高中英语 Module1《My First Day at Senior High》introductionreading and vocab学案8 外研版必修1

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1、Module 1学案导学I. Fill in the blanks with proper words.A. ReadingI live in Shijiazhuang, the 1 city of Hebei 2 . The teachers in my new school are very 3 and friendly and the classrooms are 4 . Each room has a computer 5 a special screen, almost 6 big as a cinema screen.Our English teacher is Ms Shen,

2、7 method of teaching is 8 like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. Some of us were 9 at first when we 10 ourselves to each other. Ms Shen gave us 11 and then we worked by ourselves. We had a lot of 12.For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street 13 we live. Im lo

3、oking 14 to 15 it.B. Cultural CornerDear Li Kang,Hows it 1? I thought Id write to tell you about the 2 School System. Secondary school in the US usually 3 seven years, grades six 4 twelve. Ninth to 5 grades are high school. At the end of twelfth grade, American students 6 the high school diploma. St

4、udents need a high school 7 if they want to go to college.The school year is 8 into two 9, the first of 10 is September through December, and the 11 January through May. We have a long summer vacation! We start school at 7:50 am and we finish at 3 pm.II .VocabularyComplete these sentences, using a s

5、uitable form of the words given below.correct, encourage, enjoy, explain, fluency, misunderstand, progress, pronounce, bore, describe1. I have heard all his stories before, they _ me too much,2. His _ was so concrete, I felt I were there.3. She isnt Russian, but shes _in Russian.4. We like our Engli

6、sh lesson because it is very _.5. As parents, we should give the children a lot of _ , so that they could get enough confidence.6. Im sure well make greater _ in English with the help of Ms Shen.7. To learn a language well, you should pay much attention to _ because it is the most important thing at

7、 the beginning.8. He had an interesting attitude to _ he said it didnt matter if we made mistakes.9. We _ him at first we thought he wanted us to go out of the classroom.10. Ms Shen said it was important to think in English to learn it well, so she _ everything in English.III 汉译英:请将下列词组,句子译成英语。A.1.

8、文科学科 2. 理科学科3. 信息技术 4. 体育课5. 与相似 6. 与 不同7. 换句话说 8. 渴望9. 取得进步 10. 把分成B. 1.李康对他新学校的老师和教室有很好的印象。2. 你能描述一下你对学英语的态度吗?3. 我们班男同学人数是女同学人数的三倍。4. 美国高中通常包括九到十二年级在内的四个年级。5. 一学年有两个学期。6. 如果学生想上大学,他们需要高级中学毕业证。7. 我发现英语中的阅读理解最困难。8. 我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的!9. 俱乐部成员每周放学后活动两到四次。10. 许多毕业生说, 他们对高中生活最好的回忆是暑假期间他们和俱乐部其他成员在山区一起玩一

9、起训练的那些日子。11. 期末考试中出了那么多的错误使我很尴尬。12. 她因为她的孩子在宴会上的不规矩而感到羞愧。13. 因为事先有约,我不能参加他的婚礼。14. 他们对我的态度表明他们很喜欢我。15. 你那样跟她说话真是太不礼貌了。IV 单项选择1. He has made _ progress that all of us want to learn from him.A. such a great B. so great aC. a so great D. such great2. The man always tells lies, _ no one believes in him.A

10、. so that B. in case C. in order that D in order to3. Could you tell me how to get to the airport? Im sorry, _ Im a stranger.A. and B. but C. as D. so4. He gladly _ the offer to teach at the school.A. promised B. agreed C. received D. accepted5. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter wi

11、th the _.A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remainC. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars6. _ they _ in those hard years!A. How simple; led B. What simple life; leadC. What a simple life, led D. How simple a life, lead7. Junior High School students should change their attitude _ English

12、when they enter Senior High School.A. to learn B. towards studying C. to master D. forgetting8. _ do you like the lessons of Senior High teachers? Lively and interesting.A. Why B. When C. What D. How9. After supper we will study at school for _ 3 hours, reviewing what we learn in the day every day.A

13、. as much as B. as soon as C. as long as D as many as10. Whos the boy standing under the apple tree? A boy _ Deter.A. is called B. calls C. calling D. called11. As is known, China has _ population than _ of any other country in the world.A. the largest; those B. a larger, thatC. the larger; this D.

14、a larger; it12. This school is _ our Junior High school.A. the three times size of B. three times the size ofC. as three times big as D. three times as bigger as13. The date for the conference we had been looking forward _ at last.A. to come B. to coming C. to came D. to have come14. The progress Mary has made _ physics studies is quite obvious.A. in B. for C. with D. about15 Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; tired B. tired; tired C. tiring; tiring D. tired; boredV. ReadingANNES BEST FRIENDDo



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