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1、1 Module 2 Friendship模块综合测试 一 根据句意 写出所缺单词 5 分 1 We went to the a yesterday and saw some sharks 2 How many of bread do we need 3 He is a soccer star 4 She a famous pianist 二 中英词组互译 10 分 1 拍照处 6 主修 2 庭院旧货出售 7 一天的假 3 把 加到 上 8 玩得高兴 4 打开 9 世界记录 5 切碎 10 举例 三 根据句意 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 10 分 1 I at home last Sunda

2、y stay 2 He is the three brothers tall 3 There many peop1e at the cinema 1ast night be 4 Which season do you like spring or autumn wel1 5 My sweater is red What about you 6 Tom is getting and bad 7 September is the month of the year nine 8 I a new sweater last week buy 9 We can sing some of the most

3、 famous song 10 How many do they have child 四 选择填空 l5 分 1 How many footbal1 were there last year A match B matches C game D matchs 2 There were at the concert last night A nine hundreds and fifty four B nine hundred and fifty four 2 C nine hundred and fifty four D nine hundred fifty four 3 Why not a

4、nswer the question English A with B in C for D by 4 Mr B1ack can sing Chinese songs very A good B better C best D well 5 The boy off his bike and his 1eg A fall break B fell broke C falls broke D fe1l breaks 6 We some France when we in Paris last year A learn are B learn were C learnt were D learnt

5、are 7 He was born the evening March 8 1986 A in on B in in C on on D on of 8 We sang a song together the end of the meeting A i n B at C on D by 9 My grandfather worked in a big car factory twenty eight years A fo B in C at D on 10 He wasn t good at A boating and swimming B boat or swim C boat and s

6、wim D boating or swimming 11 It rained yesterday didn t it A heavy B very heavy C heavily D heavier l2 The weather in England never gets too hot too co1d A and B or C but D with 13 It doesn t often rain in Beijing in summer It s very A wet and co1d B hot and wet C cold and dry D hot and dry 14 Child

7、ren enjoy snowmen A make B to make C making D to making 3 15 There weather in China is different Australia A from B to C for D like 五 根据所给中文意思 完成下列各句 1O分 1 你最喜欢的科目是什么 英语 数学还是体育 What is your English maths or P E 2 活到老学到老 You are old learn 3 我们需要几茶匙蜂蜜呢 How of honey do we need 4 这本书比那本书有意思得多 This book

8、is than that one than that one 5 谁能帮 我做出这道数学题呢 Who can this maths prob1em 六 阅读理解 根据短文内容判断正误 正确的写 T 错误的写 F 10 分 Joe liked fish very much and when he had enough money he bought some and took it home Butwhen his wife saw the fish she always said to herself Good Now I will ask m y friends to have luncha

9、nd we will eat the fish They like fish too So when Joe came home in the evening after his work the fish was never there and his wife al ways said Oh your cat ate it she is a very bad animal And she gave Joe vegetables and rice for hissupper But one evening when the same thing happened 发生 Joe was ver

10、y angry 发生 He took the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighed 称 the cat carefully Then he turned to his wife and said My fish weighed two ki1os This cat weighs two kilos too My fish is here you say Then where is my cat 1 Joe enjoyed eating fish 2 If he had enough money he would buy

11、some fish 3 His wife always gave the fish to the cat 七 完形填空 20 分 Tom did not like doing his homework because he liked to do some 1 things after 4 school And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework Then one day his maths teacher 3 at Tom s homework and saw that he got all his answer s

12、right He was very 4 and surprised 惊奇 The next morning before class he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him You got all your homework right this time Did your father help you Sometimes Tom s father helped him with his homework 7 this time he didn t help Tom because he 8 at home So Tom answered NO Sir H

13、e Was busy last night so I 9 to do it 10 1 A others B another C the other D other 2 A made B found C looked at D looked 3 A laughed B knocked C looked D saw 4 A please B pleased C pleasure D sad 5 A to B for C in D at 6 A talked B asked C spoke D said 7 A and B but C so D or 8 A isn t B won t be C w

14、asn t D can t be 9 A wanted B mustn t C liked D had 10 A itself B of them C myself D himself 八 写作 根据所 给 词汇写出制作火鸡三明治的过程 first mayonnaise bread then tomato add next put finally on top 参考答案 一 1 quarium 2 Pieces3 professional 4 beco mes或 became 二 1 takes photos 2 yard sale 3 add to 4 turn on 5 cut up 6

15、major in 7 a day off 8 have fun have a good time 9 the world record 10 For example 三 1 stayed 2 the tallest 3 were 4 better 5 yours 6 worse worse 5 7 ninth 8 bought 9 songs 10 children 四 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 D 11 C 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 A 五 1 favourite subject 2 never too to 3 many tea

16、spoons 4 much more interesting 5 help me with 六 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 七 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 C 八 First put some mayonnaise on a slice of bread Then cut up a tomato and an onion Add these to the sandwich Next put some lettuce and the turkey slices on the sandwich Put some relish on the turkey Finally put another slice of bread on top



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