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1、六年级英语第一单元复习题班级 姓名 Listening part 听力部分一、Listen and circle. 听音,圈出与你所听到的单词。(2*6)1. pretty pear carry 2. buy weekend party3. bring break crazy 4. through trip street5.plum bushes break 6.go policeman catch二、Listen and number. 根据听到的顺序标号。(3*6) 三、今天,小狗的朋友们约好一块去买东西。它们打算买些什么呢?请听录音,圈出内容,并将单词记在购物单上。(2*3)Writin

2、g part 笔试部分一、看图片,写单词。(2*6) 二、划出下列句子错误的地方,并改正。(2*6)1、 I is going to play table tennis.2、 We are going to playing football.3、 He is go to draw a picture.4、 You is going to bring some apples.5、 They is going to singing at the weekend.三、根据句意,选出相应的答案。(2*6)( )What are you doing on Sunday? A.Thats OK.( )Th

3、ank you for helping. B.Lets run.( )Lets play football. C.Yes,OK.( )What do we need? D.I am going to a party.( )Can you bring some cola? E.Hot dogs and chocolates.( )What shall we do? F. OK四、根据对话填空。(1*10)A:What on Sunday?B: I going to a party.A: What do we ?B: Hot dogs,apples,cola and cakes.A: bread?

4、B:Great idea.A:I bring the , the and the cola.B:I ll bring the cakes.五、这是Toby的一周活动安排,读一读,你能帮它在记事本上做好记录吗?(3*6) EmmasToday is Monday. Im going to Emmas birthday party this afternoon at six. Tomorrow morning Im going to playfootball and in the afternoon Im going to swim. On Thursday morning, Im going t

5、o draw a picture. Im going to play tabletennis on Friday afternoon. This Srturday morning, Im going to learning English. On Sunday,Im going to buy a present for the party in the afternoon.MorningAfternoonMon.To Emmas birthday partyTue.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.剑桥Join in Book3 英语第三册Starter UnitUnit 1 单元测试

6、2011-03-06 20:21:13|分类: 教学案例 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 小学剑桥英语第三册Starter UnitUnit 1 单元测试Name: Class: Score: Part 1 Listening 一、Listen and number. 听音标号。 听两遍 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and choose. 听音,将你听到单词的序号写在题前的括号里。 听两遍 ( ) 1、 a、egg b、leg c、desk( ) 2、 a、skirt b、shirt c、thirty( ) 3、 a、chair b、square c、hair( )

7、4、 a、box b、socks c、fox( ) 5、 a、lamp b、stamp c、map三、Listen and chose T or F. 仔细听句子,对的写T,错的写F。听两遍1. Im going to buy bananas and apples. ( )2. Carry it to the boy. ( )3. The girl laughs . ( )4. We are having a big party. ( )5. Pass me the pen, Mike. ( )6. Please come to my party. ( )7. Mum is going to

8、do some cooking. ( )8. We are going to a party in the morning. ( )9. What are you doing on Tuesday, Mike? ( )10. They are going to dance. ( )Part 2 Writing 一 Look at the pictures and choose.看图选单词,并将代表该单词的字母写在相应的圆圈中.A.banana B.juice C.chewing gum D.orange E.apple F. cake G. noodles H.pear二、Categories

9、. 仿照例子,将单词归到正确的类别。sheep,ice cream, lamp,twenty-one,ear,duck,sixty-three,nose,plum,chocolates,arm,tired,panda,table, monkey,leg,chewing gum,chair,thirteen,wardrobe1. food:pizza _ _ _ _2. body:_nose_ _ _ _3. animals: cow _ _ _ _4. numbers: three _ _ _ _5.things in a living room:bed _ _ _ _ 三、Susan 写给你

10、的留言条被老鼠损坏了,请你将留言条中的问题补充完整。并根据Dear friend, I am going to buy something this weekend. Wh _? Hot dogs? Sandwiches? Some fruit? And so on. Wh _ noodles? Please you make a shopping-list quickly. And I will take it soon.你的实际情况回答问题。 1. What_?_2. What_? 桥口区小学剑桥英语第三册Starter UnitUnit 1 单元测试听力稿Part 1 Listening 一、Listen and number. 听音标号。 听两遍 1 Bake a cake.2 Catch a snake3 Break an egg.4 Shake your leg.5 Ride a cow. ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 ) 二、Listen and choose. 听音,将你听到单词的序号写在题前的括号里。 听两遍 ( leg ) 1、 a、egg b、leg


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