrongwill 短语填空1 Duringtheelectionperiod abigstrike inNewYork 2 Theydecidedtodiscussthisissue atthenextmeeting 3 Itispredictedthatthesealevelwillriseofglobalwarming 4 Theprojectistobeundertakeninthefollowingtwoyears brokeou indetail asaconsequence onalargescale 5 Shewasonlyachildof

3、threewhenhermother 6 Manycompaniesarenowashortageofskilledstaff 7 Weneedtoexamineallthecoststhattheconstructionofthebridge 8 Thenoticehangingonthefrontwallismeantto theunwantedvisitors especiallyatworkinghours passedaway sufferingfrom areinvolvedin keepout 词组翻译1 对 有很大影响 2 对 有兴趣 3 给 食物 喂养 饲养 4 使集合在一起

4、 5 乍看之下 初看起来 第一眼 6 渴望 欲获得 7 传下去 传递 8 看得见 考虑中 计划中 haveastronginfluenceon havefunwithsth feed on roundup atfirstsight haveanappetitefor passon inview 短文填空Koorisdevelopedawayoflife wassuitableforthishotanddrycountry Theyinventeddifferentkindsoffishingnets andalsoa curious shapedpieceofwoodforhunting wh

5、ichcould throw andwouldreturntothethroweritdidnotstrikeanything TheKoorisbyhuntinganimals birdsandfish andbygatheringroots nutsandfruits Theybecameexperiencedat find undergroundsprings Asa theKoorishavebeenabletoliveforthousandsofyearsinadesertlandinaforeignerwouldquicklydiefromofwaterandfood that c

6、uriously bethrown if lived wild finding consequence which lack 概括大意Wecertainlydonotnowbelievethatdreamsforetellthefuture Mostscientistsbelievethatdreamsarebasedoneventsinourownlifeandonourfeelings Theeventsareusuallyveryrecent mostlywithinthelasttwodays Ouremotions ontheotherhand ourwishes hopesandf

7、earsmaygobackmanyyears eventoearlychildhood 此段落的大意是 Dreamscannotforetellthefuture 复现辨析记忆 1 Manyeconomistsholdthebeliefthatpricesareverymuch bymarketdemand A governedB handledC managedD conquered正确选项 意思是 2 Exercisefirmsthebody themuscles andpreventsyoufromgainingweight A enlargesB motivatesC enforces

8、D strengthens正确选项 意思是 A D govern vn vt vi 统治 控制 治理 strengthen stre n vt 加强 巩固vi 变强 3 Thisdiseasethreatenstowipeoutthe population A allB entireC completeD thorough正确选项 意思是 4 Lackofconfidenceisapsychological tosuccess A barrierB blockC stopD impact正确选项 意思是 B entire in tai adj 全部的 整个 的 完全的 A barrier b

9、ri n 障碍 屏障 5 ApplyingforapassportinShanghaiisastraightforward A progressB procedureC processD proposal正确选项 意思是 6 Theyarereadytoaccepttheseideas becausetheyhaveneverbeenchallenged A particularlyB merelyC naturallyD truly正确选项 意思是 B procedure pr si d n 步骤 程序 手续 B merely mi li adv 仅 只 不过 7 Educationshou

10、ldbeauniversalrightandnota n A advantageB opportunityC privilegeD benefit正确选项 意思是 8 Thecompanyhasbeen fromafamilybusinesstoamulti million poundoperation A transformedB allocatedC replacedD varied正确选项 意思是 C privilege privilid n 特权 特别待遇 A transform tr ns f m vt 改变 转变 改造 9 Eggsare byweightasExtraLarge

11、Large Medium andSmall A separatedB dividedC arrangedD classified正确选项 意思是 10 Willtheboys inthedrugtradebesentencedtodeath A includedB containedC involvedD lost正确选项 意思是 D classify kl sifai vt 编排 分类 C involve in v lv vt 包括 牵涉 使参与 11 InhisearlydaysLuXun medicineforliterature A abandonedB removedC dismis

12、sedD withdrew正确选项 意思是 12 Aftertherepair the ofthepianohasbeengreatlyimproved A soundB tuneC toneD noise正确选项 意思是 A C tone t un n 色度 色调 语气 音调 abandon b nd n vt 离开 遗弃 13 A willbeofferedforinformationleadingtothearrestofthebankrobber A rewardB fundC priceD profit正确选项 意思是 14 Itisgenerallyacceptedthatheal

13、thisabove A wealthB treasureC fortuneD property正确选项 意思是 A reward ri w d n 报答 报酬 A wealth wel n 财产 财富 15 Dustanddirtsoon ifahouseisnotcleanedregularly A addB accumulateC obtainD Surround正确选项 意思是 B accumulate kju mjuleit vt 积累 聚集vi 增加 核心词汇梳理 1 claimvt 认领 夺去 生命 声称Hasanyoneclaimedthelostwallet 有人来认领丢失的钱

14、包吗 韦氏高阶 Thewarclaimedthelivesofthousandsofcivilians 战争夺去了成千上万平民百姓的生命 韦氏高阶 句型claimtodo 声称做某事claimtohavedone声称做过某事claimthat 宣称 声明 Theorganizationclaimstorepresentmorethan20 000firms 该组织声称自己代表着2万多家公司 麦克米伦 Doctorsclaimedtohavediscoveredacureforthedisease 医生声称已经找到了治疗该疾病的方法 朗文当代 Sheclaimedthatshewastellin

15、gthetruth 她声称是在讲实话 韦氏高阶 n 要求 索赔 权利 主张搭配makeaclaimforsth 要求对 进行赔偿haveaclaimto onsth 要求得到 有权索要 Didyoumakeaclaimfordamages 你提出赔偿损害的要求了吗 Theyhadnoclaimontheland whichwasbelievedtoberichinoil 他们无权索要那块据认为蕴藏有丰富石油的土地 牛津高阶 应用1 Heclaimed inthesupermarketwhenhewasdoingshoppingyesterday A beingbadlytreatedB tre

16、atingbadlyC tobetreatedbadlyD tohavebeenbadlytreated D 2 differvi 不同 相异 不同意That swherewediffer 那就是我们意见不合的地方 搭配differfrom 与 不同differin 在 方面不同Humansdifferfromothermammalsintheirabilitytospeak 人与其他哺乳动物的不同之处在于人能说话 朗文当代 Thetwoanimalscomefromthesamefamilybutdifferinbodyandbreedinghabits 这两种动物属于同一科 但身体形状和繁殖习惯有区别 麦克米伦 EnglishdiffersfromSpanishinthatitisnotpronouncedasitiswritten 英语和西班牙语的区别在于英语的发音与书写不一样 麦克米伦 应用2 Peoplegreatlydiffer theirviewsoflife A fromB inC atD to B 3 feedvt 给 食物 给 吃 喂养 饲养Hehasalargef



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