2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)

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2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)_第1页
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2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)_第2页
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2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)_第3页
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2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)_第4页
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《2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 4《Who Is Hungry》课件1 (新版)冀教版(三起)(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Lesson4WhoIsHungry 冀教版五年级下册 Who ssinging Who ssinging Awoman Awoman She ssinging She ssinging Shelikestosingtoherbaby Whoissinging Who ssleeping Who ssleeping Ababy Ababy He ssleeping He ssleeping Helikestoplayandsleep Whoissinging Whoissleeping Thewomanissinging Thebabyissleeping Game Lookandanswe

2、r 1 Thepicturegoesveryfast Pleaselookcarefully 2 Ifyoufindtheanswer pleaseputupyourhand Note Whoiscrying Thegirliscrying Whoisrunning Theboyisrunning Whoisdrinking Themanisdrinking Whoiseating Thewomaniseating uncle h g ry un Whatwouldyoulike I dlikea some noodlesbreadricevegetables adonutcakesfruit

3、dumplings ahotdogahamburgerfishchicken can dy Ilikeverymuch Candyissweet Candyisyummy Butdon teattoomuch Afteryoueatcandy please rinseyourmouth brushyourteethor Listen Fillintheblanks 1 LiMingis a hungryb thirsty2 LiMingwouldlikesome a waterb candyc tea b c Read Tick orcross 1 Dannywouldlikeanapplea

4、ndabanana 2 LiMingishungry 3 Jennylikescandyverymuch 4 LiMingwouldlikesomewater PairWork Trytosay tiredthirstyhungryhappysadsleepdrinkeatsingcry Thebabyistired Heissleeping Thegirlisthirsty Sheisdrinking Trytosay tiredthirstyhungryhappysadsleepdrinkeatsingcry Theboyissad Heiscrying Trytosay tiredthi

5、rstyhungryhappysadsleepdrinkeatsingcry Thewomanishungry Sheiseating Themanishappy Heissinging Trytosay tiredthirstyhungryhappysadsleepdrinkeatsingcry Thegirlisthirsty Sheisdrinking Theboyissad Heiscrying Thewomanishungry Sheiseating Themanishappy Heissinging Who ssinging Who ssinging Awoman Awoman She ssinging She ssinging Shelikestosingtoherbaby Whoissinging Who ssleeping Who ssleeping Ababy Ababy He ssleeping He ssleeping Helikestoplayandsleep


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