云南省高中英语 Unit2 Poems 1教案 新人教版选修6

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1、备课组长中心发言人年级高二周次13备课日期11-11-4备课题目Unit2 Poems第几课时1-2学科长签名1内容:这部分介绍了几种简单的英语诗歌。第一段统领全文,阐述写诗的目的:加深印象或表达情感。由此自然地引出下文:诗歌的种类。从第二段开始,分析不同种类的诗歌,并举例说明。儿歌节奏明快、韵律和谐、朗朗上口、不断重复、利于记忆,是语言学习的有效手段。清单诗,尤其是那些不断重复短语和节奏的诗歌,比较容易创作。五行诗,顾名思义,由五行组成,寥寥数语,言简意赅。俳句起源于日本,由17个音节组成。它虽非传统的英语诗歌,但为英语国家的人所喜爱。英语国家也借鉴了中国的唐诗,许多唐诗被译成英文,广为传诵

2、。2解析:通过阅读该文章,培养学生的泛读,精读等技巧,增大学生的知识面。二、目标及其解析1目标:(1) 知识目标:掌握并学会使用文中的重点单词短语。(2)能力目标:培养学生阅读理解能力和技巧。体现听说读写相结合、学习和运用相结合的教学思想。(3) 情感目标:培养学生的文学素养。2解析(1) 能根据短文内容回答问题串。(2) 能理解短文中的个别短语,句子。(3) 能根据短文内容找出所给句子对应的段落。三、教学问题诊断分析 学生在理解短文的过程中可能会出现障碍,原因是学生可能课前预习不到位,或该知识点本身存在难度或学生本来就缺乏自信心,要克服这一一难关,关键是帮助学生掌握正确的学习方法,多鼓励和帮

3、助学生。四、教学支持条件分析PPT辅助教学(直观明了,提高学生学习兴趣);录音机(让学生模仿录音带朗读,提高学生的听力)。五、教学过程设计(含:目标检测,配餐作业)(一)教学基本流程Post-reading小结While-readingPre-reading (二)教学情景1Lead-in, Pre-reading Ask Ss to think back and try to remember poems from their early childhood, either in Chinese or in English. Talk about some famous poets both

4、 home and abroad, either ancient ones or modern ones.问题1: What will you think of when we talk about the word “poem”?问题2:Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese? Why ? Do you have a favorite poem in English? Why?设计意图:以问题引入,使学生对所学的短文产生强烈的学习兴趣。师生活动:教师提出问题,学生回答。而且是通过小组活动来完成任务。2While-reading设计意图:训练学生阅读速度,

5、捕捉短文信息。师生活动:在教学中,教师提出问题后,可组织学生展开讨论。问题3:Scan the text and answer the following questions: (Before Ss read the text, have them close their books and listen to the text with their eyes closed. This gives Ss the opportunity to listen to the sounds or “music” of the poems before reading them in detail. T

6、ell them that it doesnt matter if they dont understand every word.)Q1. Why do people write poetry? Q2. How many forms of poems are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Q3. What does “nursery rhyme” mean? Why do they delight small children? Q4. Whats the characteristic of “list poems”? What about

7、 “cinquain”? Q5. Why do English People like “Haiku”? Q6. Are you familiar with Tang Poems? Do you know the title of the last poem in the text?4目标检测 短语翻译1的原因 2.向某人传达或传递某物 3.从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 4.(多用于被动)构成 5.试验, 考验, 6.发出, 泄露7.用完,耗尽 8.尤其,特别 9.把A变成B10.童谣 11.毫无疑问 12.化石燃料13.疾病传播 14.物种灭绝 15.导致Key: 1.the reason wh

8、y 2.convey sth to sb 3.take it easy 4.make up of 5.try out 6. Let out 7. run out of 8.in particular 9.transform A to B 10.nursery rhyme 11.there is no doubt 12. fossil fuel 13.the spread of diseases 14.the disappearance of species 15.result in设计意图:Get some information from text.5小结设计意图:回顾和总结一些重要的知识点

9、在本节课中的应用。师生活动:在学生回顾与总结的基础上,教师有意识地引导学生体会听说读写应用过程中所蕴含的教学思想。配餐作业一、基础题(A组题)选词填空(用所给单词或者是词组的正确形式填空)Cottage; run out of; nursery; thyme; minimum; convey; contradictory, pattern; translation; formWhen I was a baby, my mother used to read me thymes. I loved to their meaning and the way that the words at the

10、 end of the lines. When I grew older, I was introduced to other of poetry. Many of them also had a strong which was repeated. The forms I liked best their meaning by using the bare of words. Some of these forms came from Asia ( like the haiku) and some of these were from their original language.When

11、 I new poems to read and enjoy, I would go to the library for some more. The librarian was a friend of my mother, and she would put poetry books on one side for me. In fact, my family loved reading so much that we keep buying books. Now the living room of our is full of books.Key: nursery; contradic

12、tory; pattern; form; thyme; conveyed; minimum; translations; run out of; cottage.设计意图:复习生词估计完成时间 10 分钟)二、巩固题(B组题)根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1, The whole country mourned the death in Wencuan earthquake in great_. It was unbearable to see the _ eyes of the mourning people.(sorrow) 2, In order to bring in

13、advanced thought of education from foreign country, he decided to be a _ and has _ hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far. His _of some great works is popular among teachers.(translate) 3, he customer rushed into the managers office _ and required a refund. To his great_, the manager not

14、 only refused to do so but also called the security guards.(angry) 4, -How did the film you saw yesterday _?-Oh, it had a happy_. The boy killed the monster and saved all his family in the _.(ending) Keys: 1) sorrow; sorrowful 2) translator; translated; translation 3) angrily; anger 4) end; ending;

15、end设计意图:.提高学生灵活掌握不同词性的用法(估计完成时间10分钟)三、提高题(C组题)IS IT TIME TO GET MP3?Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC (personal computer) if theyre in the MP3 format.What is it?MP3 compresses music into small computer friendly files. You access MP3 music sever



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