高中英语 Unit5 问候车祸函书信通

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《高中英语 Unit5 问候车祸函书信通》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit5 问候车祸函书信通(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、问候车祸函July 2, 2020Dear Mr. Henry Chen,I received a letter from my brother the other day saying that you had had an accident on your motorbike. My brother didnt give me any details. I hope your injuries are not serious.I wish you a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourself, and if there is anything

2、I can do to help, please let me know.Sincerely,Susie Wang亲爱的陈亨利先生:我前几天接到哥哥的来信说你在骑摩托车时发生了意外。我哥哥并没有告诉我详情。我希望你受的伤不会很严重。但愿你很快康复。请好好保重,如果有任何我可以帮得上忙的地方,请告诉我。王苏西敬上二五、七、二字词解说:1. I received a letter. . . that you had had an accident.注意:本句型乃表截至过去某时为止所完成的动作或经历,称为“过去完成式”句型,但切记过去完成式不能单独存在,而要与过去式从句或表过去的副词短语连用,即在过

3、去不同时间发生的两种动作:1)先发生的动作一用过去完成式2)后发生的动作一用过去式例:I lost the purse that my grandmother had given me.(我把我祖母给我的钱包弄丢了。)2. the other day前几天,前些日子例:I saw that movie the other day.(我在前几天看过那部电影。)3. accident .意外事故by accident偶然,意外地例:A lot of major discoveries were made by accident.(许多重要的发现都是偶然的。)4. motorbike 摩托车5. d

4、etail 细节in detail例:Describe what happened in detail.(详细描述事情的发生经过。)6. injury 伤7. serious 严重的例:Tom has some serious problems.(汤姆有一些严重的问题。)8. speedy 迅速的9. recovery (疾病等的)痊愈,复元例:Mr. Johnson was very sick for a few days,but he made a quick recovery.(詹森先生催患重病多天,但他很快就复元了。)10. take care of.照顾例:Gina helped her mother take care of her little sister.(吉娜帮妈妈照顾小妹。)



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