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1、Unit5 Grammar TheAttributiveClause Theuseoftherelativepronoun 关系代词 口诀 定语从句三步 第一找出先行词第二看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能 做主语 宾语或状语 第三选择合适的关系词 4 Pleasetakethesecondchair isoverthere A whereB whichC whoD that 5 Isoxygentheonlygas helpsfireburn A thatB C whichD it 6 Finally thethiefhandedeverything hehadstolentothepolice

2、 NMET98 A whichB whatC whateverD that 7 Theweatherturnedouttobeverygood wasmorethanweexpected A whatB whichC thatD it 关系副词的用法 时间 时间状语 地点 地点状语 原因 原因状语 一 关系副词where引导的定语从句 where引导的定语从句其先行词往往是表示地点的名词 例 Chinaistheonlycountrywherewildpandascanbefound ThisisthehousewhereIlivedtwoyearsago 知识拓展 1 关系副词where引导

3、的定语从句可以转换为 介词 in on at under等 which 引导的定语从句 Eg Thehotelwherewestayedwasn tclean Thehotelinwhichwestayedwasn tclean Thehotelwhich thatwestayedinwasn tclean ThehousewhereLuXunoncelivedisbeingrepairednow ThehouseinwhichLuXunoncelivedisbeingrepairednow 2 若定语从句的先行词是地点 但定语从句缺主语或宾语 用which或that引导定语从句 而不用whe

4、re来引导 Thelibrarythat whichyouvisitedyesterdaywasbuiltin1990 3 如果定语从句分别修饰point situation stage condition和case position等表示抽象意义的词 常用where prep which引导 意思是 到了某种地步 在某种境况中 例 I vecometothepointwhereIcan tstandhim 典型例题 1 It shelpfultoputchildreninasituation theycanseethemselvesdifferently A thatB whenC whic

5、hD where 2 Lifeislikealongrace wecompetewithotherstogobeyondourselves A whyB whatC thatD where 3 IhavereachedapointinmylifeIamsupposedtomakedecisionsofmyown A whichB whereC howD why 4 TheywillflytoWashington theyplantostayfortwoorthreedays A whereB thereC whichD when when引导的定语从句其先行词往往是表示时间的名词 例 Thet

6、imewhenIfirstmetNelsonMandelawasaverydifficultperiodofmylife 二 关系副词when引导的定语从句 先行词是time时 若time是作 次数 讲时 应用关系代词that引导的定语从句 that可以省略 Thisisthesecondtime that thepresidenthasvisitedthecountry Icouldhardlyrememberhowmanytimes that I vefailed 若time作 一段时间 时代 讲时 应用关系副词when或介词at during which引导的定语从句Thiswasata

7、timewhen duingwhichtherewasnoradios notelephonesornoTVs 1 Thisisthesecondtime Ihavebeenhere 2 Canyoustillrememberthetime wespenttogetherinourchildhood 3 Thefirsttime hesawher hefellinlovewithher 1 that 不填2 that which3 that 不填 4 Wearelivinginaage manythingsaredoneontheInternet A WhichB ThatC WhoseD w

8、hen 知识拓展 1 关系副词when引导的定语从句也可以转换为 介词 in at on during which 引导的定语从句 Istillrememberthetimewhen duringwhich Ilivedinthecountryside 2 若定语从句的先行词是时间 但定语从句缺主语或宾语 则用which或that引导定语从句 I llneverforgetthetimethat whichIspentoncampus I llneverforgetthetimethat whichwasspentwithyou 1 Becauseofthefinancialcrisis da

9、ysaregone local5 starhotelscharged6 000yuanforonenight A ifB whenC whichD since 2 Wewentthroughaperiod communicationswereverydifficultintheruralareas A whichB whoseC inwhichD withwhich 3 Occasionsarequiterare Ihavethetimetospendadaywithmykids A WhoB WhichC WhyD When 三 关系副词why引导的定语从句 why引导的定语从句其先行词往往

10、是表示原因的名词 如 excuse explanation reason等 例 Thereasonwhyhedidn tcometothepartyisthathedidn twanttoseeJane Wecan taccepttheexcusewhyyouwereabsent Thisistheexplanationwhytheyputoffthemeeting 知识拓展 1 关系副词why引导的定语从句可以转换为 for which 引导的定语从句 Thisisthereasonwhy forwhich Ididn tcomehere 2 若定语从句的先行词是reason 但定语从句缺主

11、语或宾语 则用which或that引导定语从句 Thereasonthat whichshegavemewasnottrue 即学即用1 Thereason hedidn tcomewasthathewasill 2 Thereasonheexplainedisnottrue why that which 3 Thereason hewasabsentwas hehadabadcold A When becauseB When whyC WhybecauseD Whythat 四 Way后接定语从句的情况 way后面的定语从句的引导词有which inwhich that 不填 如 Ireco

12、gnizedhe sfromAustraliafromtheway hespeaks inwhich that 不填 填上合适的关系词并分析原因 1 Theway heexplainedthesentencetouswasnotdifficulttounderstand 2 Theway heexplainedtouswasquitesimple that which 不填 that inwhich 不填 缺状语 缺宾语 缺少主语或宾语 引导词用that which 不填 缺宾语时 主语宾语都不缺 引导词用that inwhich 不填 1 Idon tliketheway youlaugha

13、ther Inwhich that 不填 四 判断关系代词与关系副词 1 Thisisthemountainvillage Ivisitedlastyear 2 Thisisthemountainvillage Istayedlastyear 3 Thisisthemountainvillage Istayedinlastyear that which where that which 不填 介词可后移 此时关系代词可以省略 Thisisthebookforwhichyouasked Thisisthebookwhich that 不填youaskedfor 但是有些固定动词短语不能拆开 介词

14、不能提前 只能能够放在动词的后面Eg ThisisXuJinglei slatestmovie which that sheislookingfor 1 Isthismuseum youvisitedafewdaysago A whereB thatC onwhichD theone2 Isthisthemuseum theexhibitionwasheld A whereB thatC onwhichD theone 归纳 关系词的选择依据先行词在从句中所作的成分 先行词在从句中作主 定 宾语时 选择关系代词 who whom that which whose 先行词在从句中作状语时 应选择

15、关系副词 where地点状语 when时间状语 why原因状语 介词 关系代词 引导的定语从句 介词后的关系代词只能是which 指物 whom 指人 介词选择的三原则 一介词根据从句谓语动词的搭配习惯而确定onwhichIspent5yuan forwhichIpaid5yuan ThisisthebookfromwhichIlearntalot aboutwhichTomoftentalks 二 介词根据先行词的搭配习惯而确定 IrememberthedayonwhichIjoinedtheParty thedaysduringwhichIlivedhere themonthinwhich

16、Istayedthere 三 介词根据从句所表达的意义而确定 Mycomputer withoutwhichIcan tplaycomputergames crashedyesterday Learningacountry scultureislikeopeningawindow throughwhichyoucanknowaboutthatcountrybetter 四 当表示所有关系或是整体中的一部分时 常用ofwhich whom引导定语从句 Theoldmanhastwosons bothofwhomaredoctors Thisisthehouse thewindowsofwhich whosewindow areverybeautiful 五 介词短语 关系代词 常见短语 atthefootof atthebakeof infrontof onthetopofEg Theystayedinabighotel infrontofwhichwasagarden 六 名词 代词 数词 of 关系代词 该结构一般引导非限制性定语从句 在从句中一般做主语Eg Thebuildingh



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