(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 SBIII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)

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《(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 SBIII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 SBIII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1You can accuse the man of the offence on the condition that you have enough_.Afact BevidenceCtruth Dreason【解析】evidence 证据。【答案】B2He is a_investor who studied the market before buying.Acareless BhastyCcautious Dimpatient【解析】句意为“他是一个谨慎的投资者,买之前研究了市场”。【答案】C3The president ref

2、used to_the rumor that he had murdered the late president.Aconfirm BadmitCconfess Daccept【解析】句意为“总统拒绝证实他暗杀了前总统的传闻”。选项B、C无须接rumor,直接接that引导的宾语从句;选项D搭配不当。【答案】A4One of the multinationals is expected to make a takeover_for the engineering company.Abet BbidCattempt Dpay【解析】句意为“一家跨国公司力求接管这家工程公司”。make a bi

3、d for投标,试图得到;bet赌,打赌;attempt试图;pay薪水,工资。【答案】B5Everyone on the bus_into a song as we got closer to our home.Abroke BputCburst Dturned【解析】burst into a song意为“突然唱起歌来”。其他选项无此意义。句意为“车上的每个人在快到家的时候,突然唱起来”。【答案】C6Id_his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decisi

4、on about whether or not to approve a loan.Atake into account Baccount forCmake up for Dmake out【解析】take sth.into account意为“考虑”,相当于take sth.into consideration。make up for弥补;make out了解或明白某人 /某事物;看出(听出,辨出)某人 /某事物。【答案】A7Liu Yun had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure

5、 of passing it on her first_.Aintention BattemptCpurpose Ddesire【解析】此句意为“刘云已为生物学考试作了精心准备,以便有把握一次通过”。on her first attempt第一次尝试时,on表示时间点。intention意图;打算,一般用于with the intention of doing结构,作目的状语;have the intention of doing sth.打算做;purpose目的;on purpose故意地。【答案】B8The evidence_me in my opinion that they are

6、lying.Aconfuses BconfirmsCcontrols Dconfesses【解析】证据证实了我的看法:他们在说谎。confuse使迷惑,使为难;confirm证实,确认;control控制;confess承认,坦白。【答案】B9Hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to_.Afade BreduceCdim Dfaint【解析】fade“逐渐消失”;reduce“(尤指数量、体积、价格等)减少,降低”;dim是形容词,意为“(光线)暗的”,不符合语法及题意;faint“(体力)变得微弱”。句意为:找到失踪

7、登山队员的希望开始变得渺茫。【答案】A10When you take a walk in the countryside,the magnificent views often_you to write poems.Apuzzle BinspireCpersuade Dattract【解析】inspire意为“鼓舞,激励”,在此表示优美的风景常使你产生作诗的欲望。puzzle使迷惑;persuade劝服;attract吸引。【答案】B.完成句子11With_(做完了实验),Sam felt pleased and relieved.(accomplish)【答案】the experiment

8、accomplished12We wonder_(她是否返回),within several years,to where she used to be a village teacher.(return)【答案】whether she will return13Nowadays,with the help of manmade satellites,forecasting the weather is_(更精确)(accurate)【答案】more accurate14The house,although not very big,is really_(更适合这个家庭) than that

9、one downtown.(suitable)【答案】is more suitable to the family15_(在灌木丛中行走) in Africa is a totally different sensation from driving through it.(walk)【答案】Walking in the bush16The robots_(配有照相机的) can do many kinds of things for mankind.(equip)【答案】 (which are)equipped with cameras17_(无论他来与否),the result will

10、be the same.(or)【答案】Whether he comes or not18Eventually,his father accepted the suggestion_(他出国)(abroad)【答案】that he (should) go abroad19Potter was brave.He_(自告奋勇地担任) a guard during the terrible time.(work)【答案】volunteered to work as20_(虽然他是一名教师),he knows little about the outside world.(as)【答案】Teacher

11、 as he is.完形填空After working out one day,I came across a wedding ring fixed with many diamonds and a ruby (红宝石) ring.I could tell they were very_21_.I took the rings to our Lost & Found Department and told the security guard that I did not want my_22_mentioned,as I wanted it to be an act of_23_.I was

12、 pretty sure that the rings would be_24_!I forgot all about_25_the rings,but as I was _26_the buiding the next day,the security guard told me,“You_27_that womans day,you know?”I said,“What woman?”She told me that early the next morning,an Indian woman_28_called the security guard,crying and asking a

13、bout her missing rings.She _29_the rings and said that_30_she had given up the hope of finding them,she thought she would take one last_31_that someone found them.The security guard was_32_ to tell her,“Yes,Maam!They were turned in last night.” And she_33_,“The finder wanted to remain anonymous (匿名的

14、)”The young Indian woman was so_34_!She told the guard that her wedding ring was from her husband who had it_35_made for her.And the ruby ring was from her Grandma,who was no longer alive.Both were_36_.I,too,have lost_37_and I was so glad to know that someone didnt have to_38_the experience of losing something.It is so_39_! Even more than the material cost of the rings,it is the spiritual value that makes it s



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