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1、精品办公NON-DISCLOSURE AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT保密及禁止逾越协议【 2016年 月 日】【 】, a company registered and incorporated in the Peoples Republic of China (the “Party A”), whose address is 【】, and【 】, whose address is 【】 (the “Party B”), for good and valuable consideration and in exchange for the mutual pro

2、mises and covenants exchanged one unto another the parties hereby agree to the following Non-disclosure and Non-circumvention Agreement (this “Agreement”) as follows:【 有限公司】(下称“甲方”),一家注册地址位于中华人民共和国【 】的有限责任公司与【 】(下称“乙方”),一家注册地址位于【 】的【 】,经友好协商达成本保密及禁止逾越协议(“本协议”):1 In connection with an internal invest

3、igation for the purpose of 【 】to be carried out by Party B (the “Investigation), Party A agrees to disclose certain Confidential Information of Party A or its affiliates to Party B.本协议双方认可,为协助乙方完成其一项【为 目的的】内部调查(下称“调查”),甲方同意向乙方披露甲方或其关联方的特定保密信息。2 “Confidential Information” shall mean the information w

4、ith confidential nature held, created, discovered, prepared, acquired, developed, or otherwise provided by Party A or its affiliates, which is not generally known to the public, to which Party B may have an access. Such Confidential Information includes but is not limited to:-“保密信息”系指乙方接触到的甲方及其关联方持有

5、、创造、发现、准备、开发、或提供的具有秘密性质的信息,该等信息不为公众所知,且包括但不限于:2.1 all information (whether oral or otherwise) and material (whether electronically recorded, in writing or otherwise) disclosed to Party B before, on or after the date of this Agreement by Party A or its affiliates for the purpose the Investigation, an

6、d in particular including existing business and / or contractual relationships (as well as their terms) that Party A and affiliates may have with third parties and financial information of Party A and its affiliates; 所有由甲方及其关联方在本协议签署日前、签署日或签署日后披露给乙方的与本次调查相关的,并尤其包括现有的甲方及其关联方可能与第三方存在的商业和/或合同关系(包括相应的合同

7、条款)及财务的信息(无论口头或以任何形式)及资料(无论电子记录,书面或其他方式);2.2 all information (whether oral or otherwise) and material (whether electronically recorded, in writing or otherwise) relating directly or indirectly to the business affairs of Party A or its affiliates, all software, samples, devices, demonstrations, know-

8、how, trade secrets and other materials of whatever description, whether subject to or protected by copyright, patent, trademark, registered or unregistered or otherwise disclosed before, on or after the date of this Agreement by Party A or its affiliates to Party B; and所有直接或间接地与甲方(或其关联方)商务相关的信息(无论口头

9、或以任何形式)及资料(无论电子记录,书面或其他方式),所有软件,样品,设备,展示品,技术秘密,商业秘密及其他无论以何种描述形式存在的资料,无论是否受著作权、专利及商标保护,无论是否注册或在本协议签署日之前、签署日或之后被甲方或其关联方进行过相关的披露;及2.3 any document or material marked Confidential (or with a similar expression), or any information which Party B or any of its employees has been told is confidential or wh

10、ich he might reasonably expect Party A or its affiliates would regard as confidential.任何被标示为保密(或相似的说法)的文件、或任何已告知乙方及其任意雇员为机密的信息或乙方可合理预计的将被甲方及其关联方视为机密的信息。3 Party B acknowledges that the Confidential Information supplied or to be supplied by Party A or its affiliates to it is proprietary to Party A or

11、its affiliates and acknowledges that it is of a confidential nature. Accordingly, Party B will at all times keep Confidential Information in strict confidence and will not use the Confidential Information in any manner other than for the purpose of the Investigation without the prior written consent

12、 of Party A. In particular, Party B shall not directly or indirectly: -乙方认可甲方及其关联方提供的或将要提供的保密信息系甲方及其关联方的专有财产,乙方同意此类信息在本质上具有保密性质。因此,乙方将在任何时间对于此类由甲方或其关联方传递的保密信息保持其严格保密性,并将不会为本次调查以外的任何方式使用该等信息,除非事先得到披露方的书面同意。且乙方不得直接或间接: 3.1 disclose, in any form, any Confidential Information to any third party, except

13、otherwise permitted pursuant to this Agreement以任何形式将任何保密信息披露予第三方,但本合同其他条款允许披露的情况除外;3.2 acquire or allow any third party to acquire Confidential Information by any improper methods (the “Improper Methods” includes stealing, fraud, threat, bribery, unauthorized reproduction, breach of confidentiality

14、obligations, persuasion of others to breach any confidentiality obligation or similar methods of the same nature); or以不当方式获取或允许第三方不当获取保密信息(“不当方式”包括窃取、欺诈、威胁、贿赂、未经授权复制、违反保密义务、教唆他人违反保密义务或同样性质的类似方式);或3.3 use or allow any third party to use any Confidential Information acquired through Improper Methods.使

15、用或允许第三方使用以不当方式取得的保密信息。4 Party B shall not use the Confidential Information of Party A or its affiliates in any way listed as following:-乙方不应以以下任何形式使用甲方及其关联方的机密信息:4.1 where information regarding identities, pricing and other commercial arrangement involving customers or suppliers of Party A or its af

16、filiates are disclosed to Party B, presume commercial dealings, whether directly or indirectly, or through third parties, or enter into negotiations with any or all suppliers or customers of Party A or its affiliates in the absence of prior consent from Party A;在向乙方披露了涉及甲方及其关联方的供应商及客户的身份、价格及其他商业安排的信息的情况下,未取得甲方同意而与相关



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