高中英语 第四模块第一单元 Reading语言点学案 牛津版必修4

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1、M4U1 Reading语言点学案Revision (Fill in the blanks)Advertisements, which often use p_ language and e_ images, play an important p_ of our lives. There are two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c_ advertisements, which are meant to p_ a product or s _.But they dont tell c_ the c_ truth. Another one

2、is called PSAs, which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language, are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social i_, which often affect public w_.语言点整理1 We are so used to them (line 1)be used to doing_used to _be used to do _2 I did some research on(line 2)to share with you.(line 3)research:1) n. do/con

3、duct research on:我正在做关于广告的研究。_2) V. to study商人研究市场很重要。_share with: _e.g. Id like to share my book with you.3. encourage peoplebelieve in an idea(line 6)encourage sb to do_老师鼓励她看英文电影。_Practice: believe/believe inI dont _ ghosts. I _ that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.4 for free,and a

4、re intended to(line 11)for free_You can take the ticket for free.每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书_intend to_What he said at the meeting _ make us to support his idea.A. intended to B. intends toC.was intended to D. is intended to5 China has strong laws to protect people from(line 14)protectfrom人们通常戴太阳镜以妨眼睛被太阳灼伤。_6. l

5、ie lied lied lying 说谎lie:lay(pt) lain(pp) lying(pres p) vi.平躺lay:laid(pt,pp)laying(pres p) vt. 放置He _ the book on the desk and told me that he had _in bed for the whole morning. But I knew that he was _ to me.7. be aware of:你知道是什么时候了么?_be aware that: .我很清楚吸烟有害健康。_8 connect them to the food(line 25)T

6、he two cities are connected by a railway.She is connected with a famous family.我这就给你接通王先生的电话。_9 We must not fall for this kind (line 26)fall for sth._他说他是学生,我信以为真。_fall for sb: _10 ads play tricks on (line 28)play tricks on: _老师要求我们不要再捉弄对方了。_trick: V. trick sb. into doing sth._选词填空be used to do rese

7、arch on play tricks onsharewith encourage believe in liefor free protect from intend tobe aware of connect with fall for1 You should _ your books_ your desk-mate.2 I _ getting up early in the morning.3 He _ finish the project ahead of time, but he failed.4 I will never _ the words of door-to-door sa

8、lesman.5 I never _ God .6 She _ the danger around her.7 You will get a book _.8 The teacher asked us to _environment protection.9 The special clothes will _ you _being attacked by wild animals.10 You are actually _ her laziness if you do everything for her.11 She _ to us about what she did just now.12 Dont _ me! I am angry!13 If you _ the machine _ the electricity, it will work.


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