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1、桦甸八中 2020学年度上学期第一次阶段性考试高三英语试题第一部分 听力听下面5段对话,回答1至5题1.Whatarethetwospeakersprobablydoing?A.Playingagame. BEnjoyingaplay. C.Watchingamatch2.Whowillnotbeattheparty?A.Jessica B.Linda C.Rose3.Whatwouldbethewomansadvice?A.Dontdrinkwaterwithice B.DonthavethedrinksatlunchC.Donteatcolddishesinthesummer4.Whend

2、idthetwospeakersplantomeetJane?A.At2:00 B.At2:15 C.At2:305.Whatisthewomangoingtodofirstaftersheleaveshome?ABuytwochickens BGotothebank. C.Gotoeatsomething.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6.Whatdoesthemansayaboutthebookherecommends?A.Itisaclassic.B.ThestorymovesquicklyC. It waswrittenbyafamouswriter7. Howlongcanthewom

3、ankeepthesamebookwithinayearatmost?A.Sixweeks B.Fourweeks C.Threeweeks听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8.Whydoesthewomancometothisneighborhood?A.Tomeetanoldneighbor B.Tolookforhernewoffice C.Tomeetherclient9.Whereisthenewofficebuilding?ANexttoaflowershop B.Behindabakers C.Oppositeadeli听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题10.Whatdoweknowa

4、boutthewomans document?A.Itsabout30,000words B.ItswritteninEnglish C.Itsatextbook11.Whichlanguageisthemostdifficultaccordingtotheman?A.Arabic B.Spanish C.English12.Whatdoesthewomandecidetodo?A.Translatethedocumentherself B.HirethemantodothetranslationC.Lookforanothertranslator听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. W

5、hatsthemostprobablerelationshipbetweenthetwospeakers?A.Houseagentandcustomer B.Fellowworkers C.Cousins14.Howdidthemanssister-in-lawgetthehouse?A.Sheboughtitfromthegovernment B.ShegotitfromherfamilyC.Sheboughtitfromherfriend15.Whatdidthemanssister-in-lawthinkof thehouse?A.Poor B.Satisfactory C.Expens

6、ive16.Whatdoweknowfromtheconversation?A.TheoldhouseneededalotofrepairsBTheoldhousewasworthalotofmoneyC.Theneighborsgetalongwellwitheach other听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.WhatkindofsportisMaoDanmost fondofA.Swimming. BYoga.C.Tennis18.Whatsportisespeciallypopularatthemoment?A.Dancinginthemorning BPlayingfootb

7、allintheafternoonC.Practicingtaichiintheevening19.WhichyearofcollegeisMaoDaninnow?A.Thefirstyear B.Thesecondyear C.Thethirdyear20.WhatisthemainreasonthatstudentspracticesportsmoreinthewinterA.Toearncreditsfromthecollege B.TosatisfythecollegesrequirementsC.Totakepartinthecollegesportsmeet第二部分 阅读理解A.P

8、ositive attitude leads to joyThere isnt any doubt that positive thinking is valuable after you find out you have cancer. But will positive thoughts help the cancer go away?There have been a number of studies on this subject, but none of the studies say that positive thinking is a factor (因素) in help

9、ing cancer go away, or that negative feelings can make cancer worse.So, is there a reason to have a positive attitude? Of course there is.While I understand the danger of my illness, I choose not to focus on statistics(数据统计). I always imagine myself as being among the smaller group of patients who s

10、urvive. Why do I do that? So I can sleep well; so I can plan a trip for two days from now; so I have a reason to begin writing another book with the expectation that Ill finish it; so my husband and I can enjoy lunch out; so I can reach out to someone else whos having a difficult time and offer them

11、 encouragement.A positive attitude can also help family members feel better so they can contribute to a more loving family environment. Most cancer patients, as well as their family members, know all too well how dangerous cancer can be. Its difficult to carry on when patients receive bad news. But

12、a positive attitude helps me want to do things that I know are beneficial(有益的) to my health, and helps me through the thinning hair, tiredness and low blood counts which are the side effects(副作用) of my treatment(治疗).So, I prefer to stay happy and positive. I do my best not to think too much about al

13、l the hospital visits, and I try not to panic (惊慌) if I feel any pain. Instead, I seek joy as much as I can, and because I am seeking joy, I find joy. Being positive might not save you from cancer, but I can almost guarantee(保证) you that if you are positive, you will find meaning in your life, as we

14、ll as happiness in every day that you live.21.According to the first two paragraphs, studies show that _.A.positive thinking can save patients from cancerB.negative thinking is very likely to make cancer worseC.positive thinking cannot help patients get rid of cancerD.ones attitude has a direct effect on cancer22.After the author found out she had cancer, _.A.she was sur


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